DrNukenstein wrote: »I actually tried the legendary combination and threw it away because it's overrated garbage. Things about this thing that need to be put in writing:
-It actually ticks every other tick (4 seconds) if you only have one weapon dot on them. That means it's half as bad as it looks on paper if you only use one weapon dot
-When it ticks it hits about as hard as one masters dw tick which by itself is not unbearable
-It can only auto-tick on one target at a time. No spreading it around. If you spread your dots, you lose control over who it ticks on.
-Mediocre line bonuses and heavy armor. Aside from the overrated weapon dot synergy, you get a better deal with Ashen Grip.
It is annoying though, and there are even more annoying sets that exploit the weapon dot synergy. It would be great if procs only triggered off of direct and deliberate damage.
The bigger problem is dots last so long and when they're on you, you can heal through them keep your buffs up etc.... but if someone decides to all in you while you're dotted up from like 5 different people over the past 30 seconds they're capitalizing on all of that pressure that was applied by the rest of the lobby.
Alchimiste1 wrote: »
or you can just light attack, and it'll proc every two seconds if you are weaving.
DrNukenstein wrote: »Alchimiste1 wrote: »
or you can just light attack, and it'll proc every two seconds if you are weaving.
Then why not just run a stat set? The only thing propping this set up is the weapon dot interaction.
Alchimiste1 wrote: »
I'm sorry what ? that's completely false. you do realize its one of the better pressures sets available right?
are there better set ? sure.
But I'm not just going to let you downplay it like it only procs half as much as the tooltip says. Just light attack and it'll proc on cooldown.
DrNukenstein wrote: »Alchimiste1 wrote: »
I'm sorry what ? that's completely false. you do realize its one of the better pressures sets available right?
are there better set ? sure.
But I'm not just going to let you downplay it like it only procs half as much as the tooltip says. Just light attack and it'll proc on cooldown.
But what if you don't have 50-100% up time on your light attacks?
What if the enemy is kiting you with both expeditions and actively pushing buttons?
What if they have "cloak"?
What if you have way of fire only on your melee dw bar, so you can't pew pew it with your ranged back bar?
What if there is no such thing as a 1v1 outside of duels and fighting outside of your combo is a bad idea?
If you're not parsing someone then there are many ways to get more damage on that tangent point of impact than way of fire offers, such as with the average stat set.
And like don't get me wrong it's an annoying set when used the way it is, but it's not what's killing players. What kills me and probably others about that set up is thinking we can fight through it when the responsible decision would be to peel and run away if we can and that's just how it is in the dot meta whether it's weapon dot-proc cheese or some degenerate tagging you with as many dots as they can while you're not trying to deal with them.
<snip> Order Wrath and dragon Appetite requires you do do actual damage, not hit somebody once and then go get a coffee.