that addon destroys the player experience ( tim99s FTSIO )

Soul Shriven

hi hello everyone I absolutely want to let you know what is currently destroying the gaming experience of most pvp eso players

this addon ruins the experience of the game since most pvp players who have this addon never end their fight it automatically teleports all to cyro or ic it never dies

the ganker ganke and tp no longer possible to fight him

the players if they are in difficulty 30% of life or other tp

players have this addon never die

so thank you for doing something because this addon destroys all the player experience since no one dies in pvp anymore


tim99s FTSIO Popular! (More than 5000 hits)


You can setup a hotkey which:

ports you to your cyro-main campaign when you are in Imperial-City or in PvE,
ports you to Imperial-City when you are in Cyrodiil.
Auto accepts the queue (even when you are in fight, optional)
If you are in PVE and want to jump directly to IC, you can press SHIFT + your Hotkey


Addons no longer have access to the alliance data API unless the user manually opened the alliance menu (L) once per game start.
(Guess this is another desperate attempt to improve performance, RIP deer in Cyro)
So in this case I'm using a fallback and porting to the Blackreach campaign, since I'm not getting an API response for your main campaign unless you've opened this menu once.
I DON'T recommend using this addon during PVP related events, since campains are sometimes full (i think there is a cap of 75 people) and you can have long wait queues. So it's better to check before which campaign is the best.
The idea for the addon came up because of a bug in IC. In the vault chambers (where player should be non-attackable, there was some bug ingoing, that warden bears and maybe other things could still attack and kill you. You cant use skills or heals or defend yourself in any way, so the bear kills you slowly and you can only watch and loose telvar at the end. The abuser just watched
  • Baertram
    The idea for the addon came up because of a bug in IC. In the vault chambers (where player should be non-attackable, there was some bug ingoing, that warden bears and maybe other things could still attack and kill you. You cant use skills or heals or defend yourself in any way, so the bear kills you slowly and you can only watch and loose telvar at the end. The abuser just watched this scenario in a corner.

    Well guess the idea was good but as ZOs did not fix the bug and addon tried to, now those mimimi players use it to teleport away during fights where they loose :-(
    It's not the addon that is the problem here, but ZOs API implementation of the queuing AND because such bugs exist as mentioned above that do not get fixed properly :/
  • Baertram
    Do not blame the 1 addon btw, there exist others too, which got way more downloads.
    Only 1 example with a few downloads:
    Or this one with 16k downloads:

    and others

    So as I said: Blame ZOs (for e.g not fixing the bug in IC vaults-> where pets can kill you).

    They should fix this possibility to instantly queue and port away in total in the API by adding a 30s delay before porting from IC or from Cyrodiil.
    If you are outside AvA world queing in and porting should be instantly possible, as of today though!
    Edited by Baertram on January 12, 2024 7:33AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    I didn't think you could queue if you're already in combat? I queue (manually, as I don't use ANY add-ons at all, I'm a plain vanilla purist), but I thought that trying to queue while you're in combat would not let you queue? Are you saying players are hitting a hotkey before they're attacked, or after they're already in combat and it looks like they're going to lose?
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • ClowdyAllDay
    macro?use of macros is against TOS though. a hot key is essentially a macro yes? taking advantage of an known exploit is also against tos.

    oi. i'd prefer not to have read this.
    Edited by ClowdyAllDay on January 12, 2024 7:56AM
  • Braffin
    Baertram wrote: »
    Do not blame the 1 addon btw, there exist others too, which got way more downloads.
    Only 1 example with a few downloads:
    Or this one with 16k downloads:

    and others

    So as I said: Blame ZOs (for e.g not fixing the bug in IC vaults-> where pets can kill you).

    They should fix this possibility to instantly queue and port away in total in the API by adding a 30s delay before porting from IC or from Cyrodiil.
    If you are outside AvA world queing in and porting should be instantly possible, as of today though!


    I think tho, that porting from a PvP zone shouldn't be possible at all outside of safe zones. It counteracts the whole playstyle.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • lordofdarkside
    Soul Shriven
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I didn't think you could queue if you're already in combat? I queue (manually, as I don't use ANY add-ons at all, I'm a plain vanilla purist), but I thought that trying to queue while you're in combat would not let you queue? Are you saying players are hitting a hotkey before they're attacked, or after they're already in combat and it looks like they're going to lose?

    yes you can teleport you in combat this is problem evry one can escpe to cyro or to ic and not die
    Edited by lordofdarkside on January 12, 2024 10:13AM
  • Baertram
    macro?use of macros is against TOS though. a hot key is essentially a macro yes? taking advantage of an known exploit is also against tos.

    oi. i'd prefer not to have read this.

    This is no macro, it's a keybind and the API is using exactly the same as you can manually do:
    Open campaign, queue, teleport

    So this is nothing against the TOS! else every addon would be against the TOS as they sometimes add QOL (which this basically is, or a fix for a ZOs game bug by design to help you -> which simply get's abused here by some players....) features where you press a keybind to e.g. move items to junk or sell all junk etc.
    Edited by Baertram on January 12, 2024 10:39AM
  • Baertram
    Please all. do a /bug ingame and mention this to ZOs so it get's fixed!
    The idea for the addon came up because of a bug in IC. In the vault chambers (where player should be non-attackable, there was some bug ingoing, that warden bears and maybe other things could still attack and kill you. You cant use skills or heals or defend yourself in any way, so the bear kills you slowly and you can only watch and loose telvar at the end. The abuser just watched this scenario in a corner.

    The more do it the most probably it will be noticed.
    Without that every change in the API to port rom IC to Cyrodiil and Cyrodiil to IC "only out of combat" will make it hard to escape these "bug abusers" and your Tel'Vars are stolen that way !
  • Baertram
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Are you saying players are hitting a hotkey before they're attacked, or after they're already in combat and it looks like they're going to lose?

    But you can also do the same without a hotky, jusst press J, choose Cyrodiil campaign (if in IC, or vice versa) and press key to queue -> This is just a 1hotkey feature of the addon so nothing the addon is responsible for! Ppl can always do that w/o any addon!!!
    Edited by Baertram on January 12, 2024 10:41AM
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