Personally I think the Hide/Stealth Skill whatever you want to call it, Animation SUX.
In virtually every other Mmo I've played over the years they all had a decent Hide/stealth Animation where they would Actually you know go inviz/fade a bit or go See through or SOMETHING. Not just stay perfectly visible squat down like your going to Poop and Just have Hidden written above your head, It feels like the devs couldn't be bothered to put in a decent animation, It feels like an After thought.
I've had quite a few people in the last 2 days ask me why I look like I'm taking a crap, going poop, farting and a few other things, Explaining to them this is the crappy animation for hide/Stealth is getting kinda Old.
Please Please Devs Can we have an Actual Stealth Animation, and not just some writing above our heads and a Squat n poop Pose!