Prices of new structural furnishings over the top

I need to make a small complaint. As always in Q3, I was really looking forward to the new structural furnishings, since my personal endgame in ESO is called Housing. But when I saw the prices for the new walls and floors yesterday, I almost fell out of my chair - all the beautiful parts cost 770 crowns, which is almost double what the particularly expensive floors and walls cost before. Why? I used to spend a lot of crowns in the Housing Editor as well, since collecting gold and raw materials to craft everything myself usually takes forever when I want to do a housing project, but these new prices have taken away any motivation for me to build anything with the new items. They're really exaggerated.
  • deano469
    I'm not sure, but I read in the patch notes that you can buy them from Roylis ??? with writ vouchers. Maybe they're not the same ones though.
    Can anyone confirm.
    Edited by deano469 on August 22, 2023 6:00AM
  • Lugaldu
    deano469 wrote: »
    I'm not sure, but I read in the patch notes that you can buy them from Roylis ??? with writ vouchers. Maybe they're not the same ones though.
    Can anyone confirm.

    I visited Rolis and he has new plans, but not the violet and blue structural furnishing plans.

  • Arthtur
    The ones u can buy using vouchers are from Q4 of previous year, which in this case is Firesong. Those are in game for 9 months already but only now u can get them easier. In addition there is few new golden ones that u can get only for vouchers.
    There are also new Furnishing Plans that drop from daily quests in Necrom.
    And there are also some new furnishings that only can be bought with crowns.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Btoop
    Everything related to housing has always been excessively overpriced.

    To think selling horse armor used to be the peak of Bethesda's and Zenimax's greed...
    Edited by Btoop on August 22, 2023 7:06AM
  • DinoZavr
    aren't new Necrom structural furnishing plans supposed to drop from Necrom Delve and WB reward containers with U39?
    PC EU
  • Btoop
    DinoZavr wrote: »
    aren't new Necrom structural furnishing plans supposed to drop from Necrom Delve and WB reward containers with U39?

    Probably, although I imagine this is with dire drop rates.

    Of course this is all done intentionally, they want people to be able to make the argument that selling this stuff for crowns isn't an issue because the items can be earned in-game, completely missing the point that it's the overpricing which is the actual issue.
    Edited by Btoop on August 22, 2023 8:13AM
  • Bithabus
    Don't buy from housing menu with crowns, buy with gold or farm the plans yourself
  • Lugaldu
    Bithabus wrote: »
    Don't buy from housing menu with crowns, buy with gold or farm the plans yourself

    Well, I am usually combining all different sources for my building projects, crafting stuff by myself, buying from guild traders and buying from the housing editor - because otherwise my projects cant get quickly implemented, I just need too much of everything...
  • freespirit
    Also to add to the stress of trying to do a build with the "new" structural plans, if you don't drop them yourself, is the cost of buying them whilst they are new!!

    Yesterday evening we had 2 MM sales registered for the BLUE door plan that gave a sales price of 2.1 MILLION!!

    I will definitely be waiting a while before I even attempt a build, it's not just the plans either, it's the stupid style mats too! 😱
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • prof-dracko
    They drop from the Necrom dailies and the prices will drop severely on the traders in a few weeks, like they always do.
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    its been just over a day. the prices will fall
  • valenwood_vegan
    High isle structural plans can barely be given away at this point. Just wait a bit.
  • Marcus684
    You pay a premium for things if you just have to have it RIGHT NOW! Every company and every private seller prices things high at first. Welcome to the free market.

    If you don't want to pay this much wait awhile for prices to come down, or as others have said put in the effort to get it yourself.
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