What build is your favorite for the Infinite Archives and how far did you get with it?

For me, my current favorite is a 1 bar sorcerer build, but I cannot get past the 4th arc, so I know I need to both skill up and likely get a new build. I've also been thinking about finally getting updated (or in some cases first) builds for all my other classes. To be clear, I am not asking for help on what I should do, I just want to see what everyone else is doing, and then from there, when I am ready, I will figure out what I want to do for a build on my own. So, what build is your favorite for the Infinite Archives and how far did you get with it?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 13, 2024 4:30PM
  • Treeshka
    Status effect focused Warden build is my favorite now. It uses Ice Furnace and Heartland Conqueror mainly with Pale Order Ring. I have reached Arc thirteen with this build. Here and there some changes to gear of course. Sometimes running Torug's Pact with Heartland for bosses, and also changing enchants between stages.
  • spartaxoxo
    A 1 bar sorc build. I have gotten to Arc 5. I have only tried EA seriously solo.

    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 13, 2024 2:41PM
  • Tornaad
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    A 1 bar sorc build. I have gotten to Arc 5. I have only tried EA seriously solo.

    I've tried both solo and duo, but I prefer solo. I have found the Archives to be a great place to level companions, and in the process discovered that Sharp hates Dwemer constructs.
  • spartaxoxo
    Tornaad wrote: »

    I've tried both solo and duo, but I prefer solo. I have found the Archives to be a great place to level companions, and in the process discovered that Sharp hates Dwemer constructs.

    I have tried duo but I only did it non-serious. I mostly just feel awkward asking people to commit that long long of a time to any activity in this game. If we had skips, I'd probably get up the courage to ask lol. I have done duos that just wanted to clear Arc 1 or through Arc 3 before.

    Edit: I'm also currently leveling Sharp in there! I even take the extra exp gain vision when doing so lol.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 13, 2024 2:50PM
  • Tornaad
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    I have tried duo but I only did it non-serious. I mostly just feel awkward asking people to commit that long long of a time to any activity in this game. If we had skips, I'd probably get up the courage to ask lol. I have done duos that just wanted to clear Arc 1 or through Arc 3 before.

    Edit: I'm also currently leveling Sharp in there! I even take the extra exp gain vision when doing so lol.

    I feel the same way. My strategy for when I run duo is to use the activity finder (because I really do not have friends in the game) and then only expect to go far enough to complete the quest. If they want to go farther, then great, but that is all I expect when I group with someone.
  • fizl101
    Heavysorc, got to arc 7 with 2 dd
    Soupy twist
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    My magicka dk one bar build got to late in arc 8 when IA came out initially :) look up the phoenix if interested
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Michaelkeir
    I mainly use a 1 bar necro, and I’ve gone to maybe a little past arc 4. I always die to that marauder in that round. The one that fills the entire area in AoEs that move.

    Thinking of rolling a sorc.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    2H Stamplar. I use Oakensoul + Vicious Ophidian + Deadly + 1 piece Trainee (heavy chest) early but switch to Pale Order + Vicious Ophidian + Unleashed Terror + 1 piece Trainee (heavy chest) starting around Arc 4. Back bar is Master Bow when I have Pale Order on. Poison Injection on priority mobs + Acid Spray on trash packs to try to get poison status effect.

    I have gotten midway through Arc 5 with a tanky companion and 3 stacks of Focused Effort. Multiple stacks of Focused Effort + AoE hemorrhaging from Unleashed Terror is crucial to melt the blobs in trash rounds in Arc 4 and upwards.
  • Elvenheart
    Magsorc Oakensoul with a modified Hack the Minotaur IA build, I worked in razor caltrops, resolving vigor, and swap between mystic orb and twilight matriarch depending if my companion will need heals or not. I’ve reached the middle of Arc 5, but by then I’m just too tired to go on and start making silly mistakes which get me killed. It’s usually a two-fabled combo that gets me or Tho’at shards that spawn endlessly and overwhelm me.
  • EF321
    I have two generic status effect builds that I slap on any class
    heartland conqueror + maelstrom 2h + draugrking's grip fb + pale order + monster piece depending on arc

    asylum destro + maelstrom 2h + draugrkin + thruvokun + pale order + 1 trainee + 1 druid

    Frontbar is charged ice staff with poison enchant and force pulse as spammable, ele sus, source hemorrhaging from beast trap or class skill, backbar stampede for maelstrom and berseker proc, the rest is whatever, mostly buffs and defensive skills, depending on class and primary resource. I adjust attribute points, mundus, CP stars and armor weight/enchants (I have some spare parts ready) depending on arc, starting with more offense oriented and ending with maximum fat I can get from those.

    I also have some special variation of this for DK to sit in magma shell for prolonged period, with elf bane on backbar, same draugrkin on front, pale order, baron zaudrus, but I haven't played it enough yet to recommend, feels like need to put some more ulti gen there.
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Combat & Character Mechanics section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • SkaiFaith
    A modified and "modular" version of my solo build.

    I use Oakensoul Warden with Sergeant + Beekeeper and 1pc Slimecraw.
    I swap Lightning and Ice staff "every" stage depending on if I need damage or survivability, and when I swap those I also swap a couple of CPs and skills.

    I'm on console so the whole swapping requires a minute but I've noticed my run time is greatly reduced if I do this, so I keep doing it (from 5 to 3 hours circa).

    Built with resistance cap and getting the Visions that improves Health Recovery: I usually got it to 7.000+

    Best I've done is reach 4-5-1 without any death and left cause of time.
    I also reached 5-2-1 but it was before perfecting the build and buying all the upgrades so I consumed there my threads.

    Never gone past that but I'm confident I could now, I just don't have the perseverance and I honestly think I wouldn't be able to go on much further anyway due to my personal condition (my hands fail me).

    Btw, I haven't tried too much this build outside of Infinite Archive yet, but it's a variant of what I usually do to "solo anything" so I'm pretty confident this should have no problems with other parts of the game either.
    Edited by SkaiFaith on January 13, 2024 5:05PM
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    I made it to 7-2-1 with 1 death on this Oakensorc:
    Race: High Elf
    Mundus: The Thief
    Attributes: 64 Health
    Stage 3 Vamp
    Food: Bewitched Sugar Skulls
    Health/Physical/Spell Resistance Potions
    Glyphs are all weapon damage

    The strategy is to farm focused efforts stacks and get as much uptime on the 3 status effect dots as possible. Ele Sus for Burning, Concussed, and Chilled, Caltrops for Sundered, Heavy Attack (w/ Poison Glyph and Ferocious Support) for Poisoned and Hemorrhaging.

    Throw Catrops/Meteor at the priority elite, ele drain, then heavy attack until it's dead. Then dot up everything else with ele sus , and rotate heavy attacks between targets to keep hemorrhaging and poisoned up as much as possible.

    Replace Caltrops with Beast Trap and Meteor with Atro on bosses.

    I could probably make it a bit farther but I likely won't push IA again unless they add a save. Arc 6+ Gothmau will eat through 50k health, capped resistances, and a 22k shield in the span of a single heavy attack, so that will probably end up being the bottleneck.

    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on January 14, 2024 4:59AM
  • Faulgor
    The most fun I've had is on Oakensorc.

    Stamina Oakensorc.

    With a Master 2h.

    Certainly not the best, but it almost pilots itself and can make use of so many visions and verses, so it's my favorite.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • fred4
    Middle of arc 4 is where Thoat shards start appearing in the trash pulls. That's why you die (solo), especially to the small slime blob thingies. I think it comes down to finding a solution for those to get further. Outright damage helps for a little while. Gambling on Focused Efforts isn't too much of a sacrifice, such as by running Charged dual-wield weapons and back-barring Unleashed Terror, a decent set in it's own right. Ultimately you'll still run out of oomph. You need extreme tankiness / self-healing and/or an AOE interrupt for the slime blobs. I'm not surprised a warden is reporting they got much further than anyone else. Crystallized Slab semi-automatically reflects slime blob shard attacks and stuns them. That's why. For my part, I got to 5 4 2 (I think) with my templar and very good visions, once. Explosive Charge is another way to interrupt and deal with shards. Couldn't say I recommend Crushing Shock for that. When they want to appear, they do so en masse and you need an AOE interrupt or some other, more potent solution than a single target interrupt. Maybe Deadland's Demolisher. Anyway, maglar has been my preferred class, even though it's not meta. I've talked about it at length before, see threads I started. Unleashed, Esoteric Greaves or Gaze of Sithis, something tanky (Alessian, Alessia's Bulwark, Dragon's Appetite in earlier rounds), Blackrose dual-wield or Vengeance Leech.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • katorga
    All classes seem about equal, my preference is a standard Heavy attack sorc in all heavy armor, until I get a few visions and then I adjust accordingly. Typically by Arc 3 I swap out one set for alessian order and start stacking health regen in addition to sergeants mail.

    If you get two or more Focused Efforts you can just stack all defense sets, use elemental susceptibility as your damage source. It is easy mode from there on, and you can go as long as you can stand it.

  • SkaraMinoc
    Arc 6 solo with Azureblight Sorc for trash and Bash build for bosses. Took 3-4 hours. Never want to go back.
    PC NA
  • Necrotech_Master
    my best setup is probably a tanky warden setup

    iceheart + ice furnace + pearlescent ward

    i got to arc 10 in a duo with this setup

    the difficulty is that if i dont get any focused efforts my sustained dmg will be very low and can turn into a slog if i dont have a dps focused partner

    if i want "speed" runs ill do a 2 person dps run, gotten to almost arc 7 in 2 hours 45 min
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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