Battleground waiting areas should have an Armory Station to swap builds

I think that the waiting areas in Battlegrounds should have a temporary Armory Station you can use to swap your builds just before the match begins, and afterwards becoming inactive. When playing normally I use my overland/questing build, but that makes it annoying to participate in a random Battleground since I have to first get to an Armory Station to have a competent build.

I understand that ZOS probably doesn't want us switching builds mid-match, so that's why the Armory Station should be disabled once the match begins (or even disappear to prevent confusion). It just lets players easily swap into a PvP build in those seconds before the match starts.

Sure, they'll then have to deal with having a PvP build active once they get back to whatever they were doing before after the match, but (1) they knew what they were doing when they swapped into the PvP build to begin with, and (2) that only really affects the one player, whereas a random quester entering a Battleground with an incorrect build negatively affects their whole team.
  • jaws343
    I've been saying this since the armory released. Just make it active only in the prep stage prior to the match starting.

    Better even, allow the banker and merchant to be summonable in this time period as well as the armory assistant, on top of a station.
  • RobbieRocket
    This is probably the biggest missing element in Battlegrounds. I accept the main post entirely but I would also add that role and game mode is also a frustration. I put on my 100% team healer focus build and hope it's map and team that works. Should I try my tank that works on flags but not on TDM. Should I play my speedy stam DD for relic running? It's horrible when I 've chosen my healer then get capture the relic or Crazy King and everyone plays solo, and then next match I swap to speedy DD only to get TDM, then swap team tank and it's relic runner again....
  • Azzras
    Such an easy QoL improvement they can add to the PvP update.
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