Firstly, the Khajiit expression when using Worm Wizard has been altered:

Since there's no change in the patch notes, and given the exaggerated skew of the expression, this seems unintentional.
For Argonians, they now no longer complete the blinking animation--it starts, but the eyelids do not close. The start of this animation then plays repeatedly, as though it's trying to resolve the blinking animation but can't. This affects players and NPCs.
With the Assassin personality, eye animations are so distorted that the left eye clips through the skull, and the character hardly blinks (or, more accurately, attempts to blink) at all:

And while we're at it, any plans to fix the longstanding bug where Argonian male NPCs don't move their teeth while speaking despite their lips moving?
Edited by PrinceShroob on October 31, 2023 1:57PM