Patch 9.1.8 - Tales Of Tribute (Personal) Feedback

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Soul Shriven
Hello, My Name Is Osq. Or Köntös in game. And so far have been playing Tales Of Tribute more than l would like to admit (oops :D )
This will be my personal feedback on the tribute game.

Let's start with gameplay feedback, l love it. l have so far had no issues with the game, but l could still see this game needing a lot of improvements until it's fully flourished.

Now card feedback, l have a few issues with the Red deck, Especially with the card called Armoury. It costs 6 coins and gives you 5 power, which is quite insane. And the worst part is if you have very good RNG you just win the game in 8 turns, and l feel like that is way too quick. So l would Nerf Armoury by making it give only 3 power and add Combo [3] + 2 Power, Or something else, as so far l have been losing to someone who just gets Armoury on their first turn, or AI gets so lucky with drawing a card and grab it on turn 3 or 4 and now you're really in trouble as your just now fighting against time and there is nothing you can do.

Another card feedback l have for Siege Weapon Volley. It Costs only 4 coins and gives you 4 power and 1 coin. What is insanely good for the early game, and feel like it should be also nerfed. l would suggest that instead of giving 4 power, it gives 2 power and has Combo [1 & 2], In Combo [1] it gives + 1 power and + 1 coin. And Combo [2] +1 power. So it requires you to have more red cards and not just that simply able to pull out 4+ power card out of nowhere.

Nextly Blue deck.
l feel like you are shuffling your deck way too much, and lack of damage. l know the Blue deck is used for mostly tossing your cards and shuffling them but l feel like they could add more damaging blue cards, or add the same type of card effects like "gain 1 power after discarding any card to your cooldown deck" One good example of this card effect is Forest Wraith
I think that would actually make Blue deck more useable.

As so far l have been taking the blue deck only for deck shuffling or to prevent Patroen win by never buying agents and just focusing on my game plan, what l think the Blue deck could offer more than it currently can, and would need some love too.

Anyways, that will be all from me, and l hope to get some discussion going, and l would love to hear your guy's opinion as well! o:)
Edited by MrOsq on October 26, 2023 3:55PM
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Yeah, I like it when your opponent goes first and gets something lame, then uncovers an Armoury which you can scoop up on your first turn if you get all coins.

    Having said that, not sure if you heard that Armoury is getting a nerf in 4 days. They are moving the coin to Combo 2.
    Lethal zergling
  • MrOsq
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah, I like it when your opponent goes first and gets something lame, then uncovers an Armoury which you can scoop up on your first turn if you get all coins.

    Having said that, not sure if you heard that Armoury is getting a nerf in 4 days. They are moving the coin to Combo 2.

    Damm really? That won't change anything, the 5 power card is just so strong, and if you get it so early, the same pretty much goes for the Siege Weapon Wolley as well.
  • spartaxoxo
    Here's the upcoming changes OP
    Festival of Forbearance: Decreased cost from 4 to 3.
    Bardic Veneration: Decreased cost from 4 to 3.
    Mornhold Clergy: Decreased cost from 6 to 5.
    The Lesson of Ayem: Decreased cost from 5 to 4.
    The Druid King
    Wispcaller Totem: Changed the 3 Coin on Combo 3 to 2 Coin Combo.
    Draoife Ritecaller & Eldertied Fenwitch: Removed the 1 Coin on Play.
    St. Pelin
    Armory: Moved the +1 Coin from Play to Combo 2.
    Rally: Moved 1 Power from Play to Combo 2.
    Sorceror-King Orgnum
    Patron Ability:
    Favored: Changed the card created from “Maomar Boarding Party” to “Summerset Sacking”.
    Neutral: Reduce cost from 3 Coin to 2.
    Unfavored: Reduce cost from 2 Coin to 1.
    Serpentguard Rider: Added +1 Power to Combo 2.
    Storm Shark Wavecaller: Increased Power of base effect from 1 to 2.
    Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
    Customs Seizure: Increased Acquire from 5 to 6.
    Psijic Loremaster Cellerus
    Psijics Insight & Cephorah’s Insight: Changed on Play Replace 1 to +2 Coin on Play.
    Time Mastery: Increased Toss 4 on Play to 5.
    Rajhin, the Purring Liar
    Jeering & Prowling Shadow: Increase HP from 1 to 2.
    Shadow’s Slumber & Jarring Lullaby: Moved 1 Coin from Combo 2 to Play.
  • MrOsq
    Soul Shriven
    Huh :D most of the cards who either get buffed or nerfed never heard them before but still, quite good to know, thanks for the info! But overall l think Armoury having now coin but into combo? Does not make any difference really when you do so much damage alone with it. So even losing the coin does not really matter too much. When considering 5 power is like 1/8 game done. And you have to draw it anymore 7 times and you win instantly. + on top of that it really sucks if you get it so early in game, that it just ruins the fun if someone gets it on turn 3 or something, its just gg on that point.
  • rbfrgsp
    It sounds like you perhaps have only the four starter decks at the moment. Armoury and Rally can appear insanely powerful in the starter game, but their impact is diluted and balanced by decks and cards that you will unlock as you progress through the game.

    By the time you have all decks, both remain powerful but by no means the most OP cards in the game.
  • MrOsq
    Soul Shriven
    correct l only do have 4 starter decks but the issue is not in that, The issue is that if you get very good RNG or your opponent does, starting with 6 coins, they can just instantly buy the Armoury and get 5 power out of nowhere. What feels a little too over powered. And now you're just fighting against time, as you basically have 8 turns until you just lose because your opponent just got extremely lucky, which should not be part of the game nor l do not think the devs want that, that the game just ends in 8 turns, because of very good luck and RNG
  • spartaxoxo
    I think the coin matters more than you think. One of the weaknesses of the Red Deck power cards is that they don't generate much coin. So you might generate a lot of power that turn, but you won't be able to build your deck up further. Now, with that coin weakness reinforced, you'll be more likely to afford the agent cards over the person who got the high power card. The agents can soak up that power and prevent them from using it.

    Next time your opponent has something like Armory, go more aggressively for the agents that "taunt." It will slow them down and allow you a better chance at victory.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 2, 2023 4:25PM
  • Personofsecrets
    Edited by Personofsecrets on November 4, 2023 3:56AM
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