I like the theme of the necro, but I really think a big rework is very much needed. First, I think they should be the highest aoe class. How so? They should be able to raise or gain power with the dead. More dead, more power. As it is, nothing scales very well and nothing is very easy to use. Tethering in a fast moving, fast paced game is something that should be avoided, unless it's tethering from castor to enemy and NOT target dead bodies. I think that necro needs ability to RAISE THE DEAD. Blastbones, is ok, but there should be more. Example, graveyard should either on synergy OR on cast OR if enemies die in it, produce a zombie from each (up to to maybe 3). The tether skills need to be dropped. Instead, it should be a raise an angry ghost who will fight for you for x seconds doing x oblivion damage. For the other tether, replace with something like animated the dead to create a zombie who will attack nearby enemies doing x bleed damage. Because those skills had recovery in them, just put, when ghost leaves the realm, gain x stam or x magicka as 2 different morphs. For the zombie, when the zombie dies it's rotting corpse does x disease damage in the area for x seconds. I KNOW that this will tax the server some, so using NON-interactable ghosts or similar for some of this is a good idea. Another idea is to have a skill that you can target dead bodies to make rotting corpses on the ground as aoe disease or do aoe as a heal. The tethers just suck, IMO. There needs to be more interaction that can either move or do damage around the dead bodies, not force you to run around the enemies trying to get the tethers to actually do damage. Also, any of these aoe's need to be at least 6meters because it's going to be hard to get bodies near enemies. Again, I know this isn't something dev's can just bust out in a couple weeks, BUT a rework would REALLY make the class stand out AND get a lot more people interested in playing necro again. Might also think about adding major sorcery/brutality to one of them and potentially major or even minor prophecy into one as well.