Endless Archive, do companions count as a pet?

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In regards to the verse that gives increases pet damage 25 percent. I'd think not but not sure.
  • Necrotech_Master
    i dont think so (though i havent tested to be sure, its rare i run in the archive without another person)

    though the companions do receive a copy of all of the visions you select, and are generally much hardier and nearly unkillable with the exception of only a few bosses
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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