Current Block Bug

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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Hi all,

First forum post... of course it's for a bug 8P

I have been recording video of my vet tanking in trials with an input overlay so I can see what I tried to do in addition to what I am actually doing. Since at least December 14th, I have found that sometimes my tank stands without any action while I am holding block. This makes me very sad, since I am generally holding block for a reason, and the number of times I have had to say 'tank down' in voice has been.. disheartening.

I have bugged this previously (I have a few 'thank you for your feedback' closed tickets) with included video. Today I decided to spend some time just trying to reproduce the issue as cleanly as possible. Without an input overlay it just looks like I am zoning out or AFK. This ruined a no-death run for one of my dungeon groups, too...

This is my best video so far - just a few seconds long, in overland with no combat:

The timing is not actually as tight as this video suggests, and the barswap may not be required or may have multiple windows (see vRG from approximately Dec 21:

Worse quality vCR+2 recording - this one may not fit in with the issue, above ( Dec 16, 2023.

...and the first one I isolated video for, approximately Dec 14 (vRG, again, This one does NOT have a barswap, just frostclench and a 'deferred cast' of beckoning armor.

I do not yet have a 100% repro case (that first video took a few tries), and there may be more than one issue at play... but this is impacting my ability to play the game, enjoy the game, and (importantly) IMPROVE at the game..

Some character notes:
* s&b/staff fb/bb setups.
* 0 points in tri-focus
* the overland repro was wearing sax/tt/naz + wild hunt (tt front bar, sax bb)
* /probably/ the same setup for the others... vcr was likely yoln/tt/ring (would have been tt front bar, yoln bb). may have been another split.
* there are obviously addons running. If I get another block of time I will try to do a repro without addons (unless someone says not to bother)

I can scrub my esologs for build info if needed, and am happy to provide any additional information you might like.

I will try to post additional videos in response to this thread whenever possible.

Thank you
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @thaellin Welcome to the forum!

    Thanks for noting this. Have you placed a ticket in yet? If not, that would be helpful as it makes things like this easier to track. You can also link to this thread in the ticket.

    If you have, could you please provide the ticket number? We can get that over to customer service and go from there.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • thaellin
    Hi Kevin - thanks for all your help out here. I've been reading forever, of course.

    Ticket references
    * 231221-005231
    * 240105-003107 (probably not the same issue)

    both are closed with 'thanks for feedback' resolutions.

    I can open a fresh bug from game and link the latest video if that will help the process.

    One of the tickets above refers to a vDSR instance of the bug, which I think is bad, but unrelated (I think I have determined stamina touched-down to 0 while I was holding block, but block was not re-applied when stamina had regenerated... I can't tell if that is a bug or just 'a really unfortunate way the rules played out' since I was holding block for 30s while my healers did all the work... there is a video link in that ticket as well)

    Thanks again!
    -- Thaellin
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Thanks, we'll follow up just to see what happened with these tickets and if there is anything we can advise on moving forward.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • thaellin
    I captured without addons (except for 'addon selector')

    ... and one without addons and no gear...

    Hope these help.
  • Darrell9090
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Thanks, we'll follow up just to see what happened with these tickets and if there is anything we can advise on moving forward.
    Kevin may I suggest the team look at resources being part of the issue while bar switching. I have noticed a lot recently block wants to drop when switching bars when the last resource was low but not 0. You may have 25 percent mag on your frost staff begin to switch to your sword and shield and get one shotted like you were not blocking. Some case blocks drops completely and you got to tap to reblock. I’ve been trying to find a good demonstration of this happening like I did with the last block but haven’t had any conclusive data just yet.
  • thaellin
    @Darrell9090 Possibly the case in the 'other' ticket, but the first videos I posted do not have a low resource requirement. :-/
  • ElderSmitter
    As a Tank, I am curious as Blocking takes Stamina if your dropping block because you do not have the stamina left to cover the block. I have not had any issues and Run all those Vet Trials thankfully yet. Watched the video's but it was hard to tell 100%. If that is not the case i hope it gets resolved quickly. Some tanks only know 1 thing and that is holding the block button the entire time lol.
    Edited by ElderSmitter on January 26, 2024 2:53AM
  • thaellin
    There is plenty of stamina for block in all the videos linked above.
  • Darrell9090
    thaellin wrote: »
    @Darrell9090 Possibly the case in the 'other' ticket, but the first videos I posted do not have a low resource requirement. :-/
    Yes but when you switch I don’t think the resource is switching fast enough causing you to drop block what I have experienced in a lot of situations recently. As I said I haven’t gather enough conclusive data where it’s easy to recreate the proper situation as of yet to demonstrate it. Not that you don’t have enough resources game not registering the resource change when we bar swap. At least that my experience with a block bug as of now.
  • thaellin
    Hmm. I am still confused about what you are trying to describe, Darrell. It sounds like you are theorizing a period during bar swap where the game does not think we have any stamina/magicka? I wondered about this kind of thing (resource/effect adjustments with split sets) which is why I did my final video (no gear).

    It's quite possible there are multiple variants of block bug right now.

    I am imagining some programmer at ZOS who has a whiteboard at their desk titled "BLOCK BUG MUST DIE" and a hundred crossed out theories below it... currently "Aliens???" being the only thing not crossed out...
  • thaellin
    Just showing the same bug on PTS. No new info other than 'yep, still happens on PTS and with PTS server load'

    ~8:10AM pacific time
  • thaellin
    I unmapped bash/interrupt, in case that was interfering. Still hit it... this time the clip goes from staff TO s&b instead of vice versa

    Wish I knew if there was anything going on here, or if I could be more help, or if you have all the info you need, etc...
  • thaellin
    My guildmate Daedric (thank you!!!) was able to repro what may be the core issue with no skillcasts... just 'feathering' block. @ZOS_Kevin this could be the core of the issue... Perhaps this is addressable?

  • thaellin
    So. Tanked vRG yesterday. Died to 8 unblocked heavies against Bahsei, in which I was holding block and had stamina enough. There is no indication this is being looked into. It's been a dew months since it started, and about a month since I reported it on the forums...

    Any status update at all would help me feel like I am not wasting my money/life playhing this game.

    There were a lot of other bugged behaviours in vRG yesterday. It does not make me feel good. at all.
  • ForumSavant
    Glad to see someone posted this as it happens to me all the time while in PvP. I'm just holding right click while standing still doing absolutely nothing. Noticed it in PvE as well, but usually not a big deal since I'm not tanking newer vet trials.
  • thaellin
    I'm sorry you're hitting this too, but glad I am not all alone out here. They probably need some critical mass of reports before they prioritize this issue... only so many programmers at the company...
  • thaellin


    ** insert sound of nix oxen chirping **
  • allmyxlvntx
    Thanks @thaellin for posting this - I was a tank for a good 3 years solid and grew increasingly frustrated over time to the point where I just retired the tanks I had. Certainly one day I will go back to it. My primary two issues were “skills not casting” and this blocking, or rather perceived blocking during a heavy, issue. I often feel like making comments in our runs, or any runs when tanks die, then I realize that it is totally unnecessary and most of the tanks I play with KNOW when it is their mistake when they die. In many cases questions are asked, as we all try to figure out WHY a tank died for no apparent reason, and we all end up preparing as dps and/or heals for an unanticipated death during a run. Certainly makes it hard to get the speed and/or no death achievements. This issue along with another thread I am thinking of starting (the “I am still in combat for a good 30 seconds or even up to a minute AFTER I die and resurrect at a wayshrine or field camp) that just doesn’t make sense. These two core mechanic issues need to be addressed. I know they exist in other games as well, especially the “why am I still in combat” issue.
  • thaellin
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Thanks, we'll follow up just to see what happened with these tickets and if there is anything we can advise on moving forward.

    Any luck? It's still not apparent to me if there is more information I could be providing, or if this is in the backlog, or if it's simply been forgotten. It would be nice to know the issue's fate.
  • ForumSavant
    Just commenting here because I am also still experiencing this.
  • thaellin
    Is there anyone who can be pinged to provide any kind of "we see you exist out there, have/have-not been able to investigate, have all the info we need/need more info, (obviously do not have a solution) but still love you and want you to keep playing" thing?

    The "we will check up on the support tickets and get back to you" followed by two months of silence is wearing on me.

    -- Thaellin
  • thaellin
    I've been working on an addon to isolate 'valid/known' reasons why I would not be blocking (not very general purpose, because it relies on block being bound to the RMB, since if I register and pass-through block 'down' I do not get the corresponding 'up' but whatever)

    These are the reasons I have for why you might not be blocking when RMB is detected at the moment:
    * You are dead
    * You are in the UI
    * You switched to another app and switched back by right-click-hold on ESO (cannot report this; no input)
    * You were in a loading screen and decided to right-click-hold before it was done (cannot report this; no input)
    * You are using the quickslot wheel and right clicking to change to next wheel
    * You were blocking, but started Running (running then blocking is fine)
    * You are dodgerolling (block resumes after)
    * You are under crowd control effects
    * You were blocking but now are casting an ability with a cast or channel time (block resumes after)
    * You drop below a minimum stamina threshold
    * You are transformed into a werewolf behemoth (stone gardens)
    * You are turned to stone in HRC warrior fight (not sure if this counts as crowd control)

    ... and then '[snip]??' (which is still the result when I reproduce the bug... which is still occurring btw).

    Most reliable way to get '[snip]??' is cast-click-hold (or, put differently like a double-click, except held at the end). I think it only fails for 'instant' cast skills. I can make it fail for wall of elements, caltrops, blade cloak, cruxweaver armor... any instant. I cannot get it to fail for skills with cast time or channels (but I might not have found the window of opportunity)

    Blade cloak:


    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin I think I have done all the diagnosis/QA that I can manage, here. Is this something that can be fixed?

    -- Thaellin

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 15, 2024 6:05PM
  • MuMuQ
    I did encounter this bug far too often in the past. It is around since the rework of the block system.

    I can reproduce this without using a skill as well, just by bashing:

    Block > Unblock > Block > Unblock > Bash (with either holding RMB + clicking LMB or while holding RMB pressing the dedicated interrupt button), keeping RMB held down afterwards. If done in the right timing, you'll not be blocking after that even though you're holding RMB.
    PC EU | DK/Necro Tank
  • thaellin
    MuMuQ wrote: »
    I did encounter this bug far too often in the past. It is around since the rework of the block system.

    I can reproduce this without using a skill as well, just by bashing:

    Block > Unblock > Block > Unblock > Bash (with either holding RMB + clicking LMB or while holding RMB pressing the dedicated interrupt button), keeping RMB held down afterwards. If done in the right timing, you'll not be blocking after that even though you're holding RMB.

    Nice... I think I just repro'd yours without the 'block/unblock' up front... did not take much effort (perhaps because I alreayd 'have' the timing for my version)
  • thaellin
    ah, but the tiny block from the first click... that counts.... I haven't found a way to do it slowly yet, though.

    I also notice for this one the bash animation continues but the block shield is dismissed immediately. Curious.
  • thaellin
    I was able to repro with JUST a block and then rapid release + double right click

    I am wondering if there is special debounce code which expects a 'click' message and is getting a doubleclick (which it doesn't 'see' in this case...). we go... here's one with JUST double-right click/hold from an idle state (trickier timing, but I might be able to train myself into a reliable timing window):
  • ForumSavant
    Here for my weekly bump since this is still a huge issue.
  • Horny_Poney
    Reproduced again tonight consistently in VKA HM with a lightning staff (I play healer). However, I don’t need any block/unblock manipulation, I just need to block normally. I caught it on video and we can clearly see my character blocking with his staff but:
    1. the yellow blocking symbol doesn’t appear,
    2. when my character takes damage, no stamina is consumed (I’m full life, full stam, almost full magica),
    3. My character takes a 14k damage hit, like if I wasn’t blocking.

    Again, for me it doesn’t require any manipulation to trigger this bug, only blocking normally, and it happens ALL THE TIME. Currently I’m considering quitting HL content, I can’t jeopardize a trifecta because of this bug.
  • Horny_Poney
    Note: I’m on PS5 EU.
  • Horny_Poney
    Tested again today in VKA HM with 2 other characters than yesterday:
    1. Daggers: not blocking,
    2. Resto staff: not blocking,
    3. Ice staff: not blocking.
    What the hell is going on? Each time we can see my character blocking with the weapons, each time the stamina (or magica for ice staff) is not consumed while being full ressources.
    And it’s not once in a while, this happens EACH TIME, blocking is not working at all!
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