Account data to a new PC

I am currently awaiting a new pc bought specifically for eso. Ive started playing on my current desktop but was wondering if/how i will be able to transfer saved data to the new one. I cannot test if its as simple as loggimg in or do i need to transfer files. Thank you.
  • Kaspar
    yes... it's quite easy.
  • riino44
    T guess thats comforting...if anyone knows how exactly id appreciate it as there is no info on forums, reddit etc. Thank you
  • Kaspar
    All your saved data is stored server side...
  • Saerydoth
    To access your characters on a new PC, you install the client, then log in. All of the data is stored on the server, the only thing that's stored on your PC are things like graphics settings.
  • riino44
    Thank you Kaspars & Saer
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