My recent trip down memory lane has me playing a little bit of The Elder Scrolls: Legends. After replaying the game and moving through the ranks, oh boy do I remember well the terrible balance issues present in the form of aggressive/tempo based strategies. But let's not talk about that too much. Despite the game being well into maintenance mode, it stil has a decent sized population for ranked play.
The longest that I've waited to play a game is about 1 minute. Most games are ready within about 5 seconds. I'm genuinely impressed by that! And no, I don't believe that the enemies are bots which have been put on the ladder (though of course it is technically a possibility).
So how is Tales of Tribute holding up?

When I started dipping my toes more into TOT unranked play, there were a culmination of factors causing me to shift into that direction, but one of them was certainly the time needed to wait for the ranked que to pop. I was often waiting several minutes and it would make me anxious. I can't just sit around forever waiting to do things. Perhaps one may critique me as a "I want it now" generation type of person, but I don't think that it's unreasonable to want the systems of a large game such as ESO to function well.
Now that unranked play is starting to have the issue of a longer que time, what's the next move?
Mission accompolished?
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 10:35AM