Any tricks to force game to load to pve rather than pvp?

I am stuck in a hole and looking for a way to get out as the /stuck command is removed
  • Melian
    Can you zoom out on the map and teleport to a wayshrine?
  • Vyrthure
    @galiumb16_ESO Try joining a guest campaign.
  • galiumb16_ESO
    Already in a guest campaign
  • Swordmage
    If you are in a guild, you can teleport to the wayshrine closest to anyone in the roster (and on-line) -- right click on a roster entry. Best thing is it is free.
  • Lazarus_Long
    You can switch you Main and Guest Campaigns once every 24 hours. I know waiting is not really a fix, but at least you be stuck for ever.
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    Take a lag spike and make it better
    Remember to let research play its part
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  • galiumb16_ESO
    You cannot teleport to another player, even a guildy, from Cyrodiil
  • fosley_ESO
    Servers are down, but if you're not unstuck when you get back, you could always tell someone from another alliance to come kill you.
  • galiumb16_ESO
    I crashed while doing one of the public dungeons. When I logged in I was falling, and then fell into a deep hole. I died, but when I released I crashed again and it put me right back where i was, but now alive.

    No enemy can get to where I am, short of getting stuck themselves.
  • Tyler_Durpen
    You don't have to wait 24 hours just to enter your other campaign. Try and enter your home campaign and it'll port you to it.
  • galiumb16_ESO
    I have no home campaign as the guild hasnt selected one yet. I am reluctant to do it given the cost to change it, which I cannot currently afford.
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