Just saw the weekly endeavor. Two PVP areas, and Trials. Three things I cannot do. I wish I could do trials, but it would be unfair to other players, with my health issues, so that's out. I mainly can play PvE, and so I do. The other two? When you have ZERO PvP gear? Good luck. You go in, get wiped out by other players, have anything you've earned, just trying to survive taken from you, and spend your time dead, more than anything else. Great Fun. So, another week of no Endeavors, and losing what? 5k Tel Var stones? Awesome.
But this goes along with this so-called "Event", that is one I actually looked forward to when I heard about it, but turned into an absolute joke. My "take" on one account so far? 1 Alchemy Write for 10, which is normally only worth 5. I've seen ZERO boost to any drops from turning in my crafting- a gold or purple here or there, exactly what I normally get. 7 platinum ingots when doing jewelry, that's what we normally get. I do it everyday, on 3 toons on that one.
I had things I wanted to transmute, but apparently, those who live for exploits to the game found one, got TONS of extra Transmute crystals, so those things I wanted to upgrade for 1/2 the cost of 25 Transmute crystals? Nope, gone, because I didn't exploit the game- Bad "RNG" I guess, may as well just dump it in with that. See, if a player has 'Bad RNG"? Well, that's just there problem, no one else cares- They make EVERYTHING ELSE in the game equal, to include RIPPING THE SOUL outta Bosmer, you know, their innate, natural steal ability, because some PVP players got annihilated by them, whined for a few years, and got it changed somehow, but if you have "Bad RNG"? Well, just because you pay for ESO Plus, bought the game? Why, that's all on ME, right? That's all MY Fault- so I have to play the game at a disadvantage to everyone else, because, "Bad RNG".
What they told me, when I asked why I refined 4k raw silk, and got only ONE gold drop? Then when it happened again, but this time on 5k platinum dust? ALL on video, (Which they refused to look at, or give me a place to send it to)? "Oh, relax! One day? It will all even out! Then, when it didn't, and I DARED to ask again why this was continually happening to me? "Bad RNG, Mate!". It's been over 8 YEARS. It never has "evened out". [snip]
But at least I'll have my exact post to give an attorney, if/when this happens. Because all of this is WRONG. INSANELY, WRONG.
Why is there an Endeavor weekly that benefits PvP ONLY, or those who CAN do trials, which take being in large groups, for large, fun dungeons, that many people either can't do, or don't enjoy doing? PvP? Can EASILY switch to PvE, without even changing gear. It doesn't work the other way around. you don't have the gear for there? You're gonna die unless, once again, you have a group to carry you through. I don't like being carried by others, either. If I can't pull my weight, know my job, have the right gear, or, as in my case, have to run off to be sick all the time? Then, in MY MIND, I have no business forcing MY problems, onto others.
Anyway, most people won't even bother reading all of this, (I'll get attacked for such a long post, as well, because, you know, "reading!"). I just really don't care. I have issues, this is a forum, I will post, come what may.
I've violated absolutely nothing. I've related my experience in the game, and truth. Probably lose another, "star". That's ok, you can take them all, I'm beyond caring.
If you're going to destroy the game by making crafting basically worthless, and just making it so EVERYONE can do that, as has been done by stripping all individuality and specialness from Race, Class, etc? The very least you could do is make the weekly endeavors FAIR FOR ALL, so that those of us who are disabled may enjoy doing them, too.
[edited for bashing & discussing disciplinary actions]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 19, 2024 7:47PM