Hello. I understand that investigations take time, but it's been almost a week of overwhelming silence and the only response I managed to get advised to basically sit tight for who knows how long and wait for a decision. "Several days or even weeks" is not any sort of estimate. Should I consider myself banned for good? Should I keep hoping for reinstatement (that hope honestly wanes with each passing day of silence)? All of my plans regarding this game have been placed on hold (I'm a raid leader and moderator in a EU guild and I have my own prog aside from casual one-off raids), and it's infuriating to be unable to definitively resolve them.
I know I'm not the only one waiting. Please, we need an update.
Ticket number 240221-002708. Thank you!
@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_Bill
*edited for grammar
Edited by supersonic_kitten on February 27, 2024 4:07PM