Is there an add-on to appear Offline only to specific players?

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Is there an add-on to appear Offline only to specific players? I just want to get a break from one specific player every now and then but still be in contact with other friends. Does such a thing exist?
  • NeuroticPixels
    Not that I’m aware of. Sounds like an addon both parties would need to use, so the addon could “talk” to the other user’s addon to tell it to hide the other’s status. 😅 Which would obviously not work well. lol
    Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
  • SilverBride
    That's too bad. I think it would be a great feature to have.
  • Soarora
    I’m not sure it’s possible. I use do not disturb for this purpose, though everyone also seems to ignore the do not disturb. Maybe can train the person in question to not ignore it.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • SilverBride
    I've thought about that but really don't want this particular friend to keep track of my comings and goings. Showing offline to just them would solve that without keeping other friends from contacting me.

    I was hoping this would be possible but if not I will figure out a Plan B.
  • Necrotech_Master
    yeah as far as im aware there is no way to do this, you either are, or are not offline, no conditionals to specific guilds or friends
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Baertram
    The online and offline state is set at the client side and send to the server, where each other client will read it from again. So you definitely cannot control that on server side, for obvious reasons, not on client side for only some users, no matter if users use an addon for that or not (as addons cannot communicate if your are not grouped, and even then it's only possible with very small amount of data, and only a few times each minute).

    Plan B: ignore the user, should not see you coming or going anymore then (I hope).
    Edited by Baertram on January 18, 2024 12:29AM
  • SilverBride
    Well I don't want to ignore the friend. I just need a break from them now and then.
    Edited by SilverBride on January 18, 2024 1:40AM
  • Baertram
    I meant: You can add and remove the ignored players each day so this would maybe a way to block status messages to them (but I'm not sure if this really is the case?) but it would also block whisper messages to them and they would notice this
  • SilverBride
    I don't need to block status messages. I use the Best Friends add on for that. It removes all the log on log off messages from the chat window to the upper right corner of the screen where I barely notice them.

    Putting someone on ignore removes them from your friend's list.

    My reason is a little more complicated but it boils down to this friend keeping track of when I log in and when I log off and what I do when. So I want to look offline sometimes so it makes my comings and goings look more random.
    Edited by SilverBride on January 18, 2024 4:14PM
  • Baertram
    I don't need to block status messages. I use the Best Friends add on for that. It removes all the log on log off messages from the chat window to the upper right corner of the screen where I barely notice them.

    I meant at the other guy's gaem client due to teh fact it is blocked then -> Not at yours locally. You can change and do locally at your PC whatever you will, it wont affect the other PC if you do not do stuff so that the server does NOT forward that info to anyone else any longer.

    Well, I guess there is no way to achieve what you are looking for sorry.

    My opinion about this:
    If that particular person is tracking what you do, you should either way remove him/her from the friends list as you seem to feel uncomfortable with that.
    Or talk to him/her and tell them to leave you alone please. If you want to communicate you will be the one that reaches out to them.
    if that cannot be accepted, well, sounds like a reason to ignore him/her then for sure.
    But that's only my 2 cents w/o knowing or wanting to know what is going on there :o
    Just be safe please
    Edited by Baertram on January 18, 2024 4:52PM
  • SilverBride
    I did tell them the other day that I don't like them keeping track of me and to stop. I would just unfriend but sometimes we have some nice conversations and I was just looking for a way to not be so predictable for when I log on and off.

    If this is not possible I will just have another frank conversation.
    Edited by SilverBride on January 18, 2024 5:22PM
  • valenwood_vegan
    Yeah something like OP suggested might be nice. I used to not want to offend people and would accept any friend request basically, and be very reluctant to remove people from my friends list.

    But I came to realize that these are strangers on the internet, I don't owe them anything, and if they are hurting my experience and won't respect my boundaries and won't change their behavior after a polite conversation, I have no qualms anymore about de-friending.

    I've always thought it would be preferable though to have "contacts" and then "close friends" (only you could add a contact to your friends list; you would only see login messages for people set to close friends; and you could appear online to them while appearing offline to everyone else, for example).

    Wishful thinking maybe, but the way it's set up now I feel the need to be very picky about my friends list and/or the need to be in offline mode more often than I'd like to (and use discord on my other screen to communicate with close friends - a decent workaround but not the most ideal).

    Maybe it's just me, but I usually have a specific plan for what I want to accomplish when I log on and I get tired of being bombarded with requests to run dungeons (or trials... which I tell people very clearly that I don't run but that often doesn't stop them lol) from people I barely know. EDIT to add: And I find that people usually completely ignore the do not disturb status :P
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on January 18, 2024 5:32PM
  • Baertram
    Yes, same here. But I noticed it's the people doing this and you won't change them if you do not ask them to change.
    Depening on their current age, life experience, child hood, etc. they think it's totally normal to bug you to get what they need, without respecting the other's wishes etc.

    If they, after that, still think you have to adopt to their ideas: Well, the ignore list helps. Put them on it for a while and they will notice you are not interested into their behavor anymore.

    Some need to learn it the hard way, and most (at least within ESO, that's the nice side of this game) will just read, understand OR at least accept and leave us alone (if we want to, e.g. if we have to code several addon fixes and need time for our own, without running dungeons or helping here and there :p )
    Edited by Baertram on January 18, 2024 6:36PM
  • Baertram
    I did tell them the other day that I don't like them keeping track of me and to stop. I would just unfriend but sometimes we have some nice conversations and I was just looking for a way to not be so predictable for when I log on and off.

    If this is not possible I will just have another frank conversation.

    Sounds like a plan.
    Or unfriend him/her so they do not see your online status any longer, and tell them to send you a ingame mail for a conversation if they are really up to keep in touch. Even whispering would work, but you do not have to be on friends list for that.
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