It’s not much of a spoiler, but just in case. It regards one of the three parts of the first quest of the Necrom storyline.
Upon “rescuing” Meln the Mouthless, I was speaking with him as the final stage of the quest, and was going to learn about something he called “ghost sight”, when suddenly we were interrupted, I think a seeker was being attacked in the area, and the quest was suddenly ended. I cannot get the dialogue options again, though I’ve tried speaking with him whenever he appears.
Does this dialogue ever come up again or is it on YouTube that I could view it at least? I could take another character through the quest, but I don’t think I have much control over where the dialogue with him takes place.
It is quite ironic to have this problem when other times the game
insists that I go through certain dialogue options at a particular point in the quest. This happened at Ald Isra where I thought I’d found some extra info, only to have to repeat that dialogue in the next step of the quest. So much for feeling clever. *sigh*