howdy folks,
as a PvP-er this is the main issue i have in this game. it also tells me (and everyone) that devs don't play PvP. 'cause if i was a developer of a game and had to deal with this i'd have fixed it long time ago. let's imagine a scenario -
you see a fight going on at Chalman. great. you port to Bleaker's and ride to battle. when you get to Chalman you do some fighting and then you get killed. happens. "no worries", you think. i'll just respawn at Bleaker's and go back. so you do. respawn at Bleaker's. but when you want to mount up the game tells you you can't, 'cause you're in combat. even though you have died and respawned at a different location. so you start running towards Chalman spamming the "H" button. and by the time you have ran all the way you still can't mount. you engage in fighting again, you die and this scenario repeats itself.
now, my mother always told me that if i complain about a problem i should try to find a solution. so here it is - if you die combat ends. no matter if you had any negative (or positive) effects running on you or applied to an enemy. if you've applied, say, Elemental Susceptibility to an enemy it goes away when you die. or if you've had any HoTs running on you, those go away as well. basically death should mean automatic and immediate end of combat. it is NOT fun running all the time in Cyrodiil..
Edited by mzprx on February 24, 2024 9:27AM