Game acts like I just installed the game no matter what

Soul Shriven
So I have been dealing with this weird issue for about two months now. One day my game closed, and when I reopened it, it acted like I never played it again, making me accept the TOS and everything. Now I was able to reinstall all of my add-ons the first time it happened with no problem, but then it happened again and I have been unable to do it since. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, messing with the user settings (And I don't even know which folder is the real one since it is both in where my Steam games get installed and in program data), repairing via the launcher and even just tried playing it for a while with no add ons. Nothing I do seems to work, and I have to do everything over again any time I want to play the game. I gave it a break for a month or so thinking maybe it was an issue with a recent update, but now it is apparent something is wrong on my end and I do not know what it is. I would submit a ticket, but I am not sure what category this falls under.
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