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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
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How is this Fair, ESO?

Just saw the weekly endeavor. Two PVP areas, and Trials. Three things I cannot do. I wish I could do trials, but it would be unfair to other players, with my health issues, so that's out. I mainly can play PvE, and so I do. The other two? When you have ZERO PvP gear? Good luck. You go in, get wiped out by other players, have anything you've earned, just trying to survive taken from you, and spend your time dead, more than anything else. Great Fun. So, another week of no Endeavors, and losing what? 5k Tel Var stones? Awesome.

But this goes along with this so-called "Event", that is one I actually looked forward to when I heard about it, but turned into an absolute joke. My "take" on one account so far? 1 Alchemy Write for 10, which is normally only worth 5. I've seen ZERO boost to any drops from turning in my crafting- a gold or purple here or there, exactly what I normally get. 7 platinum ingots when doing jewelry, that's what we normally get. I do it everyday, on 3 toons on that one.

I had things I wanted to transmute, but apparently, those who live for exploits to the game found one, got TONS of extra Transmute crystals, so those things I wanted to upgrade for 1/2 the cost of 25 Transmute crystals? Nope, gone, because I didn't exploit the game- Bad "RNG" I guess, may as well just dump it in with that. See, if a player has 'Bad RNG"? Well, that's just there problem, no one else cares- They make EVERYTHING ELSE in the game equal, to include RIPPING THE SOUL outta Bosmer, you know, their innate, natural steal ability, because some PVP players got annihilated by them, whined for a few years, and got it changed somehow, but if you have "Bad RNG"? Well, just because you pay for ESO Plus, bought the game? Why, that's all on ME, right? That's all MY Fault- so I have to play the game at a disadvantage to everyone else, because, "Bad RNG".

What they told me, when I asked why I refined 4k raw silk, and got only ONE gold drop? Then when it happened again, but this time on 5k platinum dust? ALL on video, (Which they refused to look at, or give me a place to send it to)? "Oh, relax! One day? It will all even out! Then, when it didn't, and I DARED to ask again why this was continually happening to me? "Bad RNG, Mate!". It's been over 8 YEARS. It never has "evened out". [snip]


But at least I'll have my exact post to give an attorney, if/when this happens. Because all of this is WRONG. INSANELY, WRONG.

Why is there an Endeavor weekly that benefits PvP ONLY, or those who CAN do trials, which take being in large groups, for large, fun dungeons, that many people either can't do, or don't enjoy doing? PvP? Can EASILY switch to PvE, without even changing gear. It doesn't work the other way around. you don't have the gear for there? You're gonna die unless, once again, you have a group to carry you through. I don't like being carried by others, either. If I can't pull my weight, know my job, have the right gear, or, as in my case, have to run off to be sick all the time? Then, in MY MIND, I have no business forcing MY problems, onto others.

Anyway, most people won't even bother reading all of this, (I'll get attacked for such a long post, as well, because, you know, "reading!"). I just really don't care. I have issues, this is a forum, I will post, come what may.

I've violated absolutely nothing. I've related my experience in the game, and truth. Probably lose another, "star". That's ok, you can take them all, I'm beyond caring.

If you're going to destroy the game by making crafting basically worthless, and just making it so EVERYONE can do that, as has been done by stripping all individuality and specialness from Race, Class, etc? The very least you could do is make the weekly endeavors FAIR FOR ALL, so that those of us who are disabled may enjoy doing them, too.

[edited for bashing & discussing disciplinary actions]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 19, 2024 7:47PM
  • Jierdanit
    Pretty sure the increased Writ rewards only apply to writs that were earned while the event is active.

    Also the endeavors are PvP related, because most likely one of the 2 PvP events a year is going to start later this week.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    you cant pvp?

    are you banned from cyrodiil?
  • colossalvoids
    Chances are too high that no one will notice you being even afk in normal trial run, chose something like ncr or nas and just tag along. If that's a weekly there's probably will be a lot of experienced players who won't mind some people not doing their part.

    PvP wise if you're having a character beyond level 10 you can absolutely get the endeavour. Look at the map to see sieges and fights, move there and try tag as many enemies as possible with skills/LA's, you don't need to land a killing blow. Dying in Cyro have zero consequences, IC would require you to bank your stones first if you're for some reason having them on a character.
  • Kite42

    1) yep, this week's endeavors are not friendly to casuals / non-server country locals. Just ignore them...who really needs seals of endeavor?

    2) yep, event is lame. But not worse than no event, right?

    3) yep, Bosmer passives are poor. So are other races, and they don't matter much, right?

    4) yep, 2 gold drops from 4k and 5k refines sounds well off. I can probably give you a stat analysis if you really want. I probably have enough stuff around to find estimators of mean and variance, then check your findings. Are you sure about your results though?

    5) yep, moderation here is extreme. I replied 'first world problem' to a post once and ate a ban, and still don't really find it offensive from googling it, so I dunno. It's just short for 'this seems like a low priority issue to me' in British English. Whatever.

    But chill, none of your issues are worth get het up about.

  • Ph1p
    I've seen ZERO boost to any drops from turning in my crafting- a gold or purple here or there, exactly what I normally get. 7 platinum ingots when doing jewelry, that's what we normally get. I do it everyday, on 3 toons on that one.
    That's because the event doesn't give a boost to daily crafting rewards. There is an "increased chance of receiving improvement materials [...] when deconstructing equipment of an appropriate rarity".

    No point in commenting on the rest of the post...
  • freespirit
    On the subject of gold materials from refining, I have two accounts that do crafting(my third doesn't)....

    Acount One:- Grandmaster Crafter, 2300-ish CP, Meticulous Disassembly slotted and any and every relevent passive in play. This character definitely evens out on drops over time.

    Account Two:- Very low CP, very few skill points so crafting relevent passives not unlocked, no Meticulous Disassembly(yet). I have experimented but tbh I stopped, as it was immediately very obvious that gold material dops from refining were going to be very rare drops!

    Op is your crafter fully maximising its potential for these drops? 🙂
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Galiferno
    Normal trials are designed to be incredibly easy. No one in Crag pugs will care if you're doing 5k dps in a normal trial. Cyrodiil does not require you to be a sweaty 1vxer to get 15 kills. Literally go to one siege and place down aoes, you'll get 15 kills in a few minutes.

    This is a lack of confidence and/or knowledge of the game on the part of the self-identifying "casuals" complaining about this week's endeavors.
  • moo_2021
    If you do pve in ic, many of us wouldn't attack you so long as you stay away from flags and fights. We would even fight the same monsters togerher.

    Also you could ask for group in the base.
  • RetPing
    Just saw the weekly endeavor. I wish I could do trials, but it would be unfair to other players, with my health issues, so that's out.

    If you join some AA normal run you will be asked only to step on the platform.
    If you wanna contribute with some dps just do heavy attack keeping pressed your mouse button, but really that is not necessary.
    Step on platform so people can advance and you will be good.
    I'm not joking at all.

  • Aurielle
    You absolutely 100% can do normal Craglorn trials. You will not be an impediment to other players. Normal Craglorn trials are some of the easiest content in the game. You do not need a build to complete them. You can do them naked. You can do them with less than 10k DPS on a trial dummy. I cannot emphasize enough how easy these trials are.

    Here's a video of someone who went into it completely blind with a PUG, with no sweaty, twitchy rotation or anything like that.

    And it was done in 20 minutes. Just try it out! You may be pleasantly surprised. :)
    Edited by Aurielle on February 19, 2024 5:57PM
  • tchngmr
    I said it in the other thread (how there are 3 of them when there's a policy against duplicate threads)

    I don't think the OP wants solutions.

    It's part of the trend of the casuals feeling entitled that every single thing, event, endeavor, whatever, should cater to their specific, tiny, niche. The forums have been overrun by threads like this every time they do anything in the game. It's tiring.
  • Aurielle
    tchngmr wrote: »
    I said it in the other thread (how there are 3 of them when there's a policy against duplicate threads)

    I don't think the OP wants solutions.

    It's part of the trend of the casuals feeling entitled that every single thing, event, endeavor, whatever, should cater to their specific, tiny, niche. The forums have been overrun by threads like this every time they do anything in the game. It's tiring.

    I always try to offer helpful solutions, but I'm afraid you might be right. This happens WHENEVER there is anything PVP-related going on in game, and it's honestly so toxic and exhausting to read. When we try to help by pointing out that no, these actually aren't difficult achievements, that they are actually easy achievements that any player at any skill level in this game can do with any gear (with video proof of same!), they stubbornly double down and become even more entrenched in their completely exaggerated opinion.

    People need to actually try something first before throwing their hands up and saying it's "unfair," it's "too hard." How do you know unless you try? Just try! It's a video game! Nothing bad will happen to you. It's a game.
  • sharquez
    WIth all due respect, and you won't want to hear it, but allowing the forums and the game to dictate your mood this much means you may be overindulging and may need to step back and look at what is truly important. ESO is a toy that we all play with together. If you met someone on the street and they soured your mood as much as this game is doing would you want to see them again every day? Certainly not.
    Maybe this post will be lost or the thread locked but you need to honest to goodness take a break for your own sanity. None of this really matters it's just a toy and you can choose to put it down.
  • ZOS_Icy

    With there already being a thread opened on this subject here, we're going to go ahead and close this one down.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.