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Should I return to ESO?

Hi everyone!!
So I want to ask if you guys could do a little summary around what has changed since last year.
Just so you know my background, I have around 1k hours in the game, and i tend to PvP more, but from time to time I like to approach some vet trials.

Last time, I decided to move on because when it comes to PvP, cyrodiil was pointless and repetitive (wandering around and a couple of zerg v zerg gets boring), and BG was stale (same maps and no arena 3v3, for instance).

For PvE.. well, I guess my biggest complain is questing and open world, which is completely dumb in my eyes. I'm full casual player (1k hours over 6 years), and even naked with no Stat points, my sorc regen could overcome 3 enemies hitting me.

I wonder:
- Do we have exciting news for PvP/Bg? E.g. combat overhaul, new maps..
- Was cyrodiil improved, at least latency wise?
- There's a 5k comment post around open world since 2021, have they tried to implement something different (I know that community is quite split in this topic [which I find insane, but anyways])
- A bit off-topic but, I remember mythic items seemed to be an insane grind just to level up the two skill lines, did I miss something?
- Lastly, I noticed our player base dropped substantially, is the game still healthy for finding trial groups, or is it mandatory to be active in a guild?

Best Answer

  • Tannus15
    honestly no.

    The game is in exactly the same place it was 12 months ago. Hopefully U40 will have something good with the endless archive and some QoL stuff like the master attuned crafting tables that got pushed from U39 to U40.

    AFAIK PvP hasn't changed in either Cyro or BG's and my trials guild would rather prog god slayer than HM for vRG, vDSR or vSE.

    Overland remains a walking simulator with no threat and no difficulty so unless you're interested in the new class, there is nothing.
    Answer ✓
  • Xandreia_
    I'm going to be completely honest with you, the short answer is probably not. If you left because pvp was stale, it still is and maybe worse, trial wise, if you are into crag pugs, crag is practically dead, guid wise you will be lucky to find one that isn't already set or disbanded. The game is in a weird spot right now, if end game pvp/pve is what you want, I really wouldn't bother.
  • Necrotech_Master
    nothing really new pvp wise except more new sets, and there is the new class which indirectly also adds something new to pvp, but a lot of people who feel you have to run full meta to do anything will say its even more stale due to people all using the same sets (which for the sweaty tryhards is probably true)

    cyrodiil is a bit better since they finished all of the server hardware upgrades, though during peak hours fully locked pops it can still lag a bit

    they havent really changed overland difficulty, new DLC WB are still somewhat challenging, and the new group oriented event in necrom, the bastion nymics, for people range from challenging/impossible to moderate to boring and repetitive (as difficulty of the game is wildly different to people depending on how you are able to play and skill level)

    the grindiness of mythics is more on farming the actual leads most of the time, at least once you have a single toon maxed out in antiquities (the initial grind on those skill lines isnt too bad, but they did add the ability to buy the skill lines on other toons if you have them maxed out)

    playerbase still seems about the same to me, at least on pc/na, i dont hang out in craglorn all the time to see how many pug groups are forming (and the zeal of zenithar event tends to create many additional instances of craglorn that sometimes take time to wind down)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Aislinna
    Whatever made you leave is still the same.
  • freespirit
    From PC-EU perspective game seems as busy as ever, always plenty of lfg for Trials in Belkarth.

    Plenty of guild adverts in every zone I visit and my guilds have more applications than we can deal with'.

    I think maybe some of the true endgame, score pushing, Trials Guilds may have taken a bit of a dip recently but we are seeing a lot of newer players who aspire to do those Trials, a bit of ebb and flow maybe.

    PVP is less simple, I know some people who still live in Cyrodiil and still love it, I also know people who for whatever reason have abysmal performance there and constantly moan....... but that is not new by any means.

    It is still a bit of a ball group/zerg fest but also I've had some great fights there recently.

    My advice would be take a look, nothing is ever black and white, you may fall in love again, you may absolutely hate it!! <3
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • endgamesmug
    Nah pretty boring unfortunately
  • gronoxvx
    I wouldnt tbh. Nothing has changed pvp wise and most people dont have any faith in zos when it comes to PVP in eso.
  • fizzylu
    Yeah, sad to say that all the things you are wondering about are still the same so I'd say that ESO right now is not the game for you.
    I know I took a long break from the game and have been enjoying it since I've been back (2-3 weeks since I've been playing again)... but I've really been treating the game very casually and sticking to casual content (housing, leveling companions, questing, antiquities, the soul draining ToT). I did PvP a little since coming back to the game.... but it wasn't that great, at all. Combat is in an extra weird state PvP wise in my opinion and the games performance in BGs felt so bad compared to normal openworld stuff or instanced PvE content. I've been seeing really good performance from ESO since I returned, have noticed less ping spikes and stuttering.... but the second I was in BGs, well.... skills weren't firing more than they were, rubberbanding was happening left and right, and even had full on screen freezing for a second or two here and there. I haven't done anything in Cyrodiil or IC since returning, but I would not even want to imagine what that would be like after those BGs.
  • SandandStars
    u might roll an nb just so you can see how insane assassins will has become, oh, and heals too, oh, and virtually everything else u could imagine.
  • KlauthWarthog
    Considering your list of concerns, no, you should not.
  • Rafael0
    Thanks for the reply guys! I may keep an eye on upcoming updates, but ye, I had a feeling that the game didn't change that much recently.

    It is a shame because ESO is such a great game, but looking at it now, it seems that it didn't age that well. They keep releasing content, content and more content... the thing though, is that the game is enormous and easily gets overwhelming.

    I know that DLC releases are they bread and butter for revenue, but they should start looking back at old systems, maps, cyrodiil, animations and revamp the whole thing.
  • OnnuK
    NOPE, however we have lots of Crown Store items, even polymorphs locked to 25-crate bundle purchase. If you do not want to miss them, then welcome back xD
    PC/EU @onnuk, Guild: ANADOLU "|H1:guild:29269|hAnadolu|h"
  • Tandor
    Rafael0 wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply guys! I may keep an eye on upcoming updates, but ye, I had a feeling that the game didn't change that much recently.

    It is a shame because ESO is such a great game, but looking at it now, it seems that it didn't age that well. They keep releasing content, content and more content... the thing though, is that the game is enormous and easily gets overwhelming.

    I know that DLC releases are they bread and butter for revenue, but they should start looking back at old systems, maps, cyrodiil, animations and revamp the whole thing.

    The problem is that only players following a strictly niche aspect of the game want it to be constantly worked on and improved, most players who've been around for a while just want more content to move onto because they've run out of stuff to do. As for system things, if ZOS announced that they were going to suspend new content releases while they reworked e.g. animations most players (who like the animations as they are anyway) would drift away, followed by some who would hate the new animations.

    A few people have been calling for ages for just such a content suspension to allow the devs to focus on bug fixes and QoL changes, and when ZOS did just that recently the impression I've got is that it went down like a lead balloon and people asked where's the new content?
  • shadyjane62
  • Basil2
    I left a year ago as well. Maybe more. Played 3 years prior to that. Had the same issues as you I guess. In this year away from ESO I've played wow, diablo immortal, lost arc, new world and fallout 76. And I must say I am now content with ESO. It really is the best game. It has great grapics, music, decent questlines and good side quests, and best game mechanics. It is really cheep when you compare it with other games (specially DI). FPS is around 80 and latency around 60-90. I can live with that. I am a little sad to see the same bugs and problems as were few years ago, but still... It is a good game. Hope it helps.
    Edited by Basil2 on September 14, 2023 7:50PM
  • GooGa592
    Rafael0 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!
    So I want to ask if you guys could do a little summary around what has changed since last year.
    Just so you know my background, I have around 1k hours in the game, and i tend to PvP more, but from time to time I like to approach some vet trials.

    Last time, I decided to move on because when it comes to PvP, cyrodiil was pointless and repetitive (wandering around and a couple of zerg v zerg gets boring), and BG was stale (same maps and no arena 3v3, for instance).

    For PvE.. well, I guess my biggest complain is questing and open world, which is completely dumb in my eyes. I'm full casual player (1k hours over 6 years), and even naked with no Stat points, my sorc regen could overcome 3 enemies hitting me.

    I wonder:
    - Do we have exciting news for PvP/Bg? E.g. combat overhaul, new maps..
    - Was cyrodiil improved, at least latency wise?
    - There's a 5k comment post around open world since 2021, have they tried to implement something different (I know that community is quite split in this topic [which I find insane, but anyways])
    - A bit off-topic but, I remember mythic items seemed to be an insane grind just to level up the two skill lines, did I miss something?
    - Lastly, I noticed our player base dropped substantially, is the game still healthy for finding trial groups, or is it mandatory to be active in a guild?

    Only way to know for sure is to jump back in and see for yourself. But if PvP or end game PvE is your thing, as it is with me and most of my friends that have left the game and don't log on anymore, you'll likely be disappointed.

    Look up reviews of U35. The changes they made to templar spear animation is a good example of the quality changes we've seen over the last couple years.
  • Ragnarok0130
    If you're into end game or PVP OP my answer is no; we're in a worst place than we were after Morrowind's patch TBH due to the combat team forcing U35 on the community last year. If you're just interested in the latest chapter then I'd say play it and then go back to another game after you finish the story.
  • Umbro100
    Rafael0 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!
    So I want to ask if you guys could do a little summary around what has changed since last year.
    Just so you know my background, I have around 1k hours in the game, and i tend to PvP more, but from time to time I like to approach some vet trials.

    Last time, I decided to move on because when it comes to PvP, cyrodiil was pointless and repetitive (wandering around and a couple of zerg v zerg gets boring), and BG was stale (same maps and no arena 3v3, for instance).

    For PvE.. well, I guess my biggest complain is questing and open world, which is completely dumb in my eyes. I'm full casual player (1k hours over 6 years), and even naked with no Stat points, my sorc regen could overcome 3 enemies hitting me.

    I wonder:
    - Do we have exciting news for PvP/Bg? E.g. combat overhaul, new maps..
    - Was cyrodiil improved, at least latency wise?
    - There's a 5k comment post around open world since 2021, have they tried to implement something different (I know that community is quite split in this topic [which I find insane, but anyways])
    - A bit off-topic but, I remember mythic items seemed to be an insane grind just to level up the two skill lines, did I miss something?
    - Lastly, I noticed our player base dropped substantially, is the game still healthy for finding trial groups, or is it mandatory to be active in a guild?

    Do not come back. If you like pvp, its frustrating as ever. I wanted to try after many years of playing pve, found it interesting at first but the servers are in terrible state. More often or not i get dropped from the server, eccessive messaging - usually 10 sec before the end of the battleground, when my team is winning. So frustrating when the developers make a great game and then the one in charge of it let it fall apart !
  • xclassgaming
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Based on your concerns you posted alone, I'd say no since none of that has really changed . . .


    Yes overall. Update 40 looks absolutely incredible from a PvE perspective and I haven't been this excited for an update in years. Pumped to see the patch notes on Monday:
    - Jewelry crafting overhaul
    - Grand master crafting stations
    - Rework of quest rewards (XP & gold)
    - Endless archive (2 man arena; either companion + you, or you + a buddy) - looks extremely engaging, challenging and fun
    - Class sets
    - Premade group finder
    - Etc etc
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • SeaGtGruff
    I'm going to be the odd person out here and recommend that you return for a short period of time so you can see for yourself whether or not you want to stick around longer or leave again. In other words, I think you should make up your own mind, not let other people make it up for you.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Hurbster
    Tandor wrote: »
    Rafael0 wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply guys! I may keep an eye on upcoming updates, but ye, I had a feeling that the game didn't change that much recently.

    It is a shame because ESO is such a great game, but looking at it now, it seems that it didn't age that well. They keep releasing content, content and more content... the thing though, is that the game is enormous and easily gets overwhelming.

    I know that DLC releases are they bread and butter for revenue, but they should start looking back at old systems, maps, cyrodiil, animations and revamp the whole thing.

    The problem is that only players following a strictly niche aspect of the game want it to be constantly worked on and improved, most players who've been around for a while just want more content to move onto because they've run out of stuff to do. As for system things, if ZOS announced that they were going to suspend new content releases while they reworked e.g. animations most players (who like the animations as they are anyway) would drift away, followed by some who would hate the new animations.

    A few people have been calling for ages for just such a content suspension to allow the devs to focus on bug fixes and QoL changes, and when ZOS did just that recently the impression I've got is that it went down like a lead balloon and people asked where's the new content?

    Or were left incredibly unimpressed by the qol changes we did get, such as they were.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Rafael0
    Guys... a quick update.

    Do I still think that the game needs desperately an overall update across its old systems? YES!

    But the game is just too good! Holy!!!
    So ye, I'll stick around again, at least for now. hahah

  • Lags
    Rafael0 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!
    So I want to ask if you guys could do a little summary around what has changed since last year.
    Just so you know my background, I have around 1k hours in the game, and i tend to PvP more, but from time to time I like to approach some vet trials.

    Last time, I decided to move on because when it comes to PvP, cyrodiil was pointless and repetitive (wandering around and a couple of zerg v zerg gets boring), and BG was stale (same maps and no arena 3v3, for instance).

    For PvE.. well, I guess my biggest complain is questing and open world, which is completely dumb in my eyes. I'm full casual player (1k hours over 6 years), and even naked with no Stat points, my sorc regen could overcome 3 enemies hitting me.

    I wonder:
    - Do we have exciting news for PvP/Bg? E.g. combat overhaul, new maps..
    - Was cyrodiil improved, at least latency wise?
    - There's a 5k comment post around open world since 2021, have they tried to implement something different (I know that community is quite split in this topic [which I find insane, but anyways])
    - A bit off-topic but, I remember mythic items seemed to be an insane grind just to level up the two skill lines, did I miss something?
    - Lastly, I noticed our player base dropped substantially, is the game still healthy for finding trial groups, or is it mandatory to be active in a guild?

    1. No.
    2. No.
    3. No.
    4. No.
    5. Not as much as you used to be, but you can still find pugs.
  • Androrix
    Nothing in Overland is more difficult to overcome than a speed bump, whatever level you are at. My understanding is a lot of people like it that way. I don't know why.
  • jtm1018
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