That goes the other way as well... PvPers should have to work for their kills against PvPers, not get PvE players dangled in front of them for easy kills.Well people want free *** and if its not free they want it to be easy.
And if its not easy they wanna be able to buy it.
And i guess people like to complain in general.
Some people just lack the understanding that in order to achieve something you have to work for it.
Drammanoth wrote: »A disclaimer - I play PvE mostly, but I do not shy away from PvP when I go with my guildies.
Why are people so terrified of PvP? Is it because they've never experienced it? Are they terrified they will become cannon fodder? Are they afraid of being insta-killed? Do they expect to always win? Do they not have anyone to go to Cyro with?
When I see this drama about ZOS making us kill 15 players, or 7 WB in IC, OR doing a PvE by doing 4 trials, I'm baffled...
I went with my necro-heal lizard, was there for 15-30 minutes, died several times and after completing the endeavour.
Now, a request for PvP-loving folks: what can you say to those PvEers who freeze at the very thought of PvE? (yes, this is a hyperbole)
Drammanoth wrote: »A disclaimer - I play PvE mostly, but I do not shy away from PvP when I go with my guildies.
Why are people so terrified of PvP? Is it because they've never experienced it? Are they terrified they will become cannon fodder? Are they afraid of being insta-killed? Do they expect to always win? Do they not have anyone to go to Cyro with?
When I see this drama about ZOS making us kill 15 players, or 7 WB in IC, OR doing a PvE by doing 4 trials, I'm baffled...
I went with my necro-heal lizard, was there for 15-30 minutes, died several times and after completing the endeavour.
Now, a request for PvP-loving folks: what can you say to those PvEers who freeze at the very thought of PvE? (yes, this is a hyperbole)
Drammanoth wrote: »
Now, a request for PvP-loving folks: what can you say to those PvEers who freeze at the very thought of PvE? (yes, this is a hyperbole)
Veryamedliel wrote: »First, ZoS clearly never gave a flying monkey about PvP, other than offering the option. 3 battlegrounds maps and 2 'open world maps' in 10 years of existing? That alone says ZoS doesn't care even a little bit about PvP players. What makes people think this is a good game to PvP in?
I don't see the relevance. There are also people that used to work on ESO and now work on Starfield. That has no PVP element. So why is this relevant?Huh? ESO was developed by some of the folks who worked on DAoC (an older tri-faction PVP-heavy MMO, if you’re unfamiliar).
That merely shows how bad their research was before they designed ESO, but that's all water under the bridge now. Even so, what has ESO done for PvP since except keeping it alive and ruining gear sets that should have been fun to experiment with? Nothing, zilch, nada. And I honestly don't blame them. As you say, this game is more designed as a what you call “Skyrim or Oblivion with friends” game, which obviously attracts the RPG crowd much more than it should attract any PvP crowd. It's no surprise there's little interest in PvP. It's not what people want, expect or care about. Yet you are all still here.PVP was a core part of ESO’s design, and the devs hyped it up significantly around release. The problem is that the devs tried to recreate DAoC’s PVP system within the Elder Scrolls franchise, and I guess they underestimated how many Elder Scrolls fans just wanted “Skyrim or Oblivion with friends.” ZOS gave MANY “flying monkeys” about PVP — a lot of the players didn’t, and they shifted focus accordingly.
I'm glad you are still enjoying it for what it's worth. I have no hatred of any kind towards PvP personally. I've been on both sides of the fence and can appreciate both to some extend. But you have to admit it's kinda weird that the PvP crowd is still here when it's clearly not getting the love and attention it needs if it wants to be successful, isn't it?Those of us who enjoy PVP in ESO have enjoyed it in other games, like DAoC. Cyrodiil was amazing, especially in the early days when the population caps were higher and performance was better. It’s still fun today, IMO, and I still engage in it, but it’s a shadow of its former self. I wish it was like it was in the old days, when the pop cap was 600 per faction.
Veryamedliel wrote: »I can think of at least 5 games (including MMO's) where PvP is better managed than ZoS ever will for ESO. It's not that I blame ZoS for that. They are much better at telling stories. Why bother if there's so much better to be had for PvP players?
So I get a lot of people don't care for pvp. That's fine. But I do find it a bit odd that some people like to say they find it high stakes or stressful or not relaxing. Honestly, I like to just put on some good music and vibe along with the situations as they come. I won't say it's *always* stress free but a lot of the time i'm kinda just chilling as i help my teammates out in some big fights. I'm willing to bet i'm not unusual in this regard. Probably most pvpers are so accustomed to it that they just sort of zone out and vibe with the fights as they come. And just because something is a challenge doesn't mean it can't also be fun or relaxing. I spend a lot of time during my day at work doing challenging stuff but honestly i find most of it to be the best part of the day and its pretty easy to get in the zone and just chill while working. It's the meetings where i sit around waiting for everyone to talk about stuff that has nothing to do with anyone else's work and then its my turn to talk about my thing that will inevitably bore someone else to sleep that is the most stressful to me hahaha
Veryamedliel wrote: »I don't see the relevance. There are also people that used to work on ESO and now work on Starfield. That has no PVP element. So why is this relevant?Huh? ESO was developed by some of the folks who worked on DAoC (an older tri-faction PVP-heavy MMO, if you’re unfamiliar).That merely shows how bad their research was before they designed ESO, but that's all water under the bridge now. Even so, what has ESO done for PvP since except keeping it alive and ruining gear sets that should have been fun to experiment with? Nothing, zilch, nada. And I honestly don't blame them. As you say, this game is more designed as a what you call “Skyrim or Oblivion with friends” game, which obviously attracts the RPG crowd much more than it should attract any PvP crowd. It's no surprise there's little interest in PvP. It's not what people want, expect or care about. Yet you are all still here.PVP was a core part of ESO’s design, and the devs hyped it up significantly around release. The problem is that the devs tried to recreate DAoC’s PVP system within the Elder Scrolls franchise, and I guess they underestimated how many Elder Scrolls fans just wanted “Skyrim or Oblivion with friends.” ZOS gave MANY “flying monkeys” about PVP — a lot of the players didn’t, and they shifted focus accordingly.I'm glad you are still enjoying it for what it's worth. I have no hatred of any kind towards PvP personally. I've been on both sides of the fence and can appreciate both to some extend. But you have to admit it's kinda weird that the PvP crowd is still here when it's clearly not getting the love and attention it needs if it wants to be successful, isn't it?Those of us who enjoy PVP in ESO have enjoyed it in other games, like DAoC. Cyrodiil was amazing, especially in the early days when the population caps were higher and performance was better. It’s still fun today, IMO, and I still engage in it, but it’s a shadow of its former self. I wish it was like it was in the old days, when the pop cap was 600 per faction.
And this is exactly why I returned the question in the first place. It's not about fear of either PvP or PvE. It's just that rarely the 2 work well in the same game and get cared for equally. Why stay if the game clearly does not and probably never will make serious improvements towards PvP other than keeping it playable? Again, I understand ESO's decision, but why to people stick around and -almost- demand improvements when they are (or should be) fully aware their chances are about as high as the chances of ZoS introducing class change tokens?
Surely there are better games where the PvP folks are more welcome and more catered to? It's not that I want you gone or anything. To each his/her own. I'm just wondering what makes people stay to play something that's clearly not valued or cared for enough by the publisher.
Shara_Wynn wrote: »So I get a lot of people don't care for pvp. That's fine. But I do find it a bit odd that some people like to say they find it high stakes or stressful or not relaxing. Honestly, I like to just put on some good music and vibe along with the situations as they come. I won't say it's *always* stress free but a lot of the time i'm kinda just chilling as i help my teammates out in some big fights. I'm willing to bet i'm not unusual in this regard. Probably most pvpers are so accustomed to it that they just sort of zone out and vibe with the fights as they come. And just because something is a challenge doesn't mean it can't also be fun or relaxing. I spend a lot of time during my day at work doing challenging stuff but honestly i find most of it to be the best part of the day and its pretty easy to get in the zone and just chill while working. It's the meetings where i sit around waiting for everyone to talk about stuff that has nothing to do with anyone else's work and then its my turn to talk about my thing that will inevitably bore someone else to sleep that is the most stressful to me hahaha
I spend all day at work doing challenging, stressful things. That is my limit for the day. My brain is quite literally 'frazzled' by the end of my shift. I am often goo goo gaa gaa and can barely even function enough to do my daily crafting writs and endeavors sometimes. As for stress hormones, there is only so much I can take in a 24 hour period.
So for me it is a noI really don't need anymore 'challenge' for that day. I love my job, but boy is it all encompassing.
Also not everyone likes the same things. If you like something, you will enjoy doing it. If you don't, then you won't.
Pity that inspiration alone isn't quite sufficient to make something work, otherwise I'd be spending all of my ESO playtime in Cyro.I also remember that enthusiasm dying off real quick at launch. DAoC players mostly looked at Rift and Warhammer online in search of a spiritual successor. That didn't happen either but both games had a distinctive DAoC feel to them due to the combat systems. ESO's combat system on the other hand is not at all compatible with a DAoC-like RvR playstyle. But I digress, my point being that ESO's PvP environment and DAoC are nothing alike, except for the foundational concept of having keeps to capture and relics to steal in a XvXvX setting. Foundations alone do not result in the same building.The DAoC connection is relevant because ESO’s PVP is heavily inspired by it.
I have DAoC as a benchmark. I can't force myself into Cyro and pretend it's up to those standards because it simply isn't. I'm not terrified by it, I'm horrified by it, despite having a couple of PvP toons.Pity that inspiration alone isn't quite sufficient to make something work, otherwise I'd be spending all of my ESO playtime in Cyro.I also remember that enthusiasm dying off real quick at launch. DAoC players mostly looked at Rift and Warhammer online in search of a spiritual successor. That didn't happen either but both games had a distinctive DAoC feel to them due to the combat systems. ESO's combat system on the other hand is not at all compatible with a DAoC-like RvR playstyle. But I digress, my point being that ESO's PvP environment and DAoC are nothing alike, except for the foundational concept of having keeps to capture and relics to steal in a XvXvX setting. Foundations alone do not result in the same building.The DAoC connection is relevant because ESO’s PVP is heavily inspired by it.