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Is tanking as a "new" or "returning" player, not a good idea? Got so many toxic rushers...

Soul Shriven
I returned to the game and playing it pretty slowly with my Wife. First we only played Quests, but a few days ago we started some normal dungeons.
And in every Dungeons there is some dd or even the healer who runs trough, ignoring every enemy. I understood that pretty fast and run with them, even taunted the big boys so the rushers dont die. But is this really how Dungeons are played in Eso???

On one boss everyone in my grp died to some void stuff on the ground. Boss was taunted, so they died to normal mechanics, and they quitted so fast, their corpses barley hitted the ground....

Iam very confused because some of them where also very very toxic...
But how is it the tanks fault if you taunt, dont die, and they pull everything and die anyway to something?

Is it always like this in random normal dungeons?
My Wife and I really thinking about playing them without a full grp. Takes longer and everything. But this speedrun stuff and beeing toxic is just not nice.

Thanks for your Answers.
It is REALLY not welcoming for new players in this game when the players are like that.
And yes, there are some other ones, but they are very rare it seems.
  • Soarora
    Unfortunately, that is pretty normal for normal dungeons. The activity finder is supposed to help with it but I'm not sure how quickly you'd be able to find a group and if people will speedrun anyways or not. I keep to vet to stay away from that behavior but if you're not ready for vet you're just kinda stuck.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 4/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 32/32 HMs - 24/26 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Eregios
    Soul Shriven
    Okay, guess we will farm our blue set out of specific dungeons and then go back to questing for a while. After a few upgrades vets should be okay i guess.

    But this normal dungeon experience is really bad. Thx for your answer, we will avoid them as much as possible.
  • YffresTrill
    This is very much the norm, and has continually pushed players who don't appreciate this sort of behaviour out of the dungeon finder, further concentrating it. My only suggestions are:
    - Join a social PVE guild. They will generally be happy to do non-rushy dungeon runs with you.
    - Wait until you can do vet and queue for that instead. You'll still encounter this a bit, but certainly far less.
    - Go ahead and duo. All the normal dungeons can be duoed, and imo it is very fun with the right person.

    If you are on PC EU feel free to message me in game and I can run some with you (perhaps pull a fourth from the guild I recently joined). I hate rushing but enjoy the chill experience of normal dungeons with a friendly group.
    Edited by YffresTrill on December 12, 2023 7:45AM
    @ Yffre'sTrill - PC/EU (No Steam)
    Naering (Bosmer WW Archer - Valenwood separatist, Hircine-agnostic, honoured affiliate of the Gang of Scroungers.)
    Alts: Kunali, Free-as-Wind, Gurzog gro-Kosh, Seldril, Hatiba, Kareemal, Gilfirion, Elorwe, Ludvikke, Tsetha-Vos, Loulou Villeau, Nilvani, Horvund, Maritia, and Treads-the-Aurbis.
  • Kusto
    This only issue on normal difficulty. Do vet and everyone will usually wait for tank to pull. Sometimes some yahoo will pull but regrets it fast.
    The main reason with normals being rushed is the broken rewards system. You get the same xp and transmutes as you get from vet. And it's so much easier and faster.
  • Alienoutlaw
    if i'm ever in a group of low level or new players i make a point of asking if they need a quest or simply hang back and run at their pace, im in no rush.
  • Eregios
    Soul Shriven
    Thats nice from you @Alienoutlaw , like i said we experienced something very different so far.

    I can deal with this "speedrun" stuff somehow. Because i played eso for a while to ~CP300 few years ago. But espacially for my Wife, such a Speedrun experience is just really really bad because she is completly new in Eso.

    But the answers here help alot, maybe we search for a guild soon.

    Good to know that Vet dungeons seem to be diffrent, heard that here and ingame.
    But still, normal dungeons SHOULD be the first way, to try out dungeons at a normal speed to learn the mechanics, bosses, etc.

    Sadly its a rushfestival ^^

  • UsualSurrender
    Normal non-DLC dungeons have become so easy over the years due to power creep, if you add the fact that most people have done them 1000+ times, you won't find many people ready to spend an hour of their time in them.
    They are only run for the daily transmute reward.
    As other have said, that problem seldom exists in Vet dungeon, but is also relatively rare in normal DLC dungeons.
    My only advise would be to run the non-DLC in vet, even if it is your first try. You can definitely do it, and he experience will be much more enjoyable for everyone.

    As long as soloing dungeon won't reward transmute crystals, it will remain a common issue.
  • AlterBlika
    As long as soloing dungeon won't reward transmute crystals, it will remain a common issue.

    As much as I'd like to get rewards from soloing (so I never have to random queue), people still will go with groups just to get it done faster
  • UsualSurrender
    AlterBlika wrote: »
    As much as I'd like to get rewards from soloing (so I never have to random queue), people still will go with groups just to get it done faster

    Some would, but many wouldn't, as soloing is often faster than waiting on teammates who have other priorities. And if they are rushing ahead and do not wait for their teammates anyway, then they wouldn't go any slower solo.
    That's not the ultimate solution, but surely it would help. (yes, I called you Shirley)
    Edited by UsualSurrender on December 12, 2023 12:09PM
  • freespirit
    I would say as a duo, you should be fine to do normal non DLC dungeons on your own, even with your wife being new.

    Start with Fungal Grotto, Spindleclutch and Banished Cells and see how you get on....

    Ofc if you have access to companions, then you can make yourself a four man group, they are not brilliant to start with but built well, they would definitely help you and your wife out.

    I have done base game dungeons 1000's of times and I still detest speed runners!!
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Vaqual
    To paraphrase Edward Murphy: Anything that can be rushed, will be rushed.
    Edited by Vaqual on December 12, 2023 3:55PM
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