I don't mind, because there's a lot of new things added, and I'd rather they do the maintenance properly instead of hurrying it up. It was also nice they updated it promptly about the extended time. I think the archive will be really fun, so worth the wait!
This is the 40th update.
For a company that has been refining it's craft for 37 years.
You'd think there would be some sort of a standardized system involving knowledge of server equipment parameters, checklists to facilitate things like software comparability between existing and update code, and possibly a trial run or two on test equipment to see if the update will even install, install in a reasonable amount of time, and what that reasonable amount of time is, which leads to a working product and an actual schedule.
EramTheLiar wrote: »This is the 40th update.
For a company that has been refining it's craft for 37 years.
You'd think there would be some sort of a standardized system involving knowledge of server equipment parameters, checklists to facilitate things like software comparability between existing and update code, and possibly a trial run or two on test equipment to see if the update will even install, install in a reasonable amount of time, and what that reasonable amount of time is, which leads to a working product and an actual schedule.
There is.
It involves deploying the patch and then fixing everything that breaks as they find it. :-D
Speaking from long MMO experience: when an extension to patch downtime happens, what it VERY often means is that they patched the game, started it up server side to check it internally -- which involves devs actually running through the game looking at things they changed -- and they found some crazy code interaction or other unexpected problems that somehow didn't show up on PTS. "Ummm, why are all the Argonians hot pink?" So they need to extend the downtime to fix the found issues, instead of putting bad code live.
Speaking from long MMO experience: when an extension to patch downtime happens, what it VERY often means is that they patched the game, started it up server side to check it internally -- which involves devs actually running through the game looking at things they changed -- and they found some crazy code interaction or other unexpected problems that somehow didn't show up on PTS. "Ummm, why are all the Argonians hot pink?" So they need to extend the downtime to fix the found issues, instead of putting bad code live.
As a player who wont play a potential suitcase - pink argonians for a day might be rofl funny once ina while.