PLEASE give NECROMANCER an update and more buffs... MAKE SCYTHE AN EXECUTE!!!

Currently playing necro again...

I have dabbled in every class this game has to offer. A variety of playstyles across pve and pvp and I have to say it's a shame that Necro has very little buffs compared to every other class in the game. Every other class has sources of major and minor buffs that this class has almost none of. Why does necro not have an in-class Brutality or Sorcery buff? I mean that's just to name a couple, but the class is seriously lacking behind because all of the QoL updates hit every other class besides Necro... Arcanist is literally stacked with buffs and its other DLC counterpart has none...

Can we please give Necro more in class buffs? Such as prophecy, brutality, sorcery, savagery?
Even its burst heal is pretty bad considering it defiles you... Warden, Arc, Templar, NB, and DK have way better burst heals with no negative effect. This class could really use some love ZOS...

ALSO!!! Please change scythe to be an EXECUTE ability...

ALSO!!! A couple of its passives are extremely weak and could use an overhaul...

Anyways, hopefully something is in the works for this class, because people would play it if it was even half as good as these other classes.
-Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
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