I never thought that I would end up posting a suggestion in this forum. Well life is funny like that, isn't it? Anyway you aren't here to read about me rambling. So let us get to the point.
For players who don't know the Mage Skill: Bound Armor. It's a permanent buff that raises your armor, but in turn reduces your max mana by 10 %.
Now with all the possible customization in the game I have a serious problem with this skill. It forces a custom full body armor on your character. Maybe it won't bother players during their leveling phase. However for the eventual endgame content this is a lackluster. You farm dungeons, or pvp, or crafting - or you buy yourself awesome looking gear from a sneaky (or skilled) crafter.
Yet if you use Bound Armor you will never see it. You are literally forced to run around with the same full body armor day in and day out - Unless you refuse to use the skill of course. That is indeed an option. Not really a desirable choice in my opinion, but for each their own right?
I suggest for this skill to make the forced armor skin an optional choice. (Removing it will probably be no valid choice, since there will be people who like the style of the preset armor this buff provides)
Here is a visual reference. Keep in mind that this is a low lvl character in random gear. Now imagine you have an ultra awesome deadric armor equipment (or any other style you like) But in the end you will always look like this silver fish with Bound Armor

Now up to you guys.
- #What's your opinion on Bound Armor?
- #Do you like the forced armor skin?
- #Would you rather see your own character with your own collected equipment instead? (And if so would you rather refrain from using the skill just to preserve your unique style?)
Insanity is like pie: I love it,
Sanity is like cake: It's a lie!