Endless Archive: lost a thread, but I didn't die, all I did was pick up a quest item between waves

I can't see another mention here in the bug reports section for this...
PC EU, char name is Kronèn
Start a round, kill 2 waves of adds, loot a quest page whilst the 3rd wave spawns in, and then I lose a thread and the room reset even though I did not get hurt or killed by anything :(

  • bibik92
    Soul Shriven
    Same happened to me when i tried to kill a Marauder.
    The only thing i noticed that might have triggered this, is that we were fighting on the edge of the map too much.
    Edited by bibik92 on November 12, 2023 9:06AM
  • Treeshka
    This bug is often happens if you trigger next wave while you are far too away from its spawn location.
  • EdjeSwift
    This particular stage and others like it with the stairs like that have an issue where the enemies don't use the stairs but run UNDER the ground and it counts as a loss. As you can see from 0:35 in your video the enemy is making a beeline for you and not using the stairs. It's the stage not the looting of the quest item.
    Antiquities Addict
  • EF321
    Same happened to me on same arena.
  • CGPsaint
    I've had this happen to me 4 times since Tuesday, so I'm glad to see that someone has already reported the bug. Hopefully the mods will see this and pass it along, because it's pretty poor to have a bug that erroneously removes a "life" in a game mode where you already have limited lives. I guess the solution for now is to always rush down any stairs to the next spawn area to prevent this from happening.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin
  • loosej
    Had something similar happen on a dragon (stage) boss. Died once, lost a thread, then while waiting in ghost form i got a notification that I lost another thread.
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