I can never recall, do any abilities actually say "radius"? Because I remember seeing something that was like a 3 meter radius, but it was super tiny. As if they got radius vs diameter confused. But when I went to look at my aoe skills I didn't see anything with thr word radius. I don't recall where I saw it. I think if they actually meant radius when they say it though then the abilities would be nicely sized
I can never recall, do any abilities actually say "radius"? Because I remember seeing something that was like a 3 meter radius, but it was super tiny. As if they got radius vs diameter confused. But when I went to look at my aoe skills I didn't see anything with thr word radius. I don't recall where I saw it. I think if they actually meant radius when they say it though then the abilities would be nicely sized
Necrotech_Master wrote: »most things that have an aoe usually specify a radius
ItsNotLiving wrote: »They need to standardize all skills centered around the player to be 7m since the new melee range is 7m after u41. Skills like Arctic Blast and Deadly Cloak now have a shorter range than Dizzing Swing and Arterial Burst which is super silly.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »They need to standardize all skills centered around the player to be 7m since the new melee range is 7m after u41. Skills like Arctic Blast and Deadly Cloak now have a shorter range than Dizzing Swing and Arterial Burst which is super silly.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
Not to mention the terrible 2s tick frequency. AOE Self Applied DOTs not only have terrible range, but they also have terrible status effect chance (1%).
AOE Enemy Target Applied DOTS behave as single target and stick (3%), so the 2s tick rate and AOE size don't generally matter all that much.
Hurricane/Boundless Storm became even more unreliable than they already were with that change to tick frequency, the 7m melee range was a nail in the coffin. Makes me sad.
There should really be a standard introduced that is something like:
- Tick frequency = Every 1s instead of every 2s so hit detection is measured properly.
- Radius = 7m instead of 5m so melee enemies can't avoid the damage while still hitting you in that 2m ring.
- Damage over 20s = 20-30% more than single target DOTs to warrant the risk of having to be on your target constantly.
Turtle_Bot wrote: »
These should definitely be the base standards for AoE DoTs that stick to the caster.
I'd probably add to increase the status proc chance to be the same as single target sticky DoT (3% base) or AoE direct (5% base) since these abilities require the caster putting themselves at risk to keep the damage ticking already.
Turtle_Bot wrote: »
Add Lightning form and morphs to that list as well.
Hurricane is useful after about 4 seconds thanks to the increase to its radius as it ticks, but boundless (mag morph) sits at 5m the whole time doing basically no damage unless you walk right on-top of the enemy and they don't move away.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
Try 8s lol. They're so much worse than you think.
5m radius = 20 - 12.1s = 3 ticks (18, 16, 14)
7m radius = 12 - 6.1s = 3 ticks (12, 10, 8)
9m radius = 6 - 0s = 4 ticks (6, 4, 2, 0)
Hurricane/Boundless Storm also don't tick on cast/refresh, despite other skills in the same category all setting a standard that they should. I've tested Deadly Cloak, Solar Barrage, Arctic Blast, and Blood Mist, all of them tick on refresh.
Dead cast. YAY!
I've also done tests of walking/sprinting past a dummy and there is enough time in that 2s window to basically never hit the dummy, it's hilariously bad. The ticks are hard locked to the abilities 2s intervals so it's not like it automatically fires the moment someone steps in it. You can actually time exactly when to enter/exit to not take any damage. Although that will never happen, it's a testament to how RNG dependent these skills are.