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To DEVS: Do you agree that necro dps needs help in PVE?

This is not bashing anyone at ZOS. I'm just trying to see what the devs' thoughts are. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit the game or trying to be dramatic. If you're unsure mods, look at how little I have posted and I have been a member since the start.

The necro DPS class is suffering. Skinnycheeks and Charles have mentioned it. We have bugs, and we do much less DPS than our counterparts. Our class is lacklustre. I would restart with another class if I didn't have hundreds of hours played on this character and have most motifs/blueprints/praxis...

1) You NEVER talk about it. Do you agree that there is a problem?

2) If so, are you planning to fix it? Please let me know so I can make decisions.

I like being an evil necro, but you've taken so much away from us that we cannot compete with other DPS. If you're not ''main'ing'' a DPS necro, please skip the ''you need to learn how to play your character better. '' It's going to make you look bad as top necro DPS agree with me, and no matter how great or bad I am, the bugs are not something that anyone can do anything about unless they are a dev.

Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on October 21, 2023 3:11AM
  • Zastrix
    Good luck on getting a response which isn't:
    • Deciding to close the thread
    • Edited for bashing
    • Due to community guidelines some comments were removed.
    110-114k Stage 4 Vamprie Magblade u39
    Aldmeri Dominion did nothing wrong in Shadowfen.
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    It’s nearly impossible to be critical of the game without being accused of bashing by the forum moderators.
  • Daoin
    do you want all classes wearing the same set up of armour/weapon and doing the exact same amount of damage ? most people already decide to use the exact same weapon/armour as each other but are you saying damage should also be the same too ?
    Edited by Daoin on October 17, 2023 2:25PM
  • Vorkk8383
    Daoin wrote: »
    do you want all classes wearing the same set up of armour/weapon and doing the exact same amount of damage ? most people already decide to use the exact same weapon/armour as each other but are you ssaying damage sshould alsso be the ssame too ?

    Of course not, but when a class does 20k less DPS, there is a problem.
  • Vorkk8383
    Zastrix wrote: »
    Good luck on getting a response which isn't:
    • Deciding to close the thread
    • Edited for bashing
    • Due to community guidelines some comments were removed.

    I hope it doesn't get closed. I'm not bashing. I'm asking what the devs' thoughts are on the topic.
  • Daoin
    haha sorry no time to edit the repeating s's
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    Daoin wrote: »
    do you want all classes wearing the same set up of armour/weapon and doing the exact same amount of damage ?

    that’s basically what is happening now!

    PvE: have to buy the newest chapter to get the antiquity or set that will eventually get nerfed.

    PvP: have to get vate/masters/maarselok to compete if you aren’t an OP class du jour.

    as a sorc, i advise you get ready. we have been on the back burner for years and it feels like necros are coming down to our level.

    the devs who do play this game, i’m convinced, are either NB or DK because they make needed combat changes only to those classes most consistently. those of use playing other classes try to make our voices heard but feedback goes ignored for months if not years.
    Edited by ESO_CenturionPlayer on October 17, 2023 2:30PM
  • Vorkk8383
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?

    The issue is in PVE.
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Revert the changes made to allow Necro to use own synergy, and undo nerf to plaguebreak and allow pb to infect and destroy NPC's like it did for 3 years and Necros will rise from the grave
    Edited by Rogue_WolfESO on October 17, 2023 2:31PM
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?

    is he a dark convergence bomber? that is the only set i’ve seen in PvP lately that is remotely making a difference in BG’s. otherwise necro’s are super bottom tier.
  • Vorkk8383
    I don't want us to be OP, by the way. I want things to be more balanced in PVE. I do not want preferential treatment or anything of the sort if the devs read this. I'm not asking for other classes to have nerfs. I'd like you to look at our PVE damage and compare it to other classes, please and thank you!
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.
  • Daoin
    be like me, demote your necro (as i did my sorc) to normal content, and go into vets with other classes. unless your in a friendly group, in which case the lower dps really wont matter especially with a decent healer and tank in group. but at the moment my necro is a tank (not my main tank) and not as good as my main tank either but i have no issues with that
    Edited by Daoin on October 17, 2023 2:41PM
  • Vorkk8383
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?

    is he a dark convergence bomber? that is the only set i’ve seen in PvP lately that is remotely making a difference in BG’s. otherwise necro’s are super bottom tier.

    I'm unsure. I edited the title to say ''PVE'' because I do not PVP much and cannot speak to that play style. If we have PVP issues, I will let experienced PVP necros speak of it. I know better than to speak of issues I know nothing about. I'm not trying to insinuate that PVP isn't important or anything of the sort! I think ZOS wants us all to have fun and play in whatever ''forum'' makes us happy. There have been improvements to PVP lately, from what I read and it makes me happy for those who PVP.
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    The model after 3 pay-to-own classes is:
    1. release overpowered class
    2. make minor changes to tweak damage downward during the next few months
    3. when the next “pay-to-win” content is released, really nerf it so that you must play in the new purchased content to stay relevant.

    necro’s were OP when i started. arcanists are OP now.

    it’s why most of us want a class change token so we don’t have to keep playing these games.

    the problem is that a class change token will short circuit the business model and game balance. so. it’s just a lose-lose situation.
    Edited by ESO_CenturionPlayer on October 17, 2023 2:53PM
  • Vorkk8383
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?
  • Vorkk8383
    Daoin wrote: »
    be like me, demote your necro (as i did my sorc) to normal content, and go into vets with other classes. unless your in a friendly group, in which case the lower dps really wont matter especially with a decent healer and tank in group. but at the moment my necro is a tank (not my main tank) and not as good as my main tank either but i have no issues with that

    It is likely what I will have to do. Quests and normal content on necro and level another DPS class that has it better in PVE. It makes me sad because I love my necro as a character. I'm not in a roleplay guild or anything, but ZOS allows us to be so immersive and I made him this crazy old ''cook'' who is semi-evil, semi-lost, and confused...who wants to be evil but is most often morally gray.

    As you can see, I like the class for being a necro. I quit the game for years and returned because I saw that there was a necro now!! It's a class that I often play in many games. It's the opposite of me ''IRL''. It's therapeutic not always to try to be super kind and to be able to say things that are a little out there without hurting people's feelings because they know that it's who your character is. And I do not just want to complain. I REALLY appreciate that, ZOS!!

    Sadly, we do so much less DPS than other classes. I'm following Skinycheek's build and have tried several others. Skinnycheek's gets me the best parses (and yes, I get that parses aren't representative of... before someone mentions it). The parses do matter in PVE because in tougher PVE content if we do so much less DPS on our parse dummies when the conditions are at their peak/top to promote our best DPS, we're going to do much less in those vet dungeons and such. We also need to be stamcros. Magcros are hurting even more. It is sad because ZOS gives us so much freedom for certain things and then if you're a necro in PVE, you realize that no matter what you do, you're not going to be nearly close to what other DPS classes can do. I've considered switching to a tank necro or healer necro, but I like to DPS. It's sad that we cannot do certain things in PVE with approximately the same level of difficulty as other DPS classes would encounter because we're not capable of doing a lot of these things.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    Strongly disagree. There is a reason you don’t see necro’s notching leaderboards spots for HM vet content clears. There is a post floating around with that information.

    They don’t offer unique group utility anymore and they are bottom tier compared to almost all other classes in their ability to consistently achieve high DPS. Same as sorc.
  • Vorkk8383
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!
    Edited by Vorkk8383 on October 17, 2023 3:27PM
  • ESO_CenturionPlayer
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!

    best case parses from folks who spend their time perfecting a parse… aren’t useful in IRL situations.

    look at actual stats from who is clearing content.
  • Vorkk8383
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!

    best case parses from folks who spend their time perfecting a parse… aren’t useful in IRL situations.

    look at actual stats from who is clearing content.

    Very true. If we look at the leaderboards, how many necros are on there? It's laughable. But we have major vul, so we should suck ;p
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?

    Not to burst your bubble, but the level of competition in ESO's PvP is at an all time low because the population has withered away. It's incredibly easy for experienced players to make any class or build look good - that doesn't mean Necromancer is in a good spot at all. They're bottom tier in PvP easily.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!

    best case parses from folks who spend their time perfecting a parse… aren’t useful in IRL situations.

    look at actual stats from who is clearing content.

    But YOU were the one bringing up the fact (without proof) that necro DUMMY numbers were 20k off the mark of other classes. Now when a simple 3 second search produces a video (that doesn't even use the strongest dotcro build) disproves your silly, baseless claim, you're crying that it's not relevant because it's someone perfecting a parse and not usable in real content. Even though most fights are basic tank and spanks on a stationary boss. Also as stated in the description if the video ninja's sets skills and cp are linked on the site. But you didn't read. you're just frothing at the mouth. Other than bugs you literally don't have a foot to stand on. You're a basic example of why devs don't listen to player feedback. Your bringing up Necro dummy performance then talking about four man content with low hp mobs when you get shown evidence contrary to your claim shows how much of an L take bad faith argument this is.
  • Vorkk8383
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!

    best case parses from folks who spend their time perfecting a parse… aren’t useful in IRL situations.

    look at actual stats from who is clearing content.

    But YOU were the one bringing up the fact (without proof) that necro DUMMY numbers were 20k off the mark of other classes. Now when a simple 3 second search produces a video (that doesn't even use the strongest dotcro build) disproves your silly, baseless claim, you're crying that it's not relevant because it's someone perfecting a parse and not usable in real content. Even though most fights are basic tank and spanks on a stationary boss. Also as stated in the description if the video ninja's sets skills and cp are linked on the site. But you didn't read. you're just frothing at the mouth. Other than bugs you literally don't have a foot to stand on. You're a basic example of why devs don't listen to player feedback. Your bringing up Necro dummy performance then talking about four man content with low hp mobs when you get shown evidence contrary to your claim shows how much of an L take bad faith argument this is.

    Actually, that was me. Not them.

    It seems that you do not play a necro and do not understand that we're not in a great position atm. You just want to be right, so I'm going to stop engaging with you. This last post showed your true intentions. I accept that I made a mistake by talking about parses and learned that I need to concentrate more on the active/live play, which can be the leaderboards (on which necros are mostly absent compared to other classes). Sadly, accusing someone else of saying what I said and your language show that you're very emotionally invested in invalidating other people's perceptions and experiences. For that reason, I cannot see you being able to be fair and constructive and choose not to engage anymore. I wish you all the best.
    Edited by Vorkk8383 on October 17, 2023 4:11PM
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Skinnycheeks wrecks with his necro in pvp, so not sure what more is needed. Git gud issue?

    Not to burst your bubble, but the level of competition in ESO's PvP is at an all time low because the population has withered away. It's incredibly easy for experienced players to make any class or build look good - that doesn't mean Necromancer is in a good spot at all. They're bottom tier in PvP easily.

    Fair point, but perhaps highlighting my original thought of "git gud" issue.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    The performance and bugs are another issue and should totally be addressed, but regarding damage Necro has access to major vuln so the reality is that their personal dps should be slightly lower to compensate for what they can bring to the table with that debuff. Imo their numbers are somewhat appropriate, it's just that they feel bad now because you're coming down from them being overtuned on release.

    Around 20k difference based on dummy tests? And we're bound to be support?

    I just did a youtube search and found Ninja Pulls has a 123k necro guide that can still be min maxed further

    Are you telling me that there classes pulling 143k on the dummy?
    Also you're not bound to be support but the fact that you have access to major vuln means that the class has to be balanced around the existence of the debuff. if the class did as much damage as other classes and had major vuln there'd be zero reason to bring non necro dps. Which did indeed happen in elswyr.

    That uniqueness of necro’s is now easily obtainable through sets which makes them useless in PvE if that’s the only reason you bring them.

    That is irrelevant because the moment necro dps gets too high you can just take turning tide off the tank and run yet another buff set.

    Ninja is giving 3 different numbers for this parse. 119-121 semi-static rotation. These dots/aoes aren't usable in most PVE content. I also have no clue what gear he's wearing. The fact is that in PVE, necros will tell you that we face bugs and that our DPS is lower. If most mobs lasted long enough for our dots to be useful, it would make a difference. It's not the case in most PVE. Even in dungeons where they could have time to do more damage, people are constantly moving the mobs.

    Do you play a necro or are you just finding Youtube videos to try to discredit what many necros are saying? Do you see us necros on the boards for HM trials? No!

    best case parses from folks who spend their time perfecting a parse… aren’t useful in IRL situations.

    look at actual stats from who is clearing content.

    But YOU were the one bringing up the fact (without proof) that necro DUMMY numbers were 20k off the mark of other classes. Now when a simple 3 second search produces a video (that doesn't even use the strongest dotcro build) disproves your silly, baseless claim, you're crying that it's not relevant because it's someone perfecting a parse and not usable in real content. Even though most fights are basic tank and spanks on a stationary boss. Also as stated in the description if the video ninja's sets skills and cp are linked on the site. But you didn't read. you're just frothing at the mouth. Other than bugs you literally don't have a foot to stand on. You're a basic example of why devs don't listen to player feedback. Your bringing up Necro dummy performance then talking about four man content with low hp mobs when you get shown evidence contrary to your claim shows how much of an L take bad faith argument this is.

    Actually, that was me. Not them.

    It seems that you do not play a necro and do not understand that we're not in a great position atm. You just want to be right, so I'm going to stop engaging with you. This last post showed your true intentions.

    Sorry. I got mixed up with the quotes. But there is a difference between not liking what someone has to say and them being unfair. Nothing I said was untrue or unfair or not rooted real occurrences. Everyone with a working memory of the meta in Elsweyr or a slight capacity for critical thinking will tell you the same things as I did.
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