The state the necromancer is in now is simply terrifying
Even the class set does not improve the condition of the necromancer, which is not good. What can we say when the necromancer doesn’t even have his own Major Brutality and Sorcery when literally all classes except the necromancer have this buff. And he loses to all classes in terms of buffs
Below I have given an example of improvements to some skills, in my opinion:
Flame Skull: Replace fire damage with magic damage. This skill could be a good spamming ability, but it does very little damage for pvp, and because of this, almost no one uses it

Venom Skull: Lob an explosive skull at an enemy, dealing 10000(example) Poison Damage. Every second cast of this ability deals 50% increased damage. Every fourth cast causes explosive area damage for 10,000 (example) Poison Damage and imposes Minor Necro Defile on the enemy reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 10% for 5 seconds.

Ricochet Skull: Lob an explosive skull at an enemy, dealing 10,000 (example) Flame Damage. Every third cast of this ability deals 70% increased damage and will bounce up to 4 times to other nearby enemies and deals additional blast damage from cold fire to each first target for 40% of the damage dealt
Blastbones: Give this ability major brutality and major sorcery, etc. this ability is one of the main spam abilities in pvp and pve. Necromancer is the only class that does not have this buff, all other classes have it. Replace fire damage with magic damage.

Blighted Blastbones: This ability is useless from the word at all, especially when hybridization started and 99% of players use a different morph. Major Defile reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 16% it almost doesn't feel like it, considering how much healing is in the game right now. Need to make the initial value equal to 20% - 25% and that it would scale from spd/wpd, 1k wpd/spd = 5% Defile. Give the necromancer your Defile - Major Necro Defile, which only the necromancer will have.

Stalking Blastbones: Improve this morph. The skeleton runs after the target and explodes when approaching it, dealing 15000 (for example) points of fire damage to all nearby enemies and deals cold fire damage over 5 seconds to the target it was running towards in the amount of 40% ( example) of the damage dealt by the explosion
This is my version of the necromancer for pvp, the changes described here may well not be reality. But the fact that the necromancer is not in the best position now remains a fact and something needs to be done about it...