In PC EU is a lot better lol
I remember like a couple years ago having to queue 1 hour before to do my guild run, now not all alliances are even poplocked.
They have destroyed PvP with their choices. Better to move on my friend.
MISTFORMBZZZ wrote: »During prime time max 2 bars each, at 10pm yesterday two alliances with 1 bar, one alliance with 0 bar.
Is zos aware of this?
If pvp is dead and unpopulated like this, even more people stop playing, in my guild many people dont even see a point in logging in anymore.
Best would be to merge PS EU and NA server, if that would be possible.
@Overamera Switch to PS Console. Whole different game than eso on PC. Much better
PVP on console has become very boring...
* Constant battles against tower runners
* Constant battles against red/blue ball groups
Ngl it's pretty funny to see someone with that proud "BALL GROUP" in his signature complain about PvP being dead on his server.
MISTFORMBZZZ wrote: »During prime time max 2 bars each, at 10pm yesterday two alliances with 1 bar, one alliance with 0 bar.
Is zos aware of this?
If pvp is dead and unpopulated like this, even more people stop playing, in my guild many people dont even see a point in logging in anymore.
Best would be to merge PS EU and NA server, if that would be possible.
I think the point of this post was about low population on ps eu
Which is where I play myself in Australia and apart from the first couple of years it’s always low population for me so I try and get into the early hours of the morning on my days off but that’s not a complaint however suggestions coming in about just switching to pc na or pc doesn’t really help that much, no one nowadays is going to start from scratch again on another server, granted there are some who have but they are few so consoles want merging of servers it makes sense
Whether it’s possible or not isn’t really explained