Can we get an update on the bans from last Wednesday? It's been a week.

Hello. I understand that investigations take time, but it's been almost a week of overwhelming silence and the only response I managed to get advised to basically sit tight for who knows how long and wait for a decision. "Several days or even weeks" is not any sort of estimate. Should I consider myself banned for good? Should I keep hoping for reinstatement (that hope honestly wanes with each passing day of silence)? All of my plans regarding this game have been placed on hold (I'm a raid leader and moderator in a EU guild and I have my own prog aside from casual one-off raids), and it's infuriating to be unable to definitively resolve them.

I know I'm not the only one waiting. Please, we need an update.

Ticket number 240221-002708. Thank you!

@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_Bill

*edited for grammar
Edited by supersonic_kitten on February 27, 2024 4:07PM
  • merpins
    If the ban was due to the event dupe, and you abused the dupe intentionally, then you'll probably either stay banned or have a good stint of being banned. This is a common occurrence in ESO: a dupe pops up, and people abuse the dupe, and get banned. Whether you were duping the nirncrux, or just transmutes for personal use, that doesn't matter. It's still a dupe, and the devs of the game have been very clear since launch that abusing exploits will get you banned (usually permanently).

    If you just got caught up in the wave, or maybe did the dupe once or twice unintentionally when the event first started and didn't know until later that it was a dupe (understandable, I'm sure there's a number of players in that boat), or it was unrelated to the event, then you probably have nothing to worry about, you'll probably get unbanned eventually along with others that got caught up in it.

    Only you know what you did and didn't do. Based on what I said, you can probably make plans on how to go forward.
    Edited by merpins on February 27, 2024 4:16PM
  • supersonic_kitten
    I'd prefer not to speculate, but get a definitive answer from ZOS themselves. It's not helping.
  • Scrimblobimblito
    In the same, very frustrating boat unfortunetly...

    A week has passed and there was not even a single simple, straight-forward explanation to why I have been suspended. My post on the forums here even got an awnser from the moderators that they'll DM me. Radio silence ever since. Just such a hopeless situation...

    My friends and guilds who relied on me and who bent their free time around me now have to postpone everything and I can only tell them that "I don't know when I'll be back".

    Why ban people and THEN investigate if the ban was correct? When I'm decided to be innocent will there be compensation for all the missing game time, subscription time or missed tickets?

    The ticket id is 240221-002783 , if it helps anyone.
  • Silly2202
    it is indeed very frustrating that those who are banned or suspended dont get any info at all. im not one of those people but i have verry good friends who are suspended. I play video games with Friends for a reason, and if i cant play with them then what is the point of playing games at all.

    Pls Zos give us and most of all those whe are suspended some info.
  • ZOS_Bill

    We've reached out via forum PM to provide an update on your ticket.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • supersonic_kitten
    ZOS_Bill wrote: »

    We've reached out via forum PM to provide an update on your ticket.

    Thank you.
  • mohfreak14nub18_ESO
    Hi, I too am not receiving a response. I had well over 70 reconstruction weapons before the event started which far exceeds the amount that I gained and theoretically didn’t even duplicate any crystals I was just destroying weapons I already had.

    @supersonic_kitten what was your response in forum PM ?

    And @zos_bill please can you look into mine? Or anybody else
    @zos_Kevin @zos_phoenix

  • jaws343

    Why ban people and THEN investigate if the ban was correct? .

    Logically, you ban first, then investigate, because if they in fact were exploiting the game, why would you want to let them continue exploiting the game while you investigate them. Just like you arrest someone before a trial. Your evidence leads to an arrest, and the trial leads to either continued punishment or release.

    And, depending on the volume of people performing the exploit, and the available man-power necessary to investigate all of the accounts in question, there is a ton of potential time players performing exploits could go unchecked.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Please check your forum inbox for an update regarding your ticket.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Kavreiss
    That was certainly an awesome banning event. People groveling to be unbanned too.

  • supersonic_kitten
    That was certainly an awesome banning event. People groveling to be unbanned too.


    Problem is, we don't even know if we are actually getting banned or not, otherwise we could take action and appeal and go on with our lives. We are "suspended pending investigation". With all the implications that entails.
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