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Error 307 Booted from server

Have played ESO since 2014, never had any issues, but the last 5 weeks the game keeps crashing 3-4 times each day. Now even get a boot pop up window, so can’t log in. What is going on?
  • subarctic
    The server let me in again.

    When the game crashes, I sometimes see a screenshot of when I played earlier (with a different character). Is someone recording my gaming? My gpu or cpu always runs very loud when playing ESO.
  • DinoZavr
    1. Integrity issues:
    - on Windows launch command line with admin rights
    - CHKDSK C: /F (and if game is not on your C: drive check these logical disks too)
    - SFC /SCANNOW (this will attempt to restore Windows OS integrity if damages)
    - from game launcher select REPAIR (this will fix problems if the game files are corrupt or modified)
    - rename file ShaderCache.cooked in your /documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live folder to ShaderCache.bak (this will make the game to re-create it, as it might be damaged too)
    - clear NVidia or AMD shaders cache (google how to)

    2. Hardware issues.
    on Windows launch Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Security and Maintenance -> Reliability Monitor
    if there are Errors - google how to fix these

    3. Overheating issues
    use HWmonitor software (or similar) to check your CPU, GPU, SSD temperatures, anything above 75C should alert you.

    4. Error 307 Booted from server
    update your addons (some may use excessive information exchange with server, which causes your 15 minutes "timeout" for "too many messages", though this is not you who produce them messages, but your addons do)
    minimize the number of addons you use

    and, just in case: backup your SavedVariables. this is irrelevant to your issues, but, trust me, re-tuning dozens of addons after abrupt game crashes is rather burdensome
    PC EU
  • ZOS_Phoenix
    Hello @subarctic

    If you have not already, please check out the following articles on crashing issues and Error 307 and let us know if the information therein helps with the issue.
    Staff Post
  • Pendrillion
    I was trying to turn some items I got in the Crowncrate into gems. And then the i got disconnected and upon log in I get a 307... Did I do something wrong?
  • ZOS_Bill

    Was this a one time occurrence or has it happened multiple times?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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