cTx or clanTeamxtreme is recruiting, we are a gaming clan thats been around for 11 years, and have now come to ESO. We are both a PvE and PvP guild fighting for the Dominion and are looking for casual players that just want to play and have fun at their own speed, whether you like to explore every last foot of the world or see how fast you and your friends can lvl, it doesnt matter to us as long as your having fun. We have ventrilo for those with headsets as well as a facebook page for our members and a website (though the website is still being worked on) Members regularly put guild recruitment messages into chat so keep an eye out and tell them your looking to join, or you can try contacting me around 4:30pm MST (6:30pm EST) when I get on after work whisper
@Wadgod and ask for an invite. Good luck to all and have fun!