And what I mean by that, is a mount with lanterns or torches at the front of the mount. Some nights in Tamriel are extremely dark, and having mount lights will help us navigate the darkness.
quite the immersion you want! most people would just turn their gamma up but you want to keep it more real. yes... a Dwarven spider with headlights would work perfectly fine.
Guild master of Darkness of Sanguinaris. Birthday is December 4th.
There are plenty with activated lights. Though they don't illuminate much. Even the explorer personality with the torch doesn't light up much.
You best bet is playing the Almalexia portion of the Deshaan storyline to earn her lamp. It's memento that produces an orbiting light, and it really lights up the place. I used it to great effect in the Lightless Oubliette.
You could hire my Nightblade, just follow my red light.
He has changed job after the introduction of merciless resolve permaglow, form a stealthy assassin to tour guide.