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Nerfs/Buffs & Power Creep

So I was looking through my skills I'll be unlocking, and realized some combinations that theoretically could end my target pretty quickly, and/or make me extremely irritating. Then it hit me about nerfs and buffs and the release of new skills.

I've played a lot of mmo's. Ironically I never made it very far in WoW. Just not my cup of tea. I have heard that WoW deals with power creep which is if one class is weaker than others then you buff their skills, and then other class's are weaker to that change so you buff them, and this continues indefinitely.

I have had the wondrous experience of riding the Guild Wars roller coaster of skill tweaking, and it's extremely annoying. Especially when you find something you really love, but apparently love too much so they nerf it.

With this game I've looked into a lot of the developers plans, and they don't mention this at all through what I have found. They do mention the release of new skills, and morphs. I have a proposal I was thinking of suggesting to them, but I wanted to see what people here think first.

I was thinking that instead of tweaking what they have already created why not just supplement imbalances in class skills through the addition of new skills and morphs? I know there are tons of universal skills, but my skill bar at the moment is showing nothing but class skills for both my weapon sets. This introduction of new skills, and more or less leaving current skills alone is what they do for the most part in Aion; however the release of new skills in Aion is extremely slow, but the promise of new content more often in this game seems a lot more hopeful.
Edited by GuildKid on April 2, 2014 2:01PM
  • Pyatra
    CC Timers and soft caps usually balance most of these combos out.
  • KenjiJU
    Actually, I think power creep is caused more by new skills. They have to make something shinier and more attractive to be more interesting than what's already available. They can also more easily introduce new mechanics with newer skills(and various new things in expansions like new classes) than completely changing old ones.

    I think you've got it a bit backwards.
  • RockSolidWiff
    Never been a fan of class balance.
    1v1 should be slightly off balanced, X is better against Y, but would rather not face Z. Every class has a nemesis class.
    With group PvP I would rather see benefits for all classes working together as a more powerful unit.
    Mage has a spell that reduces target armor, minor benefit for the mage on the next few spells, but combine that with a 2H fighter and the fighter does far more damage.
    With the PvP sieging we really also need an engineer type class, and maybe an AOE DOT class. Tougher to PvE but very useful for the group PvP
    I picked up the sword and raced into battle, died.
    I again, raced into battle wielding the sword, died.
    Once again, died.
    It was only then that I considered maybe the pointed end should face out.
    - Why mages should not wield swords
  • Bunzaga_ESO
    After paying THOUSANDS in respecs (both skill lines and stats), I've finally found a pretty awesome build for my 'Melee' Sorc :D

    So far, I've been able to take groups of 2-3 mobs 8-12 levels above me at once (They are 37-41 and I am 29).

    I don't want to share the build, because like you, I don't want it to get nerfed.

    I can't wait to try it on the battlefield!
  • Adena
    I've finally found a pretty awesome build for my 'Melee' Sorc :D


    I don't want to share the build, because like you, I don't want it to get nerfed.
    Then why post?

  • Chomag
    After paying THOUSANDS in respecs (both skill lines and stats), I've finally found a pretty awesome build for my 'Melee' Sorc :D

    So far, I've been able to take groups of 2-3 mobs 8-12 levels above me at once (They are 37-41 and I am 29).

    I don't want to share the build, because like you, I don't want it to get nerfed.

    I can't wait to try it on the battlefield!

    Builds worth anything always end up on youtube pawnage vids or guides on the forums. It's not like you just invented hot water.
  • Shaun98ca2
    ummm power creep is adding an expansion to the game and there are no new levels but a higher tier of gear that creeps the level of power in the game. Old bosses that were hard become easier due to this. After a while of doing this the power can creep so far that a single player can go back and kill said boss solo or with a MUCH smaller group than what was originally intended.

    EQLive is beyond famous for their power creep as they almost never added levels to the game for years but kept adding expansions.

    Appling new levels to the game is also another type of power creep and tends to make old content for endgame irrelevant.
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