Inspired by the yearly Secret Santa thread that's made to let people send gifts to other players, this idea popped into my head for Valentine's, or "Heart's Day" in Tamriel, as it is commonly known that not everyone is lucky enough to have a significant other in their life. Many of us spend this day alone, and that has always been one of the biggest tragedies I've witnessed. Everyone deserves to be thought of or cared about, so let's spend this year's Heart's Day attempting to rectify that by volunteering to show our fellow Single Gamers they too are cherished as fellow Adventurers.
In the spirit of the day, just last night I found myself in Hew's Bane, harvesting resource nodes for the Weekly Endeavor when a call went out in Zone. A low level wished for help with a World Boss. I announced I was on my way. During the battle it was just us two, and several times they were struck down with me helping keep the fight going so it wouldn't reset. Near the end I noticed the other player had to run all the way back from the Wayshrine, and after it was over and I was thanked, I decided to send a Mail, mentioning I noticed they had to run back from the Shrine, and I attached 50 Soul Gems, wishing them happy Adventuring.
Let us continue to spread that consideration for our fellow Player around. Even if you don't use this thread to list the thing's you'd like to receive, let it be an inspiration for you to perform a random act of kindness the next time you log in.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!