barney2525 wrote: »Oh wonderful. let's absolutely Destroy the concept of Race and uniqueness so people can simply meta-game and every character will have the exact same passive skills.
the Appearance argument does not hold water since there were costumes before the outfitter. But the flaw in the argument is that the look of the character, no matter what they wore, was still Always the race. People complained that you could not get a good smile on a high elf. Skin color, hair color and features of the races such as being animalistic or having huge teeth were always signatures defining the race.
What you wear, as in ' the look', is completely different from what you Are, as in 'the look'. and the reference to imagining if the outfitter changed the stats of the armor is just silly. Your point should be to make the armor stats interchangeable, so you could pick and choose what stats your gear has. Then we could Really meta-game.
Let's just pick the passives for weapons too.
Apart from having vastly different appearances? That's like saying Mythic items are no longer unique because you can make the Gaze of Sithis look like an ordinary metal helmet.barney2525 wrote: »let's absolutely Destroy the concept of Race and uniqueness
So... We agree, then? Appearance and statistics should be separate things? Because you can change your appearance A LOT using skins and polymorphs, yet your racial passives stay the same. For example, you don't suddenly gain Major Protection and Defile when you use the skeleton polymorph. I want that same concept applied to racial appearances. It's just the shape of your character and shouldn't have anything to do with stats or mechanics.barney2525 wrote: »What you wear, as in ' the look', is completely different from what you Are
This is literally how it currently works. You equip the gear for the stats, then make it look however you want... Same thing with weapons, you can equip a dagger just for the passive and make it look like a hammer, if that strikes your fancy. Thus, stats are "interchangeable" as you say.barney2525 wrote: »and the reference to imagining if the outfitter changed the stats of the armor is just silly. Your point should be to make the armor stats interchangeable, so you could pick and choose what stats your gear has. Then we could Really meta-game.
Let's just pick the passives for weapons too.
Suggested this in the past:
Zos adopted the standing stones from TES 5, which was a simplification of the Birthsigns in TES 4. Birthsigns were basically your racial passives in ESO, except not tied to your race... Imo, they should bring back birthsigns. Sure, the TES 4 birthsigns are the same as the standing stone options, similar to horoscopes as you will, but like...
Add birthsigns. You get a single passive based on your race, which can be a bit more powerful than the initial ability is right now but doesn't really affect combat. Then, you get a birthsign choice at level 5, 10, and 25 as you do normally with racial choices. Just make it pop up when you go to level your character kinda like leveling in TES 5. These passive skills then rank up as you level up, and can have points put into them just like the normal racial skills system. Then make it so you can reset them at a shrine, like when you reset your skills (they might need to add a new shrine for this).
Personally, I'd love to play Bosmer and Argonian much more than I currently do, but can't justify since I do end game PVE dps. I've got soooo may great Argonian names on the backburner, but can't justify using them. Recently made an Argonian named "Funk-Soul-Brother" and I'll tell ya I wanna play him, but again... The deeps.
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »I'm with the nay's on this one gentlemen.
Even in Skyrim, characters had racial passives. In Skyrim and Oblivion, the racial passives were kinda "meh" and did not really add much to your build late in the game, but they were still there. I don't think we need to go that direction here. I like that each race has its strengths and weaknesses, and if you want a race's particular passive, you have to play that race. Otherwise, characters would just become very generic. There might not be any Khajits or Argonians in the world if you could select their racial passive separate from their race. And there are only 2-3 racial passives that would actually be taken, depending on the roles you wish to fill.
Granted, I think some racial passives need some love and adjustments (looking at you Bosmer, Red Guard, and Argonian), but that doesn't mean the concept as a whole needs to be abandoned. Just do some tweaking on the passives so that each race brings SOMETHING really desirable when it comes to filling certain roles. Not every race needs to be top of the meta for a particular role, but they should have something that makes it a hard choice when picking, say, between a Nord, Argonian, or Imperial for a tank or a Khajit, Dark Elf, or High Elf for DPS.
tomofhyrule wrote: »See, "play as you want" does mean you can play however you want, but not necessarily be optimal at whatever you want. A lot of high-end people love to use that argument to explain why casuals shouldn't be able to be handed trial HMs on a silver platter, but that argument also goes in reverse: your chosen race/class combo may or may not be 'optimal.'
In essence you're given a choice between two playstyles: "I like my main and I'll do whatever I can with them" or "I'm an unabashed slave to the meta."
Racials have been a feature of the Elder Scrolls series for a while, and I can't say I'm a fan of this idea that all RPGs should drop every unique feature of every race - I enjoy the stories where you can play a character who's not 'known' for doing a certain thing and doing it anyway.
I also think people overstate how much racials matter. Yes, it's one the order of a line and a half of a set bonus. We're essentially talking about a little more than the difference between a Perfected and a non-Perfected set. But playing a Redguard instead of a Dunmer will not all of a sudden make someone who's struggling in normal DSR all of a sudden get Swashbuckler without anything else.
Class is so much more of a factor in how meta someone is. Race is a half-level above cosmetic.
No. There's not much left in the game that gives identity to anything anymore. It's a tiny bit of flavour to make each race a little bit different.
I can understand some of the arguments but don't agree. Just a feeling that it doesn't feel right. Even though I don't play as an argonian due to there being no DPS benefit.
However I do remember when everyone was encouraging me to be an argonian due to the passive that gave back loads of resources, even when the other passives gave no benefit.
I just picked up Sharp-As-Night and I don't feel the need to have an Argonian character now.
No. There's not much left in the game that gives identity to anything anymore. It's a tiny bit of flavour to make each race a little bit different.
"Let's defend racials in the name of diversity and identity and ignore the fact that these features are making 9 out of 10 dd's a dunmer wearing dual daggers".
Pick a race with some race specific unique traits like resistances, swimming or sprinting speed, bonuses to professions or stealth etc, then pick a backgroung which gives you various combat bonuses to create a cool and unique character to journey on Tamriel.
The meta liking one specific setup doesn't mean anything other than that's what the meta is. Right now, it's Dunmer, DK, DW with inferno backbar, wearing Relequen and something else (sorry, I don't DPS so I don't remember the exact meta right now). Before, it was Oakensorcs with Storm Master and Sergeant's with lighting staves. I'm sure we've got Arcanists coming in with Velothi. Go figure that if there exists a Best in Slot, that people who want to be the top of the top will need to play the Best in Slot."Let's defend racials in the name of diversity and identity and ignore the fact that these features are making 9 out of 10 dd's a dunmer wearing dual daggers".
VaranisArano wrote: »No. There's not much left in the game that gives identity to anything anymore. It's a tiny bit of flavour to make each race a little bit different.
"Let's defend racials in the name of diversity and identity and ignore the fact that these features are making 9 out of 10 dd's a dunmer wearing dual daggers".
This quite pinpoints the tension between the single player RPGs of the Elder Scrolls vs the MMO-style end game that has a meta.
Both are true.
Racial passives do give a unique gameplay-based identity to the different races, which fits well wirh role-playing and what many TES players want from the series' lore and gameplay (see complaints about Bosmer and Argonian passive changes not making sense based on past lore.)
Min-maxing, meta following MMO players who're more concerned about the stats than the roleplay are naturally going flock to the one meta choice, no matter how many options they're given.
Like, here's a non-combat example: there was one player complaining that they felt pigeonholed into playing Khajiit for thieving because of the extra 5% pickpocket and 2m stealth bonus.
Unless racial passives are made completely inconsequential (to the disappointment of roleplayers and fans of TES racial passives) there's always going to be someone who's not happy that they have to pick a certain race to get certain stats.
9 dual dagger-wielding dunmer out of 10 damage dealers isn't saying as much about the state of racial passives. It's just saying that 9 out of 10 damage dealers would swap to dual axe-wielding Redguards if that's how the meta winds shifted.
I've got soooo may great Argonian names on the backburner, but can't justify using them. Recently made an Argonian named "Funk-Soul-Brother" and I'll tell ya I wanna play him, but again... The deeps.
While I can see how people might think of this as lore unfriendly, if ZOS wants to defend their idea of "play how you want" then by all accounts no player ever should be forced to choose a certain race to play a certain way or fill a specific role efficiently.
Some people say racial passives don't make that much of a difference... well, they do. They really do.
Just because they're not noticeable while RP'ing in overland wonderland doesn't mean the differences aren't there, and for the actualy serious stuff in the game, the passive differences are huge.
So yeah, we need this.
VaranisArano wrote: »No. There's not much left in the game that gives identity to anything anymore. It's a tiny bit of flavour to make each race a little bit different.
"Let's defend racials in the name of diversity and identity and ignore the fact that these features are making 9 out of 10 dd's a dunmer wearing dual daggers".
This quite pinpoints the tension between the single player RPGs of the Elder Scrolls vs the MMO-style end game that has a meta.
Both are true.
Racial passives do give a unique gameplay-based identity to the different races, which fits well wirh role-playing and what many TES players want from the series' lore and gameplay (see complaints about Bosmer and Argonian passive changes not making sense based on past lore.)
Min-maxing, meta following MMO players who're more concerned about the stats than the roleplay are naturally going flock to the one meta choice, no matter how many options they're given.
Like, here's a non-combat example: there was one player complaining that they felt pigeonholed into playing Khajiit for thieving because of the extra 5% pickpocket and 2m stealth bonus.
Unless racial passives are made completely inconsequential (to the disappointment of roleplayers and fans of TES racial passives) there's always going to be someone who's not happy that they have to pick a certain race to get certain stats.
9 dual dagger-wielding dunmer out of 10 damage dealers isn't saying as much about the state of racial passives. It's just saying that 9 out of 10 damage dealers would swap to dual axe-wielding Redguards if that's how the meta winds shifted.
And don't think roleplayers or TES fans care about combat bonuses, they will always going to pick the race they like or played in the main titles and just ignore the racials. My point still stands combat bonuses should be removed or converted into another system (sw damage boost, crit damage boost, healing boost etc.) TES lore does not support them and most roleplayers and casuals just don't care about them, while flavor bonuses should stay where they are because they are part of the lore.
If you want to be stealthy pick a bosmer (LOL), if you want to swim faster pick argonian, if you want some fire resistance pick dunmer etc. That's how it should be, it's part of the lore, but no player should be pigeonholed into certain roles or playstyles based on their choice of race, especially when the entire tes franchise is about freedom and do whatever you want.
And race choice in mmos should never be a meta. If it is then something is poorly designed.
While I can see how people might think of this as lore unfriendly, if ZOS wants to defend their idea of "play how you want" then by all accounts no player ever should be forced to choose a certain race to play a certain way or fill a specific role efficiently.
Some people say racial passives don't make that much of a difference... well, they do. They really do.
Just because they're not noticeable while RP'ing in overland wonderland doesn't mean the differences aren't there, and for the actualy serious stuff in the game, the passive differences are huge.
So yeah, we need this.