@ZOS_Kevin and other ZOS folks - would you consider adding some short, one sentence message to the loading screen set of messages? Examples:
1) "On the day of maintenace, think what you can do - socialise, spend time with family, read books, complete your work. When you finish, Tamriel will await you!"
2) "Odaviing, a dragon from the future will once say: "
It is wise to recognize when you only have one choice. Choose and plan how to spend your time during maintenance. And then - return to Tamriel."
3) "Give us a break, we need to recuperate after all the evil you've done to us.
with regard,
--villains of Tamriel"
4) "Even a warrior's sword needs a break, or else it will break. When maintenance is on, see what elese is there to be mended."
5) "Even a ranger's bow needs to be put away, and stop being tensed for a moment. When maintenance is on, see what elese is there that requires precises shots."
6) "Even a mage's spells may fail if the mage is not well rested. When maintenance is on, see what elese is there that may fail - so that you don't fail."
Let those messages sink in, let them be inculcated. This may be more important to people who got slightly addicted to ESO. And you, ZOS folks, need to do your own job, so maybe this will help you as well as the playerbase.
"What say you?"
--Hermie to Dovahkiin in Septimus Signus' Outpost