I finally have it! The easy fix!

Hey everyone. So It finally hit me what could be done to fix TOT.

All of us who have played more than hundreds of games maybe even thousands must know by now what the game is about. Ok. It is totally RNG based to a point that you might have no say in it how the game will end. Too many times it can be as bad as 8 out of 10 games your opponent gets to buy few powerful cards right at the beginning and you get none and had no chance to counter that and so you will lose 100% surely. I have even had so bad streaks that I have played like 20 games in a row when the RNG was so bad for me that there was literally nothing I could do to win the games. I am sure most of us have been there and experienced this.

I am quite sure now, that the main fault in the game are these few too overpowered cards from certain decks, that when you manage to get 1 or 2 of these it practically concludes the game in your favor. Many times when you see these "super cards" pop in the tavern right at the beginning and realizing your opponent will get them and there is nothing you can do about it, you can already accept the fact that this is a losing game. And it is just stupid because this is the "soul" of the game way too often.

To give few examples about cards that are too powerful:
Saint pelin deck: Rally, Siege weapon volley, The armory, Archer's volley.
Red eagle deck: Midnight Raid

Those mentioned above are the worst of them all, you can get them too easily and the amount of prestige you gain from them just like that is insane. That Midnight raid costs only 4gold and needs only 1 combo card to give you 5 prestige and when this deck is in play, one side will get that card for sure and usally can hit the combo demand almost every turn. These cards mentioned and others like them have even more powerful upgrades.

The way I feel how this game is "intented to be" and should be, is about amazing combos and clever patron play. These insane prestige cards should always require atleast combo of 3 to gain those overpowered benefits. And what my idea about quick and easy fix is: Just nerf these cards. Heavily. Change them so that they will be good when you can manage 3+ cards combo, but alone they are just 2 or 3 prestige at most. Like Sorcerer king deck has this card - pyandonean war fleet- it gives you 2 prestige alone, but when you get combo of 3 it adds 3 more prestige also, and then it becomes great card. But getting a combo of 3 is something you really need to build up and will not happen just like that. As it should be. Of course the sorcerer king patron bonus could be fixed also as it is pretty stupid like it is now. Getting to 40 prestige will happen very quickly after you get 1 or 2 of these overpowered prestige cards and when you get them right at the start you can dominate the game in other ways too, easy win and opponent surely will feel like "not again this s**t".

I am pretty sure that those who designed this game and are responsible of maintaining it do not play the game by themselves. Because if they would, they would know about this issue which makes the game pretty much not worth the time. I am confident that a simple nerf concerning these overpowered prestige cards would make a big difference and give more room to player tactics to influence the game outcome. Big prestige numbers should only be granted from great combos, not from 1 or 2 cards alone.

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