Better ESO later on?

While the server are down, just though i should share my experiences playing ESO for the last three days. First of all, its pretty good MMORPG, i would have to say much better than other MMOs. There are many things still need to be improved, so i make a list below...
1)Make loot objects flagged that belong to friendly npcs, that make criminal acts. You cant simple steal their stuffs. Either that or remove lootable containers in friendly zones.
2)Noticed cant swim underwater, so that not so important, but it would be more interesting playing ESO.
3)I have seen alot of powergamers that abuse the systems and friendly wildlife, at some points i wanted to smack that players around for killing that poor deers or any other critters. Some players are upset over this, since there is no roleplaying server and some take this seriously and others do not.
4)Cant craft/buy arrows? This make less roleplaying in ESO.
5)Least we have item durabilities, they do wear off at some points.
6)Noticed some critters have level range, some are so weak that should reduce their levels. For example Betty Netch lvl 5 compare to Bull Netch lvl 5, you will noticed that Bull Netch is 5x stronger. But how can you tell? If you solo and you are around that level, you got no chance at all.
7)mob drops, i been looking for rawhides and i didnt want to kill poor deers and foxes, but i have killed some mubcrabs and funny they drop rawhides lol.
8)Sure hope they dont make this game FtP, otherwise it would be overpopulated and too uncomfortable to play in. On the first day release, was a nightmare and hardly can harvest resources you need to craft/sell and it was getting too much.
9)No weightless items, so we need the weight system back!

There are many other things i cannot remember that need to be discuss about playing ESO. So guys please dont flame this thread, only trying to improve it :blush:
Edited by SpireofSouls on April 2, 2014 2:14PM
  • Trouvo
    1. Planned first update
    2. Not planned
    3. Yeah...its an mmo
    4. Its an MMO....not surprising doesnt mean you cant RP it
    5. Yeah, its a good gold sink
    6. You can tell because passive creatures are yellow auras and are generally weaker
    7. yeah you can get a lot in Fungal Grotto too
    8. Give it time to even out it will be fine for pop, also doubt it will go f2p least not any time soon
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • SpireofSouls
    And one more thing, we need a better forum here. There should be suggestion that based on ideals and other issues. This forum feel cheap!
  • krees28b14_ESO
    3- That deer may try to hit my car one day and thus deserves to die now. If you lived close to me you would see there are more deer than we need.
  • Thete
    1. Not sure what the problem is here. Understand if you're into RP and sympathise with the lack of RP only servers, but majority of us will just loot anything not nailed down (including bread which I don't use and doesn't sell for anything).
    2. Swimming underwater would have been nice but, yeah, not a major thing. Maybe in future years if all goes well.
    3. People do hunt deer, so why shouldn't they be able to in the game?
    4. Consumables are the bane of MMO players and most games realised that having to cart around arrows was putting archers at a big disadvantage over melee types.
    5. Not sure what your issue is here. You seem to be suggesting that armour should repair itself, but I don't think that's what you mean.
    6. I've not had an issue attacking most creatures my own level, and certainly not those two. You do have such things as elite type mobs (intended for multiple players) in MMOs though. Beyond just saying L2P, I might suggest that the game could make it clearer which mobs are elite and which are intended for solo combat.
    7. Many furry creatures are indeed quite tight with their leather drops. Others have suggested mudcrabs are good for this but it hurts my brain to get leather off a crab.
    8. The idea of megaservers is that it doesn't get overpopulated, no matter how many players there are. I hope it doesn't go F2P because, ironically, it will inevitably cost me more to play.
  • Skjlvald
    Yeah kind of silly if you are Argonian and can't swim underwater.
    Ulyn Andrano

    VR3 Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Ebonheart Pact
  • cfritch577
    It's ridiculous. Argonians have a practically useless skill trait. If it were changed from just 50% faster swimming to 50% faster swimming and slaughterfish will no longer attack you, then it would be a viable train in PvP contexts.
  • SpireofSouls
    Just added number nine, that is important for most roleplayers. Now i can understand why most beta testers didnt like ESO. I dont want to step on someone toes, but i personally like Mortal Online better and ESO is pretty, but lack of realism into it. Even Hardcore in the middle of pvp, you should lose your gears if you get killed. So that is not the important issues here, some like hardcore some dont. But still need weightless fix and noticed you cant miss if you are shooing a bow or a spell, you still need to aim though.

    So i cant decide if i want to stick around ESO or wait six months til they improve it. I do not want to play vanilla MMO, like most MMOs out there.
  • nudel
    @cfritch577 I get where you're coming from, but your suggestion isn't really an improvement. Slaughterfish attack you when you're running out of map space to travel in. Removing the vulnerability to slaughterfish would mean reinstating their precursor -- a timer that counted down how long you had before you drowned -- or worse - falling off the world.
  • cromica81_ESO
    I would like to see the ability to steal cheats and glyphs removed
  • cfritch577
    I'm talking about in Cyrodil, where every river and stream I've jumped in were full of slaughterfish. It doesn't make sense that I HAVE to use a bridge to cross in Cyrodil. It restricts tactics and could cause funneling of troops, which in turn could be flanked by going through the river. It has nothing to do with map space there.
  • nudel
    @SpireofSouls‌ This is the great fallacy surrounding this game. The people who hated the beta were more often than not pre-judging after only playing to lvl 8, sometimes quitting as early as lvl 4. I'm sorry at that point in the game, you have not experienced enough content to judge the game.

    If I read the first sentence of a book and stop there, am I now an expert capable of tearing it to shreds?

    Contrary to what you've heard, the vast majority of people that stuck with it past level 10-15 fell in love.
  • SpireofSouls
    Well slaughterfishs isnt my problems right now, its realism :( and i dont think i will continue playing this game next month. I personally like Mortal Online better, ESO is pretty but lack of realism.
  • SadisticSavior
    I have seen alot of powergamers that abuse the systems and friendly wildlife, at some points i wanted to smack that players around for killing that poor deers or any other critters. Some players are upset over this, since there is no roleplaying server and some take this seriously and others do not.
    LOL "abuse"...In real life people hunted wild game all the time in similar time periods. Often just for sport. In-game, Deer and sheeps and other wildlife do drop useful items (just as real life animals provide useful items). It's the Circle of Life.

    That being said, it does make sense to have maybe a faction that is after a while animals can sense that you're a *** and run away from you or something.
    Cant craft/buy arrows? This make less roleplaying in ESO.
    mob drops, i been looking for rawhides and i didnt want to kill poor deers and foxes, but i have killed some mubcrabs and funny they drop rawhides lol.
    Where do you think leather comes from in real life? LOL

  • SpireofSouls
    There should be another ways to get rawhides, depend on what kinda character you are trying to roleplay. Evil players doesnt really care and if i want to play a good bosmer, i want to respect wildlife. bad wolves or bears would do.

    Now before you say "then go back playing Mortal Online" i would be happy to, but its unfinish and very, very slow developing. Mortal Online is pretty good realistic roleplaying game, if you havent tried it.
  • Trouvo
    There should be another ways to get rawhides, depend on what kinda character you are trying to roleplay. Evil players doesnt really care and if i want to play a good bosmer, i want to respect wildlife. bad wolves or bears would do.

    Now before you say "then go back playing Mortal Online" i would be happy to, but its unfinish and very, very slow developing. Mortal Online is pretty good realistic roleplaying game, if you havent tried it.

    "Good" Bosmer do hunt and kill wildlife, they respect nature and understand that to eat and be nourished they must hunt, to respect nature they use every part of what they kill, skin for clothing/armor, bones for armor and weapons, meat for food, brains and eyes for alchemy, that is part of being "One" with nature
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • Thete
    if you are shooing a bow or a spell, you still need to aim though.

    Not sure about that. I started drawing my bow back at a mob last night but then thought better of it. I turned round 180 degrees to loose off my arrow harmlessly and it still shot the mob that was now behind me.
  • SpireofSouls
    Question is have any of you guys ever played Mortal Online? I dont want to post links here about another game, probably against the rules. Just google it or watch some videos on youtube. MO is funny and realistic game, too bad they are far behind with their knowledges on programming. Using old codes compare to Morrowind. You can get sick, you have to eat to survive. You can get your head chopped off lol. Yes MO is pretty hardcore, but doesnt have to be that strong.
  • Trouvo
    Thete wrote: »

    Not sure about that. I started drawing my bow back at a mob last night but then thought better of it. I turned round 180 degrees to loose off my arrow harmlessly and it still shot the mob that was now behind me.
    Yeah if it is charged when the enemy is glowing it will still go to them regardless, not positive if as soon as you first click(before letting go) is enough to keep it going to the target or not, but yes that does still happen, you do need to aim at them at least at some point during your charge up or aim at them when fast clicking
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • Narrator
    I'm Confused here... The OP is praising a game (Mortal Online..Never heard of BTW) that is, to quote the OP " is unfinished and very, very slow with development"..... Dur HUH? Not following here.

    ESO has tons of realism, however it does take a smidgen of imagination to bring the game to life. To me if you are a "roleplayer" and have issues with "non-roleplayers" killing wildlife... you imagine a story that fits that bill and... roleplay off of that.. Same with the Slauterfish in Cyrodill... maybe the slauterfish migrated to the rivers in search of food... The game is what you make it but to me you just aren't "Making it".. you want it made for you.


  • SpireofSouls
    Narrator wrote: »
    I'm Confused here... The OP is praising a game (Mortal Online..Never heard of BTW) that is, to quote the OP " is unfinished and very, very slow with development"..... Dur HUH? Not following here.

    ESO has tons of realism, however it does take a smidgen of imagination to bring the game to life. To me if you are a "roleplayer" and have issues with "non-roleplayers" killing wildlife... you imagine a story that fits that bill and... roleplay off of that.. Same with the Slauterfish in Cyrodill... maybe the slauterfish migrated to the rivers in search of food... The game is what you make it but to me you just aren't "Making it".. you want it made for you.


    Then you prob never played a hardcore roleplaying game before. Here a video...

    Btw this game is based on skill systems, whatever you do in Morrowind and pretty much what you gain from that skills. So it wont be the whole skill systems you already have active and get leveled up like in ESO. In order to get better with that skills, you have to use that skills often. The hard parts about this game is pretty harsh and hardcore, if someone killed you and you lose all your stuffs. Yeah its hardcore sandbox MMORPG, alot of new players couldnt handle the heats and they left the game.

    Edited by SpireofSouls on April 2, 2014 3:22PM
  • Narrator

    Then you prob never played a hardcore roleplaying game before.

    Not really sure how this ties into your realism argument. Having never heard of this game, I have played similar games such as EVE Online, Ultima Online and other titles. I have to admit watching the video it does seem to have a Real Life appeal to it. But, I'm sure your imagination has to compensate for some of the mechanics in Mortal Online. ESO would be no different in that regard.
  • SpireofSouls
    The ways i look at ESO, it feel between Guild Wars and Lord of the Rings Online. There are some interesting to ESO, but still lack of realism to it. You cant carry all the stuffs you want, you shouldnt loot all the stuffs you want, and there are alot of other stuffs i want to say, but my head hurt lol. Sorry i wasnt happy about ESO that all.
  • Narrator
    Well I'm sure you can get a refund. I know some people have gotten them. Good luck in the future.
  • SpireofSouls
    Narrator wrote: »
    Well I'm sure you can get a refund. I know some people have gotten them. Good luck in the future.

    Nah i keep it, im sure it will be much more improvements, but it will take time. At the meantime i trying to search roleplayers that know how to roleplay to keep us company. It just too many wild, powergamers roaming all over the place making the game itself less interesting.

    If you picture yourself playing any ESSeries and trying to roleplay out your character (by doing the logic ways to survive) and now walking into ESO is like wild goose chase and players killing everything that move and running over you with their mounts lol.

    What we need is roleplaying server to avoid this issues!

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