Please help a returning player.

I have addons that say that I am missing things or disabled in game that I have downloaded, and redownloaded. I'm confused.
In game it will say they aren't there, but on character selection screen they are, and are there on Minion.
What should I do? Thanks in advance for any help.
  • McI
  • Baertram
    If the libaries are told to be missing (LibMapData) you need to download them manually or via Minion and put in your live/AddOns folder.
    If they are told to be diabled, you own them in your live/AddOns folder. Sroll down to the libraries section and enable them.

    It can also be that your libraries are there but not up2date! Update them all as addons can do version checks and if you got version 2 but it needs version 4 you need to update.

    [How to detect your correct addons folder]
    Go ingame and take a screenshot via the screensht key (see settings->config/key mappings).
    As the screenshot will be taken it shows a path at the top right edge of your screen -> Note the path.
    If it's e.g. c:\users\...\documents\elder scrolls online\live\Screenshots your AddOns folder (where ESO searche the addons) must be c:\users\...\documents\elder scrolls online\live\
    Check what folder is shown and place your addons in that folder (- the Screenshots) \AddOns
    Edited by Baertram on December 4, 2023 10:28AM
  • KiltMaster
    I would say check to make sure they are actually 'checked on' in your individual characters' addon settings.
    GM of "Kilts for Sale"
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