Lame Pre-Order Items

It's turning out that the pre-order items are pretty worthless.

The Maps
Got my maps and wanted to put them in the bank instead of carrying them all around with me. Can't put the map containers in the bank so I opened them. Out came a ton of maps, too many to fit in my bank with my other stuff. Even after a bank space upgrade there wasn't enough room for everything. I ended up deleting them all.

The Ring of Mara
They couldn't just give us an experience ring? We have to get married in game to get the benefits? That's just plain lame. It's even worse that I play with my friends. I'm not marrying one of my friends in this game. Of course the fact that my friends who play are all also guys adds to the creepiness.

Early Access
Tonight's downtime. Enough said.
  • Talen
    I just kept the maps in my mail for a long time, eventually I made a char, picked them up with the new char then just transfered the ones for the zones I'm questing in.

    While I wouldn't mind a less complicated version for the rings, what's the big deal about marrying a friend? It's just online, it stands for nothing. You have no resposibilities, imo there's nothing creepy about it :wink:

    There's always gonna be downtime, let's just hope they fix something big like... the goldpsammer problem. Don't get me worng, I'd love to be playing right now, but there's a reason it's down.
    Good players don't complain, they adjust and improve.
  • Thete
    Malvokian wrote: »
    The Maps
    Got my maps and wanted to put them in the bank instead of carrying them all around with me. Can't put the map containers in the bank so I opened them. Out came a ton of maps, too many to fit in my bank with my other stuff. Even after a bank space upgrade there wasn't enough room for everything. I ended up deleting them all.

    The Ring of Mara
    They couldn't just give us an experience ring? We have to get married in game to get the benefits? That's just plain lame. It's even worse that I play with my friends. I'm not marrying one of my friends in this game. Of course the fact that my friends who play are all also guys adds to the creepiness.

    Early Access
    Tonight's downtime. Enough said.

    Maps - Didn't you think of just putting them on a mule alt?

    Rings - Needed to throw a bone to RPers as they don't have their own servers perhaps.

    Early Access - you didn't pay for it; whatever early play you get (and I've had plenty) is a bonus not a right. Welcome to MMO launches; this is a lot smoother than others I've seen.
  • Lalai

    That's most likely what the downtime is for. I'd say it's a pretty big something that most definitely did not happen during their stress tests.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Malvokian
    Thete wrote: »
    Maps - Didn't you think of just putting them on a mule alt?

    I just grabbed them with my main character. There were only like 5 containers. I didn't know you couldn't put a container in the bank. I guess I could have mailed them back to myself, I don't know.

  • knightblaster
    Lalai wrote: »

    That's most likely what the downtime is for. I'd say it's a pretty big something that most definitely did not happen during their stress tests.

    Indeed. This is the kind of thing that could take a few days to resolve, honestly, and it's very important, so we just need to be patient. I would be very surprised to see it resolved anytime soon, given that kind of issue and how critical it is.
  • Thete
    Malvokian wrote: »
    I just grabbed them with my main character. There were only like 5 containers. I didn't know you couldn't put a container in the bank. I guess I could have mailed them back to myself, I don't know.

    I did the same and, yes, it was disappointing that I couldn't just put the urns that I knew I couldn't use early on in the bank. However, I just put the other maps in the bank, made an alt and collected them on that alt. That's a lot better than destroying them.
  • nerevarine1138
    Everyone's covered the maps, so to address points 2 and 3:

    Rings of Mara: If you didn't read the description of how these rings worked before buying, that sounds like a personal problem. They always, always, always specified that you would need to have a partner to level with.

    Early Access downtime: Read the ToS you signed, and then remember that this isn't even official subscription time for you. This is free bonus playing time that you didn't pay extra for.
  • Holycannoli
    Lalai wrote: »

    That's most likely what the downtime is for. I'd say it's a pretty big something that most definitely did not happen during their stress tests.

    Oh crap that really happened? Yeah I never heard anything even similar to that in the beta.
  • Malvokian
    Rings of Mara: If you didn't read the description of how these rings worked before buying, that sounds like a personal problem. They always, always, always specified that you would need to have a partner to level with.

    I knew what the rings were like, that doesn't make it any less lame.

  • nerevarine1138
    Malvokian wrote: »

    I knew what the rings were like, that doesn't make it any less lame.

    Well, then it's perfectly reasonable to complain about them now. </sarcasm>

    The rings rely on a partner, because if they'd just granted an experience bonus, even more people would have been screaming "pay to win" at the top of their lungs. Also, it encourages you to play with other in an MMO, which should be expected.
  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Please leave out the "you didnt pay for early access". We all know that it was an incentive to purchase the imperial version! PAY2WINSARCASM
    Edited by marcweiss81nrb19_ESO on April 2, 2014 1:23PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Please leave out the "you didnt pay for early access". We all know that it was an incentive to purchase the imperial version.

    For people who didn't read the pre-order bonuses, I'm sure it was. You got the same early access as anyone who ordered the standard edition. So no, it wasn't an incentive for the Imperial Edition.
  • Lalai
    Please leave out the "you didnt pay for early access". We all know that it was an incentive to purchase the imperial version.

    Pretty poor incentive when the regular edition from Zenimax came with exactly the same bonus.
    Edited by Lalai on April 2, 2014 1:14PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Malvokian
    The rings rely on a partner, because if they'd just granted an experience bonus, even more people would have been screaming "pay to win" at the top of their lungs. Also, it encourages you to play with other in an MMO, which should be expected.

    It's not about playing with a partner. It's the whole marriage thing. Call it a ring of brotherhood, friendship, I don't care, but marriage in a game is weird.
  • S1D3FX
    @Malvokian, it's better than nothin' man. You don't think there are people who would love to have the opportunity to be part of the early access? Even if 50% of the early access so far has been downtime for maintenance?

    Maybe I'm just a glass half full kind of guy?
  • Thete
    Please leave out the "you didnt pay for early access". We all know that it was an incentive to purchase the imperial version.

    Early access wasn't even announced when I made the decision to buy the imperial edition.

    The imperial edition was for the imperial class and horse. Now I think about it, that's probably why they called it the imperial edition.

    Either way, you did not pay for early access; that's a fact. I feel sorry for you everytime you go shopping and buy tinned carrots and expect peas to come out of it, but you really need to read the labels before purchasing things.
  • marcweiss81nrb19_ESO
    Please leave out the "you didnt pay for early access". We all know that it was an incentive to purchase the imperial version.

    For people who didn't read the pre-order bonuses, I'm sure it was. You got the same early access as anyone who ordered the standard edition. So no, it wasn't an incentive for the Imperial Edition.

    Ahh text, why you hide my sarcasm?

  • Gedalya
    I liked the pre-order/bonus items; am I alone?
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • S1D3FX
    Gedalya wrote: »
    I liked the pre-order/bonus items; am I alone?

    Definitely not! I'm in luuuurve with it all!
  • Stautmeister
    Rings of mara work like WoW RaF. 2 chars get bound to eachother. Who cares what they called it. I like the fact that 2 male characters are forced to get married. Most progressive game ever! Enforced Gay marriage, go Zenimax!
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • DMuehlhausen
    At least you got all your items. I got the imp edition and I only got the ring and the monkey nothing else.
  • TheAurelian
    Lalai wrote: »

    That's most likely what the downtime is for. I'd say it's a pretty big something that most definitely did not happen during their stress tests.
    This is huge! I understand why they're not being more forthcoming. How can something like this even happen?

    “Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost...." -Hiromu Arakawa-
  • Lalai
    At least you got all your items. I got the imp edition and I only got the ring and the monkey nothing else.

    Did you buy retail, or from another retailer? From my understanding the only people who got the full imperial stuff were those that pre-ordered digital through Zenimax themselves. Everyone else gets to wait until the 4th, or until they add a retail key to their account.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Kyosji
    I bought the physical Imperial Edition, so I apparently have to wait for my maps and pet, but I did get the container with the rings. I'm with that other guy about this, don't call it wedding rings. Currently that's the ONLY reason I haven't used them. Had a few of my friend guys asked me to use it with them, but I'm not ready for that type of commitment.......
  • Thete
    Rings of mara work like WoW RaF. 2 chars get bound to eachother. Who cares what they called it. I like the fact that 2 male characters are forced to get married. Most progressive game ever! Enforced Gay marriage, go Zenimax!

    This is the thing though. I'm not saying anything about unions whether homosexual or heterosexual, but I just don't want the conversation with my fiancee about marrying someone in the game. She already asks lots of questions if she thinks I've been talking to female players.

    If someone even asks to share my rings, I'm thinking of punching them in the face. I'm happy enough with my maps and crab.
  • AdeusObsidiusCorvus
    It wont bother me sharing the ring - just look at it as becoming 'Blood Brothers' or a 'Tribal Joining' or something instead. It's an MMO... use your imaginations! :p
    Adeus Obsidius Corvus Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant,
    Adeus Obsidius Infernus Sorceror Daggerfall Covenant,
    Adeus Obsidius Daemonus Templar Daggerfall Covenant.
    Adeus Obsidius Draconis Dragonknight Ebonheart Pact,
    Verus Incendus Daedrus Nightblade Ebonheart Pact,
    Verus Incendus Arcanus Sorceror Ebonheart Pact.
    Verus Incendus Seraphus Templar Aldmeri Dominion,
    Verus Incendus Scorpius Dragonknight Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Lalai
    Thete wrote: »
    Rings of mara work like WoW RaF. 2 chars get bound to eachother. Who cares what they called it. I like the fact that 2 male characters are forced to get married. Most progressive game ever! Enforced Gay marriage, go Zenimax!

    This is the thing though. I'm not saying anything about unions whether homosexual or heterosexual, but I just don't want the conversation with my fiancee about marrying someone in the game. She already asks lots of questions if she thinks I've been talking to female players.

    If someone even asks to share my rings, I'm thinking of punching them in the face. I'm happy enough with my maps and crab.

    Oh ick, I feel for your situation. You could though, just tell your wife it's the Ritual of Mara, you've become blood brothers with another citizen of the realm. Then cut your hand and smear some blood across the computer screen, maybe throw in some chest pounds for good measure with some grunts. She likely wouldn't ask anymore questions.
    Edited by Lalai on April 2, 2014 1:49PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • S1D3FX
    Lalai wrote: »
    Thete wrote: »
    Rings of mara work like WoW RaF. 2 chars get bound to eachother. Who cares what they called it. I like the fact that 2 male characters are forced to get married. Most progressive game ever! Enforced Gay marriage, go Zenimax!

    This is the thing though. I'm not saying anything about unions whether homosexual or heterosexual, but I just don't want the conversation with my fiancee about marrying someone in the game. She already asks lots of questions if she thinks I've been talking to female players.

    If someone even asks to share my rings, I'm thinking of punching them in the face. I'm happy enough with my maps and crab.

    Oh ick, I feel for your situation. You could though, just tell your wife it's the Ritual of Mara, you've become blood brothers with another citizen of the realm. Then cut your hand and smear some blood across the computer screen, maybe throw in some chest pounds for good measure with some grunts. She likely wouldn't ask anymore questions.

    Don't forget to sit on the floor in a ring of candles with incense burning. Oh, and have some ritualistic drumming music playing in the background while you mumble incoherent gibberish the whole time.
  • PixelNo1
    I have to disagree with this topic as I don't think that the pre-order content is lame and worthless, I really like the content added as it adds unique items and more variety to the game, The Ring of Mara are great to add experience points with a friend they don't seem creepy as it only a game it's not like you're actually getting married.
  • Kemono
    Worst bonus is in fact Imperial Horse (yeah its not in preorder but still)

    I have no problem with it begining stats at cheapest stable horse.
    I have a problem with it not upgrading to best mount you purchased (this is implemented in many MMO -for example RIFT)
    So in end game -you are more or less forced to abandon your Imprial horse and switch to better mount. And no other horse in the game is white.
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