how do I fight yolnakriin in ESO Endless Archive?
Gemini (alt to Chat Gpt anwsers)
Yolnakriin, the final boss in the Endless Archive, can be quite a challenge! Here's a breakdown of the fight and some tips to help you conquer it:
Encounter Overview:
Phase 1: You fight Yolnakriin alongside a friendly Clockwork Atronach.
Phase 2: After Yolnakriin reaches low health, the Atronach disappears, and Tho'at Prime spawns.
Phase 3: Defeat Tho'at Prime while dodging Yolnakriin's attacks.
Yolnakriin's Key Attacks:
Wing Slaps: These powerful swipes can knock you off the platform, so dodge or block them carefully.
Laser Beams: These deal high damage and gain intensity with each hit, so avoid them whenever possible.
Mirror Shield: This shield reflects your attacks, making direct damage ineffective. Look for cracks and shatter it or dodge the reflected projectiles.
Eye Beam: This beam targets one player and deals high damage, so dodge or shield it.
Tentacles: These erupt from the ground, dealing damage and knocking you back. Stay mobile and avoid them.
Tips for Success:
Focus on Tho'at Prime in Phase 2: His "Seeking Spheres" attack needs interrupting, otherwise, it deals increasing damage.
Prioritize dodging over blocking: Many attacks are unblockable, so focus on maneuvering and avoiding them.
Use ranged attacks when Yolnakriin has the Mirror Shield: Avoid direct damage and focus on ranged options.
Stay mobile and aware of your surroundings: The platform is small, so watch out for knockbacks and environmental hazards.
Consider using a tankier build: This can help you survive Yolnakriin's powerful attacks.
Use ultimate abilities strategically: Pop them during bursts of damage or when you need a quick heal.
Additional Resources:
Endless Archive boss mechanics guide:
Need advice for Endless Archive Solo:
Remember, practice makes perfect! Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed on your first try. Analyze your mistakes, adjust your strategy, and keep at it. Good luck defeating Yolnakriin!
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