Four_Fingers wrote: »Using your brain is what dominates.
Being lazy and not working for it is what loses.
You can reduce us to training swords and we will still usually win.
So you say that following a crown and just spamming aoe and smart heals all the time is very difficult.
A ball group to be good just need one person to be good, the one that tell everyone what to wear and what to do.
I have tried it a couple of times and was so mind numbing boring that I lost every interest very fast because you are not someone that have to think, you just need to do what you are told to do, like a bot.
I want everyone complaining about HoT stacking to make their own group, get 12 vigors/12 RRs and try to survive more than 20 people + constant siege and then tell me this is so easy. The amount of effort it takes you need to put not only during the raid but also before the raid itself is huge.. or at least bigger than getting your solo setup ready.
Just make your own group please. It will be more fun for everyone around.
Oh and the fact that you don't see ball group vs ball group doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You just don't see it.
Four_Fingers wrote: »We do not use broken mechanics only what the game provides us to be used which anybody can use.
I've seen ball groups actively avoid each other way more than fight each other. Time and time again an AD or EP ball group will PvDoor Glade/Ray/Warden OFD and once they get inside and start on the IFD, a ball group from the other faction will run in and immediately head for a corner tower and just hang out there picking off DC trying to fight the PvDoor group. Sometimes they'll remain there until the end of the battle and fight to the last but most times once the siege is over, they'll jump off the walls and disappear.
While I'm sure it's fun for them and they get plenty of AP farming the solo DC trying to defend the keep, they're not playing the alliance war and all they're really doing is making the lag at these battles worse.
They're not playing the alliance war? 12 people keeping 30-40 enemies inside a keep is not playing the alliance war? Taking scrolls and farming 30-40 people following is not playing the alliance war?
Using scroll to farm people is not playing the map because plenty of time you will lose the scroll due to the timeout. In my very personal opinion is only toxic gameplay where a very organized group just want to farm pugs that don't know anything about pvp.
I know of a guild from another alliance that does it all the time and people from their own alliance just hate them becasue of this. Of course the ball group know that but they just don't care.
Using scroll to farm people is not playing the map because plenty of time you will lose the scroll due to the timeout. In my very personal opinion is only toxic gameplay where a very organized group just want to farm pugs that don't know anything about pvp.
I know of a guild from another alliance that does it all the time and people from their own alliance just hate them becasue of this. Of course the ball group know that but they just don't care.
You should try to understand better what a "broken mechanics" is.
No one is accusing ball groupers to use exploit or glitches.
A broken mechanic is a mechanic that alone change the balance of a game.
Let's just say that they introduce in chess a new piece that can capture all pieces around him with a single move, do you think that people that love chess would agree?
For PvP is the same thing, a lot of pvpers don't like mechanics that alone alllows of an entire playstyle to be overpowered.
Can you give a clip of such behaviour or name a guild who does that? Ball groups from different alliance teaming up just to farm.. zerg is not something that you see more than once a year lol. Teaming up to open the door is alright tho since siege is so broken and attacking anything is always annoying.
Hate them because of what? Because they refuse to play as YOU want?
BetweenMidgets wrote: »
Blaming ballgroups for ZoS' poor implementation of sets/skills/classes? I think it may be of value to re-evaluate what you're actually angry about, and direct that elsewhere. Hopefully speaking with your wallet (ie. closing it).
They hate them because the ball group only seek their own personal gain ignoring the needs of the alliance
You know that having a scroll give the entire alliance some benefits?
And I said they (their alliance mates) hate them, I only found ball groupers just pathetic (this is my very personal opinion)
Can you give a clip of such behaviour or name a guild who does that? Ball groups from different alliance teaming up just to farm.. zerg is not something that you see more than once a year lol. Teaming up to open the door is alright tho since siege is so broken and attacking anything is always annoying.
They're not playing the alliance war? 12 people keeping 30-40 enemies inside a keep is not playing the alliance war? Taking scrolls and farming 30-40 people following is not playing the alliance war?
Ballgroups don't make lag, bad server does. What do you want them to do? Push buttons 5x less so it doesn't hurt the server?
No I don't have any clips of this and naming guilds here will undoubtedy get snipped for naming and shaming, but I'm not claiming the BGs are teaming up but instead doing it opportunistically. It really only happens when DC is pushed back to their trikeeps, so it's likely the 2 BGs were at the same keep coincidentally, but their actions are the same either way. The 2nd BG knows it's much easier to get kills and AP farming the mass of disorganzied defenders than the highly-tuned 1st BG sieging the door, so they take the easy road.
The point is that BGs seem much more interested these days in farming zergs rather than playing the map or engaging in a challenging fight versus another group, and most seem to go out of their way to avoid each other if they can.
And seige is broken? You're one of the few people I've seen in a long time claiming this. Experienced PvPers know that siege is laughably ineffective against anything except casual zergers, especially now that they've fixed the Elf Bane exploit.
DrNukenstein wrote: »Shut them all down. Probably the root of most performance issues, and their trial group approach to pvp ruins the experience for everyone else.
They are not the root of performance issues. The root causes is design. It’s a poor path to go to ignore the real problems.
Even then, it’s easy to run multiple squads side by side causing much of the same strains on the server. Especially since the test changes Zenimax made awhile back shower no improvement we would have noticed. Their reducing group size was stated to be due to liking the behavior changes that occurred.
Let look at fixing the actual problem.
nobody wants to be a group leader now as it is...
well, except for madden that is (ps na)...
would anyone like to join a group
pretty spammed non stop...
anyways, one of the biggest challenges for some players in cyrodiil is not having the opportunity to "group up"...
they don't like playing solo...
i mean what - cut group sizes down to 6 or 8 group members?
leaves a lot of folks left without a chance to group...
need more sets that discourage the strength of that playstyle...
as a solo player - it is such a huge help to receive some random healing...a life saver often...
the first class i learned to recognize in pvp where templars...early on tried to make sure to stand by them during sieges...
i get it though - communication, movement speed, insane stacked healing and ultimate dumping is what makes ball groups ball groups...
trying to address the issue through pvp sets introduced hasn't seemed to really work yet...
Zmeigo_Rinich wrote: »The easy way to remove ballgroups from Cyrodiil is to add a new debuff, decreasing received healing from other players when you are in a group (depending from a number of players in a group). If your group has 6 players you can recieve only 50% healing from other players. If your group has 12 players, you can recieve healing only from yourself. If you are playing without group you recieve full healing from nearest random players.