For the Love of Julianos, PLEASE, New Magicka Weapon Type!

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Soul Shriven
It has been 10 years. I prefer magicka-based builds, but using a staff on every character I make is so repetitive and dull by this point. I've done melee weapons and bows, and yes, it's possible, but it's slightly less than ideal, and not particularly thematic, generally speaking. A new class is always great. The new Scribing system looks incredible. BUT 10 YEARS OF STAVES. There is no reason there shouldn't be an additional magicka-based weapon line. It could be a 1-handed weapon with a tome (similar to 1H + Shield), or a spell orb that floats above your character's hand. There has to be something the team could introduce, just to change it up a bit. Yes, the 3 different destruction staff elements add "variety", but they all share essentially the same abilities.
Please, ZOS. PLEASE! New magicka-based weapon type! I beg of you!
Edit: Regarding resource restore.
Edited by Derka on January 29, 2024 3:38PM
  • El_Borracho
    How about a wand and an absurdly long handkerchief.
  • Derka
    Soul Shriven
    How about a wand and an absurdly long handkerchief.

    At this point, I'd be happy with just about anything.
  • Elyu
    Rune + shield for magicka tanking
    Or wand for more utility spells

    Of course hybridization was meant to have diversified weapon type options, but really just halved build variety options, pushing everyone to use perfected maelstrom staff / 2H on backbar and dual daggers frontbar.

    Oh, also something I've mentioned in previous threads:
  • Palumtra
    Arcanist stole the tomes so I guess we don't get that.
    What about Wand and crystal ball (similar to one handed and shield)?
    Or rune sword? Rune whataver? ANYTHING lol
    PCEU - Tank main
  • TheNuminous1
    Let me have a crystal focus omg. Or a glowing big seed. Or flower. Or some totem or fetish, something witchy or spooky, or something arcane and magical.

    You could have JUST as many styles for a magical Foci as we do sets,

    I want a different focus for each style motif pls. Yes. This is the way
  • Avran_Sylt
    The thing about magic is that it really isn't tied to a weapon like it is with martial abilities.

    With scribing I hope they move away from magic being tied to a weapon selection. (And it seems that that is their eventual intent)

    At most (and more plausible than adding a bunch of additional style models for new weapons) we'll see signature foci "2H" designs (chooseable for Destro/Restro) with unique attack animations tailored to skill tags(Aoe/Single Target/ DoT/ Direct Damage/AoE+Direct Damage/Cast time/etc.)

    Not new magic skill line weapons.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on January 31, 2024 12:49AM
  • soelslaev
    I favor rods over wands. Old school Tanakh-style rods wielded by Moses types. Wands are too modern and Harry Potterish. Rods and bejeweled scepters. Like maces for girls. You got the horizontal arm outstretched grip for defense and John McEnroe rage swigs for offensive animations
  • UntilValhalla13
    If they add new weapon types, they'll have to add it to every existing loot pool. You know messing with the "old code" never ends well. XD
  • Derka
    Soul Shriven
    If they add new weapon types, they'll have to add it to every existing loot pool. You know messing with the "old code" never ends well. XD

    Good point, but it makes me sad. Variety is the spice of life/RP, and magicka weapons are severely lacking in that regard.

    Palumtra wrote: »
    Arcanist stole the tomes so I guess we don't get that.
    What about Wand and crystal ball (similar to one handed and shield)?
    Or rune sword? Rune whataver? ANYTHING lol

    A whip. I've always been a fan of whips. They may not make for the most effective weapons irl, but this is fantasy! Imbued with magic, they could create localized explosions where the popper slices the air. *CRACK! CRACK! KABOOM!* I think it would be rather intriguing. :D

    Elyu wrote: »
    Rune + shield for magicka tanking
    Or wand for more utility spells

    Of course hybridization was meant to have diversified weapon type options, but really just halved build variety options, pushing everyone to use perfected maelstrom staff / 2H on backbar and dual daggers frontbar.

    Oh, also something I've mentioned in previous threads:

    The 3 elements having distinct skill lines would certainly help out, a lot. I'd still like something other than a staff, but I'd be happy with any additional variety at this point.
    Edited by Derka on February 2, 2024 11:10PM
  • Faulgor
    I don't really see the point. What do you hope to do that you can't with DW or a 2H weapon? Heavy attacks returning magicka?

    For that, IMO the simplest way would be to add new enchantments, that transform the element of your normal (light, heavy) attacks. That would also give us the ability to have poison (melee) staves.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • UsualSurrender
    Faulgor wrote: »
    I don't really see the point. What do you hope to do that you can't with DW or a 2H weapon? Heavy attacks returning magicka?

    For that, IMO the simplest way would be to add new enchantments, that transform the element of your normal (light, heavy) attacks. That would also give us the ability to have poison (melee) staves.

    Now I want to bonk people's forehead with my staff
  • soelslaev
    Faulgor wrote: »
    I don't really see the point. What do you hope to do that you can't with DW or a 2H weapon?

    The point is for fun. Lots of people enjoy new things and variety.

    As for what I’m hoping, nothing specific. I want a team of designers to think of something that I have not thought of and surprise and delight me with what they have come up with.
  • Sparxlost
    Relax, with spell crafting pretty much every weapon becomes a magic weapon.
    magical bows that shoot healing arrows?? done
    just imagine what else will be coming in the future.. hopefully some magical shield stuff.
  • Elyu
    Sparxlost wrote: »
    Relax, with spell crafting pretty much every weapon becomes a magic weapon.
    magical bows that shoot healing arrows?? done
    just imagine what else will be coming in the future.. hopefully some magical shield stuff.

    Well.....that's the ideal scenario.

    I remain a little sceptical of that outcome without an overhaul of the combat system from the ground up (e.g. your max resource determines whether your light/heavy attacks + class + weapon skills deal martial or magical damage types)

    I guess we'll see....
  • Pixiepumpkin
    New weapon line wont be a thing. Adding the new weapon to every loot pool will need to be accompanied by a weapon skin made for 120+ motifs in game.

    That is a serious labor investment.
    "𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖇𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖊, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘." ― Sotha Sil
  • universal_wrath
    Palumtra wrote: »
    Arcanist stole the tomes so I guess we don't get that.
    What about Wand and crystal ball (similar to one handed and shield)?
    Or rune sword? Rune whataver? ANYTHING lol

    Many NPCs in the game use one hand and magic/rune weapons. It could habe been easily impelemnted to be used by players, and it is nithing new. We could also use gloves/guantlets with each elmental effect including magic (there are outfits of the guantlets already).
  • Zurixadai
    I (and many others) have probably pitched this idea many times, but here it is again:

    Bound Weapons/Conjured Weapons skill line. Casters would get a melee option, which means I might finally make one and stick to it.

    Some of the trouble with an entirely new weapon line would be modeling; as much as I want spears/polearms, they aren't going to go back and add a spear or polearm model to every motif (and sometimes motif tier, in the case of older motifs), every arms pack, every style page, etc, etc. If a hypothetical 'Polearms' skill line added, say, Spears, Halberds, and Warhammers, to sort of fit the Sword/Axe/Mace archetype from other weapon lines, that'd be something like four hundred new models for just motifs alone, before even getting to arms packs and all the rest. Sure, sometimes you can get away with using the 'staff' model for a spear, or at least the base model of a spear before some touch-ups (which is what they did with the Nighthollow "spear" for Templar), but that doesn't always work. And it'd feel cheap regardless.

    With Bound Weapons, they could just use models that are already there, but make them look transparent/glowy, similar to the Gloambound weapons. The idea of a 'melee caster' already suits Dragonknight and Templar exceptionally well, in terms of theme. Caster DK with a Bound Axe coming at you? That's so cool.

    The rest of this idea is just flavor, so imagine it however you want, but: I'd say to avoid making them too similar to martial weapons, have them function a bit differently. Don't have Bound Dual Wield and Bound Two-Handed, etc, and don't use the same idle stances. Maybe have the Bound Weapons fill that corsair/duelist type of power-fantasy--as in, one hand on the weapon, and one hand behind the back. Or, let the off-hand wield some 'energy,' like the old One-Hand and Rune ideas suggest, and that hand does some somatic casting animations for certain abilities. (And for the record, I'd be in favor of One-Hand and Rune as a weapon line as well.) There's a few different ways you could take it and any of them would be neat.

    Gameplay Wishlist:
    -Winterhold [In all of its still-standing, pre-sunken, "rivaling Solitude" glory!]
    -Frost class/skill line [Wardens count!]
    -Unarmed/monk class or skill line
    -Polearms/spears skill line [Aedric Spear counts, but...]
    -Bound Weapons skill line [Casters should have more than sticks, yeah?]
    -More skill lines in general

    Housing Wishlist:
    -Structure pieces, by the thousands! Walls, doors, stairs; everything from every racial/architectural style
    -More functional furniture: doors that open/close, portals to travel throughout one home, etc
    -"Lairs" or something similar: another separate, instanced space inside of a home
    -NPC's: guards and bards, all day
    -The Golden Vendor, but able to be placed in homes [Might help with some excess Cyrodiil traffic, maybe?]
    -The Luxury Furnisher, but also able to be placed in homes [... Look, homes are huge and I'm tired of them being empty]
    -Boat house [Fair Winds absolutely counts!]
    -Boat furnishings in general
    -Respec/redidication shrines
    -Wayshrines [I can just port to a guildmate, I guess, but...]
    -Undaunted pledge billboards/Undaunted NPC's
    -Crafting writ billboards
    -More mount/pet functionality when placed [Pathing counts!]
    -Guild bank/store access
    -Ability to repair gear at home [If traveling merchants in the middle of nowhere can do it, why can't I?]
    -Other, smaller, fun functionality, like farming or mini-games [Tales of Tribute absolutely counts!]

    QoL Wishlist:
    -Text search boxes [Praise Tall Papa, thank you.]
    -Item conversion/transmogrification [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
    -Previewer/dressing room [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
    -Instead of Arms Packs (or in addition to them), just sell me the blasted VFX
    -Gear loadouts [Armory system counts!]
    -Skill loadouts Armory system counts!
    -Cloaks [I know you said no, but I'm not taking it off my list.]
  • Castagere
    The scepter one handed and can be dual weld. And give it an option in one defensive skill line to produce a Bound-type shield For one-handed use.
  • SilverBride
    I'd like a Spellbook as a weapon. It makes more sense than a long stick stuck to our backs.
  • Pixiepumpkin
    I'd like a Spellbook as a weapon. It makes more sense than a long stick stuck to our backs.

    ^ This.

    I have been asking for a spell book (weaving spells) for years now. I was thrilled to see arcanist perform this way with some of the attacks.

    I miss seeing a Tome hanging from my belt like casters can do in WOW.

    A Sceptor would also be nice.
    "𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖇𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖊, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘." ― Sotha Sil
  • phantasmalD
    If they add new weapon types, they'll have to add it to every existing loot pool. You know messing with the "old code" never ends well. XD

    But they are already adding new stuff to old drop tables pretty much every major patch. Like new Antiquities. Or mask styles to dungeons.

    Also, adding new weapon skill lines doesn't mean new weapon models would need to be added.
    Single Handed + X and Unarmed are both unutilized niches with pretty much zero new art asset requirements.
    Faulgor wrote: »
    I don't really see the point. What do you hope to do that you can't with DW or a 2H weapon? Heavy attacks returning magicka?

    The point is fulfilling a visual fantasy.
    This is Fashion Scrolls Online after all, fashion is endgame.

    Some of us just don't like having to lug the staff around all the time.
  • ClowdyAllDay
    i use staves, bows, daggers, axes, battle axes, mauls and 2h swords with my healers. i dont understand the complaint.
  • Duke_Falcon

    I want this weapon skill line for mages. I don't even know what to call it, but when I first started the game I equipped one sword as a Sorcerer and quickly found out that weapon skill line didn't exist. One hand and Spell? What would you guys call it?
    Edited by Duke_Falcon on February 22, 2024 4:32AM
  • Mionikoi
    So hear me out. Canes\scepter. Essentially take each staff and make a one handed version of it. Okay?
    Now invert them.
    Lightning and Restoration throw orbs similar to the Inferno Staff.
    Frost and Inferno have a 'stream' similar to the spells from Skyrim.

    They don't even really have to have the same range as staves. In fact, would it make sense that they don't?
    As for skill lines, I am kinda torn.

    On one hand I want to ask for a minimalist route and just have a functional weapon that might enable the destro\restro line with a shield and duel wielding so long as the character has a 1 hand weapon in the off hand.

    On the other hand, this could lead to several skill lines opening up with a lot of possibilities... And that means more work on the devs, but more things to play with for the players.

    I would be happy with whatever could be added. I am excited to see what scribing will bring.

    However I would be happy with something like unarmed, as it could become a skill line simply by slotting rings in both weapon slots. We can see other NPCs using assets that could be used in such a skill line and using rings would allow the least amount of assets required to be made.

    Maybe it is silly of me to ask something that would hopefully be the least amount of work needed. But I do so hoping it would be something most likely in the realm of considering. That and I would love being able to punch things be an acceptable means of giving something a really bad day. ;3
  • Ugrak
    Mionikoi wrote: »
    However I would be happy with something like unarmed, as it could become a skill line simply by slotting rings in both weapon slots. We can see other NPCs using assets that could be used in such a skill line and using rings would allow the least amount of assets required to be made.

    Maybe it is silly of me to ask something that would hopefully be the least amount of work needed. But I do so hoping it would be something most likely in the realm of considering. That and I would love being able to punch things be an acceptable means of giving something a really bad day. ;3

    For unarmed combat, the simplest suggestion to implement that I've seen so far is to introduce it through arena weapons, and re-using the existing weapon tree skills.

    Then there would be no need for development of motifs beyond perhaps the initial arena weapon; adding it to the game-wide loot table or necessarily any noteworthy ability balancing.

    Each arena weapon set being linked to a weapon tree for the already existing weapons, so that you can use dual wield skills for example, but the animation will be some unarmed version of it, and maybe the weapon passives are disabled and replaced with something equivalent from the arena set being used, as each would be tied to a specific weapon tree.

    This way you have dual wield for fast paced strikes, two handed for a harder fighting style, one hand and shield for a defensive style and I guess bow would be some ninja-like poison dart/shuriken type of thing.

    In a similar vein, the staves would allow for various magic monk themes along the lines of fire, frost, shock and healing.
  • Mionikoi
    Ugrak wrote: »
    Mionikoi wrote: »
    However I would be happy with something like unarmed, as it could become a skill line simply by slotting rings in both weapon slots. We can see other NPCs using assets that could be used in such a skill line and using rings would allow the least amount of assets required to be made.

    Maybe it is silly of me to ask something that would hopefully be the least amount of work needed. But I do so hoping it would be something most likely in the realm of considering. That and I would love being able to punch things be an acceptable means of giving something a really bad day. ;3

    For unarmed combat, the simplest suggestion to implement that I've seen so far is to introduce it through arena weapons, and re-using the existing weapon tree skills.

    Then there would be no need for development of motifs beyond perhaps the initial arena weapon; adding it to the game-wide loot table or necessarily any noteworthy ability balancing.

    Each arena weapon set being linked to a weapon tree for the already existing weapons, so that you can use dual wield skills for example, but the animation will be some unarmed version of it, and maybe the weapon passives are disabled and replaced with something equivalent from the arena set being used, as each would be tied to a specific weapon tree.

    This way you have dual wield for fast paced strikes, two handed for a harder fighting style, one hand and shield for a defensive style and I guess bow would be some ninja-like poison dart/shuriken type of thing.

    In a similar vein, the staves would allow for various magic monk themes along the lines of fire, frost, shock and healing

    I don't quite understand. With the ring slotted into weapon idea, there are no need for more motifs. I could understand introducing arena sets based on this 'weapon' skill line. And kind of re-using skills from other skill lines would make some things easier. That said, I noticed there are already animations in the game used by NPCs that look like they could also work.

    As for magicka monk, at that point we may as well be asking for a class or a skill line that is very dynamic. Say unarmed changes damage type based on your armor and/or weapon glyphs that could be added to rings. One part fire, one part magicka/stamina/life steal.

    Actually, a monk class would be interesting. Make it to where the armor you wear changes your skills?
  • Zurixadai
    Mionikoi wrote: »
    Actually, a monk class would be interesting. Make it to where the armor you wear changes your skills?

    If someone told me ~ten years ago that my time on a videogame's forums would be spent mostly asking for the same ~six things over and over, I'd have laughed. But hey, I'll enjoy being a broken record until people tell me to stop, I suppose.

    A monk, or something like one, is probably the thing I want most from ESO. There are only two "classes" left that I'd like to see from the game, and a monk stand-in is definitely top of that list. I did martial arts and gymnastics for a great deal of my life, I roll monks in D&D virtually every time, etc, etc. When Black Drake Villa came out, I was immensely jealous that Encratis could jumping spin-kick my head. And I still am. He's my favorite boss fight, because of it.

    Personally, I think "unarmed" combat works better on a class than it does on a weapon skill line. I don't imagine them adding fist weapons, and I also don't imagine them letting a certain class walk around without actual weapons. Loot gotta loot, you know?

    If it were me (this is the broken record part), I'd flavor a class around Kyne, call it a Nomad or a Wanderer or something like that, and let just one of its class skill lines deal with unarmed combat. If it is indeed Kyne, the other two skill lines could easily be something with water/rain, wind, music (songs? Bard stuff?), shouts (yes, the draconic ones!), auroras--there's a million ways to go.

    There's a certain portion of the fanbase that dislikes monk as being lore-breaking or something, and I've never quite understood the argument. They already exist, in-game; various martial forms are already talked about/referenced in-universe, various enemies are already out there doing spin-kicks and back-handsprings. (Also, if we're talking about lore, I need someone to tell me what a Dragonknight is.) Just give me my kicks!

    Anyway. All that to say, I'd love Bound Weapons for a weapon line, and a monk/nomad/wanderer for a class.

    Gameplay Wishlist:
    -Winterhold [In all of its still-standing, pre-sunken, "rivaling Solitude" glory!]
    -Frost class/skill line [Wardens count!]
    -Unarmed/monk class or skill line
    -Polearms/spears skill line [Aedric Spear counts, but...]
    -Bound Weapons skill line [Casters should have more than sticks, yeah?]
    -More skill lines in general

    Housing Wishlist:
    -Structure pieces, by the thousands! Walls, doors, stairs; everything from every racial/architectural style
    -More functional furniture: doors that open/close, portals to travel throughout one home, etc
    -"Lairs" or something similar: another separate, instanced space inside of a home
    -NPC's: guards and bards, all day
    -The Golden Vendor, but able to be placed in homes [Might help with some excess Cyrodiil traffic, maybe?]
    -The Luxury Furnisher, but also able to be placed in homes [... Look, homes are huge and I'm tired of them being empty]
    -Boat house [Fair Winds absolutely counts!]
    -Boat furnishings in general
    -Respec/redidication shrines
    -Wayshrines [I can just port to a guildmate, I guess, but...]
    -Undaunted pledge billboards/Undaunted NPC's
    -Crafting writ billboards
    -More mount/pet functionality when placed [Pathing counts!]
    -Guild bank/store access
    -Ability to repair gear at home [If traveling merchants in the middle of nowhere can do it, why can't I?]
    -Other, smaller, fun functionality, like farming or mini-games [Tales of Tribute absolutely counts!]

    QoL Wishlist:
    -Text search boxes [Praise Tall Papa, thank you.]
    -Item conversion/transmogrification [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
    -Previewer/dressing room [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
    -Instead of Arms Packs (or in addition to them), just sell me the blasted VFX
    -Gear loadouts [Armory system counts!]
    -Skill loadouts Armory system counts!
    -Cloaks [I know you said no, but I'm not taking it off my list.]
  • Mionikoi
    Zurixadai wrote: »

    If someone told me ~ten years ago that my time on a videogame's forums would be spent mostly asking for the same ~six things over and over, I'd have laughed. But hey, I'll enjoy being a broken record until people tell me to stop, I suppose.

    A monk, or something like one, is probably the thing I want most from ESO. There are only two "classes" left that I'd like to see from the game, and a monk stand-in is definitely top of that list. I did martial arts and gymnastics for a great deal of my life, I roll monks in D&D virtually every time, etc, etc. When Black Drake Villa came out, I was immensely jealous that Encratis could jumping spin-kick my head. And I still am. He's my favorite boss fight, because of it.

    Personally, I think "unarmed" combat works better on a class than it does on a weapon skill line. I don't imagine them adding fist weapons, and I also don't imagine them letting a certain class walk around without actual weapons. Loot gotta loot, you know?

    If it were me (this is the broken record part), I'd flavor a class around Kyne, call it a Nomad or a Wanderer or something like that, and let just one of its class skill lines deal with unarmed combat. If it is indeed Kyne, the other two skill lines could easily be something with water/rain, wind, music (songs? Bard stuff?), shouts (yes, the draconic ones!), auroras--there's a million ways to go.

    There's a certain portion of the fanbase that dislikes monk as being lore-breaking or something, and I've never quite understood the argument. They already exist, in-game; various martial forms are already talked about/referenced in-universe, various enemies are already out there doing spin-kicks and back-handsprings. (Also, if we're talking about lore, I need someone to tell me what a Dragonknight is.) Just give me my kicks!

    Anyway. All that to say, I'd love Bound Weapons for a weapon line, and a monk/nomad/wanderer for a class.

    I mean, technically the Dwemer had tonal magic. And it was capable of some crazy stuff. Tonal Architecture Magic warps reality. Imagine what could be done with a kind of off shoot of that?

    But yeah, I could see a class based off of just the Khajiiti martial art forms.
  • universal_wrath
    New weapon line wont be a thing. Adding the new weapon to every loot pool will need to be accompanied by a weapon skin made for 120+ motifs in game.

    That is a serious labor investment.

    Easily done,

    I want this weapon skill line for mages. I don't even know what to call it, but when I first started the game I equipped one sword as a Sorcerer and quickly found out that weapon skill line didn't exist. One hand and Spell? What would you guys call it?

    The only reason why I started playing as sorcerer was this trailer in 2014 showcasing a battlemage sorcerer like elve hero
  • lostineternity
    New weapon line wont be a thing. Adding the new weapon to every loot pool will need to be accompanied by a weapon skin made for 120+ motifs in game.

    That is a serious labor investment.

    This. You will never get new weapon skill line despite how hard you are dreaming about it.
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