Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Multi Threaded Support Fixes and Breaks the Game

Having said option on results in instability, CTD's happen all the time, having it on also let's me have 100 FPS in cities instead of 40 however. Pick your poison, I guess. Usually I don't mind, but I just had a CTD in a very important fight.
Edited by Shagreth on October 7, 2023 3:45PM
  • Shagreth
    Sometimes there's an error waiting for me after a crash.

    eso has stopped working.

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    branch = live
    char.account =
    char.alliance = 2 =
    client.executablebits = 64
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = D3D11
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2023-10-07T18:52:27.955+02:00
    client.time_since_load = 1377
    client.timestamp = 2023-10-07T19:24:16.588+02:00 -frme 181163-
    client.uptime = 1908.7 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.arch = 9
    cpu.count = 12
    cpu.level = 6
    cpu.type = 8664
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = C:/Program Files (x86)/Zenimax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 2755677
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description =
    gfx.deviceid = 9348.1078727768.161
    gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
    gfx.vendorid = 4318
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24503
    loc.wloc = 1199 133179 47356 140343 246.45
    loc.worldid = 1199 = Atoll of Immolation
    login.address =
    mem.system_free = 16885
    mem.system_max_current = 30017
    mem.system_max_peak = 30017
    mem.system_physical = 16193
    mem.total_current = 5586
    mem.total_peak = 6288
    mem.ws_current = 3337
    mem.ws_peak = 3692
    mempool.animation_usage = 0.93
    mempool.audio_usage = 0.00
    mempool.client_object_usage = 0.00
    mempool.environment_usage = 0.00
    mempool.filesystem_usage = 0.43
    mempool.fx_usage = 0.00
    mempool.gamedata_usage = 0.00
    mempool.gameplay_usage = 0.00
    mempool.global_usage = 0.00
    mempool.grammar_usage = 0.00
    mempool.granny_animation_usage = 0.91
    mempool.granny_usage = 0.00
    mempool.gui_controls_usage = 1.00
    mempool.gui_fonts_usage = 0.00
    mempool.gui_textures_usage = 1.00
    mempool.gui_usage = 0.00
    mempool.interface_usage = 0.93
    mempool.lua_usage = 0.00
    mempool.model_usage = 0.00
    mempool.network_usage = 0.00
    mempool.particle_usage = 0.00
    mempool.physics_usage = 0.00
    mempool.renderer_usage = 0.00
    mempool.settings_usage = 0.00
    mempool.streaming_usage = 0.17
    mempool.terrain_usage = 0.00
    mempool.texture_usage = 0.00
    mempool.theater_usage = 0.00
    mempool.threading_usage = 0.00
    mempool.voice_usage = 0.00
    os.osbits = 64
    os.platform = windows
    os.version = 10.0.22621.
    ptime = 1909441
    realm.depotid = 4000 = 4001 = EU Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 4
    version.major = 9
    version.patch = 1
    version.subpatch = 8
  • Shagreth
    @ZOS_Kevin So I think I figured out what is the cause of the crashes. I'm still confident that multi threading IS causing some instability, but there was one thing I changed before because of an issue I had: sound format. I had a bug where with anything below 96000Hz (2.1 speakers btw) whenever I turned my back to an NPC that was talking (or other stuff happening around) the sound was muffled by like 80%, picking 192000Hz within my realtek panel solved the problem with the muffling, but introduced more crashes, like one crash every 40 mins or so, it almost felt like a memory issue at first (GPU) but I guess that's not the case.

    Still testing though, but this is interesting info nonetheless. Now playing with 48000Hz 24bit, which sucks because I have the problem with the sound, and I would love for that to be fixed.
    Edited by Shagreth on October 8, 2023 10:03AM
  • Shagreth
    @ZOS_Kevin I keep troubleshooting and I've found a few possible culprits for my crashing. W11 btw.

    1) Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling is the reason my game freezes occasionally whenever I alt-tab (alt-tabbing back fixes it) now I'm almost certain that it causes crashes as well, ones that don't return with an error.

    2) Something definitely wrong with the game and sound format, it just doesn't play well with anything above 48000Hz, some crashes might be related to this. Also, this is an old bug, but having sound OFF in the game's settings makes the game feel more responsive. I generally have issues with sound, from skipping, delay, you name it. (tested on 3 PC's, must be an engine thing)

    I'll have to keep trying different settings, but this is quite sad, ESO is the only game that doesn't play well with my system, and it's my frigging main game..
    Edited by Shagreth on October 23, 2023 5:57PM
  • Treeshka
    My game also often crashes and can not find the reasoning behind it. I tried everything and my addon count is minimal. Only raid addons. I really do not want to turn off Multithread rendering as it makes the game so smooth.

    Game sometimes crashes during last trash fight in Dreadsail Reef. One time it crashed right after casting Destruction Staff Ultimate. One time it crashed when my Proximity Detonation went off. One time game crashed when casting Shocking Siphon during a Cloudrest run. It really looks like there is a pattern as game crashes after casting certain skills.

    On the other hand, two times back to back game crashed when Yaseyla did their spin attack. Restarting computer fixed it for that day and never crashed again there.

    I will try not using sound next time to see if crashes vanish or not.
  • Treeshka
    I actually decided to turn off Multithread rendering on the day i posted my last message.

    Not a single crash in any content i do in game after that. Maybe something in my hardware makes my system unstable and causes crashes when Multithread rendering is on, but for now i am enjoying crash free experience and a bit of less frames.
  • Morvan
    I've been using multithreaded rendering for a very long time before deciding to turn it off, and what I could observe is that it's likely an issue with CPU usage that was causing the crashes.

    It increases CPU usage so much that despite making your game faster it can take longer to load things especially if you have other apps running on the background like discord, so I'd commonly experience dcs during trials simply because the game couldn't handle loading everything that was happening.

    Turning it off solved all those issues, thankfully.
    @MorvanClaude on PC/NA, don't try to trap me with lore subjects, it will work
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