Just starting pvp

Got some questions if anyone can help answer
Been going to cyrodiil lately and heard about the war tort recipe aparantly replace plant nodes but cannot find the recipe anywhere in cyrodiil I can't afford to buy at guilds is there a better way to farm this recipe?
  • biminirwb17_ESO
    The recipe is a rare drop, you may be lucky and find one in the less travelled areas of Cyrodiil but there is no real way to farm it.

    The green glow is easy to spot - good luck in finding one,
  • JustLovely
    This recipe can be hard to find, or you can get lucky and stumble onto it in a few minutes. If you're trying to farm for it, I'd say go to one of the unpopulated camps and go to the swampy area in the southwest of Cyrodiil and just start farming resource nodes. Most people can find a copy in less than an hour, and it usually takes less time than that.

    You might want to wait until the MYM event is over, or there might be one of the campaigns created just for the event has low population. Just have to see.

    Also, you can buy the pre-made food at vendors fairly inexpensively. Maybe not so inexpensive during the event though because a lot of people might be buying it up already in preparation for the event.
  • nebula3832
    Thank you so much guys for info will try those suggestions ❤
  • JustLovely
    I forgot to mention, to craft this food you will need cyrodiil citrus, which can only be obtained by completing cyrodiil dailies or buying it from a vendor. So even if you have the recipe, crafting the food requires another item you might have to farm or buy. Your best bet might be, for now anyway, to buy some premade colovian torte from a vendor.
    Edited by JustLovely on February 21, 2024 11:09AM
  • nebula3832
    Thankyou justlovely really appreciate your reply im getting the hang off cyrodiil pvp so still fairly new to it so far the scouting daily is pretty easy and now working on other daily quest so hopefully with more practice will hopefully start stockpiling ingredients
    Will definitely look into guilds for the potion in the meantime 🙂
  • JustLovely
    nebula3832 wrote: »
    Thankyou justlovely really appreciate your reply im getting the hang off cyrodiil pvp so still fairly new to it so far the scouting daily is pretty easy and now working on other daily quest so hopefully with more practice will hopefully start stockpiling ingredients
    Will definitely look into guilds for the potion in the meantime 🙂

    Thank you.

    I should have been a bit more specific probably. The cyrodiil citrus is obtained by doing the town dailies, not the dailies from the quest boards. That means the daily quests available in Vlastrus, Bruma and Cropsford. There are two quest givers in each town, each with 5 or 6 short, easy quests. During the event you will see lots of people farming these quests in the towns, so it will be a good time to do them. Safety in numbers and all that. Don't get discouraged if you get ganked, and if you see a player of another faction while you're at it, don't attack them. They're probably just farming the quests too and not looking for a fight.

    Edited by JustLovely on February 21, 2024 11:50AM
  • xiphactinus
    I found 3 war torte recipes the first week of pvp in U50's. I have never found another, This was 3 years ago. Best of luck!
  • nebula3832
    Thanks again justloveley your owesome ❤
    Really appreciate the info
  • loosej
    I'd also suggest buying the torte from traders at first, and the recipe later once you can afford it, that's how I did it at least.

    As a sidenote, if you're going to Cyrodiil searching for the recipe, the best way to do so is going to a near empty campaign. The recipe spawns instead of resource nodes, but you need to harvest those nodes in order for new ones to spawn. So design yourself a route that circles back to the start, long enough for resources to respawn by the time you get back, and gather every node on that route.
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