Hints for EA

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Instead of discussing the pros and cons of the current EA setup, i'd like this thread to be a place where people can post what they learned by completing certain stages/quests/sidequests in the EA.

I run EA on an Arcanist. Pretty much a cookie cutter, DPS focused build with Deadly and Briarheart and Ring of the Pale Order with about 22k Health, 50% crit and around 100% crit dmg. Takes me solo quite reliably to somewhere in the 3rd arc, where things get kind of challenging for that kind of build. And things get kind of challenging for me as well, since with that build it takes about 50-60 minutes to get there, and for me that's about the point where I lose interest in doing the same thing over and over again, just with more hp to burn down.

Whatever. Where most not so experienced players seem to have problems is the last boss of arc1. He's actually pretty manageable, you just have to tank him. Even as a low health dps. Means you have to avoid his charge attack which pretty much one shots you eventually. At least at 22k health ;) So stay close to him, while avoiding standing in the red, means the aoe patches he spawns (which you should do anyways, always), and block his heavy attack. Takes away half of your health max. So don't worry. Just heal up. He spawns some adds now and then, you should try to kill them if it doesn't take you too far away from the boss. They can hurt pretty badly if you come close to them. The phase where he surrounds himself with mirrors and doesn't take damage is the opportunity to do that.

The incarnation of the boss at the end of arc2 is basically the same fight. Just easier. First kill the boss like in arc1, then go for the mirror boss. He doesn't do very much but spawn limbs all over the place. Avoid standing in their damage zone and you'll be ok. Just burn the mirror down.

Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on November 5, 2023 3:22AM
  • Houshiki
    Hints? Ok.

    Arc 1 boss. Slowly kite out of the bosses AoEs. Shield up and block, or dodge the telegraphed sword heavy attack. When the boss has shield and floating mirrors; you can tank the single spheres, but you'll need to dodge roll the incoming swarm of spheres. Note, you can stop this mech if you can break the bosses shield fast enough. Second note, small silver blobs also spawn, easy to kill and can be mostly ignored, but if left to channel uninterrupted long enough, it can kill you.

    Arc 2 boss. Arc 1 plus a mirror ice atro. The arena extends before the Arc 2 boss spawns. This fight burn the Arc 1 boss first, the Arc 2 boss doesn't really hit hard. A large sphere also spawns that shoots a tracking aoe, it looks like a beam coming from a large floating eye. That Arc 2 boss' general rotation is to spawn 2 sets of 3 small tentacles, then 1 large tentacle, then teleports to another location. The tentacles' attacks are telegraphed, and can easily dodged by keeping out of range. Basically just parse a teleporting boss while walking around aoes.

    Arc 3 boss. Arc 2 plus mirror mantikora. The arena extends again before the Arc 3 boss spawns. Same progression as the Arc 2 boss fight, once the Arc 2 boss is dead tentacles stop spawning. Arc 3 boss doesn't hit too hard, but it spawn hard barriers that you can't walk or roll through. Has a large, tracking aoe that does high dmg. The actual dmg is delayed, or charges while you're in the aoe, but it is possible to dodge roll. It is easier to just shield up and block the dmg though. Not too difficult, just parsing while watching out for the large aoe.

    Spoilers for the last form.

    Arc 4 boss. Its a dragon. Arc 3 plus mirror dragon. The arena retracts before the Arc 4 boss spawns, and by that I mean the inner part becomes damaging making the arena more of a large ring. Anyways, when the Arc 4 spawns it stays in the air raining down fire while the Arc 3 boss is still alive. Once its just the Arc 4 boss alive, it comes down and is essentially a regular dragon fight. Meaning sweeping breath attacks, unrelenting force, wing slaps, bites, etc. The small crystal aoes from the Arc 1 boss fight also spawn along with the silver blocks. Anyways, lots going on, and lots of aoes, no 1-shots as far as I can tell. Just keep calm, keep up buffs, HoTs, and shield. Slowly kite out of the small aoes, and keep the boss in your aoes and DoTs. Interrupt the silver blobs. And be sure to make use of the visions and verses you picked up, those things hit hard.

    That's more or less all that I picked up from my experiences with the Arc bosses. Good luck people. o/
  • Djennku
    Tho'at fight, when she puts up the mirror shield, stop attacking her. Doing damage spawns orbs that hurt you based off of how much damage you do.
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's set up as a players guide to Endless Archives.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
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