So both BG and cyrodiil are getting stale its boring not fun or engaging and its just old. Some of us don't care to siege or take part in battles there anymore so here is an idea for a new pvp environment that is fresh but wouldn't take much to alter using existing zones.
This could be the golden opportunity to lay foundation work for PVP as well cyrodiil and BG is boring, outdated, and just old we need another way to pvp.
Lock zones back to their Alliance and have things for example called rifts that open up at set times of the day that allow the opposing faction to invade the other faction.
Rifts can be anything that teleports you to another alliance or call it whatever else you like that would fit the lore of TES but anyway. Rifts can open between like 10am to 11am, 3pm-4pm, 6pm - 7pm ect. If you die and the rift is closed you can't go back and you cant use soul gems to revive only special soul gems bought with tel var or alliance points others can revive you with those soul gems as well but they need to be costly or either only drop from Harder bosses or a new currency ect.
Zone 1, DC Auridon ) <<< RIFT >>> Zone 1. AD Glenumbra <<< RIFT >>> ( Zone 1,EP Stonefalls )
This could be between levels 5-15 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.
Zone 2. DC Stormhaven <<< RIFT > >> Zone 2. AD Grahtwood <<< RIFT >>> Zone 2. EP Deshaan
This could be between levels 15-25 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.
Zone 3. DC Rivenspire <<< RIFT > >> Zone 3. AD Greenshade <<< RIFT >>> Zone 3.EP Shadowfen
This could be between levels 25-35 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.
Zone 4. DC Alik'r Desert <<< RIFT > >> Zone 4. AD Malabal Tor <<< RIFT >>> Zone 4. EP Eastmarch
This could be between levels 35-45 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.
Zone 5. DC Bangkorai <<< RIFT > >> Zone 5. AD Reaper's March <<< RIFT >>> Zone 5. EP The Rift
This could be between levels 45-50 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well
DLC zones could also be used as neutral zones which mean no PVP instead the 3 alliances all work together for a common gold but still be rewarded with PVP currency or they could also be used as battle fields instead fighting over the zone to take control and the rewards being which ever alliance owns this zone is the only alliance that is neutral with the NPCS so they can do the daily quests and not be attacked or hostile to npcs and guards of that zone
The open world PVP could also add guards who patrol around the zone who are hard as hell to kill and will need big groups to defeat but are very rewarding if defeated.
If anybody is familiar with the game Aion they would know what I'm talking about. This game needs a pvp rework badly and just more activities in general to participate in.
I know people will complain and say no because playerbase is filled with people who hate change but pvp is just non existent and just old at this point its boring we need something fresh and what better way to use pre existing zones than have players fight over them and just invade them. I'm not saying this is the right idea or will work but it's an idea that could be looked over, analyzed, take notes from and improved upon to craft this new pvp activity that adds depth to already pre existing zones that can be slightly altered to work for open world pvp.
please leave feedback lets get this going and make some noise it's been 10 years now lets try something NEW.