Have you ever wondered what achievements your regular group has, or needs? Maybe only one person is missing that Challenger or Trifecta achievement but hasn't noticed!
This addon is designed to help groups identify what achievements everyone has, or doesn't have, so as to better help you decide what to chase next!
I created this tool to help with some achievement hunting, where we had a regular group with quite different completion records for the content.
Does this have any connection to Pithka's Achievement addon?
Originally, Pithka's addon was the inspiration and basis for this, but now this addon is fully independent. This addon also tracks a lot of achievements that Pithka's doesn't, and crucially, it's designed for groups, as opposed to individuals.
How does it work?
Unlike Pithka's, the display part of this tool isn't inside ESO, but in a browser of your choice. You need to download the addon from the URL below, use any of the commands to generate a code, and then paste that code into the Viewer URL (also below). No data is sent from the viewer, everything is calculated and rendered on the client-side.